Name ______
Date ______
Period ______
Ch. 2 Cornell Notes
Answer the questions on the left in the spaces on the right. It is NOT necessary to use complete sentences - be as brief as possible while still completing your thoughts.
BRIEFLY describe Mono Lake.
What was the concern about Mono Lake when Los Angeles started diverting stream water?
Why did the courts order LA to stop diverting the water?
BRIEFLY describe the current state of Mono Lake (make only 2-3 statements)
Sketch the Mono Lake food chain. Show at least 3 top predators.
List 3 things that “science is....”
When was the scientific method developed, and by whom?
Write 2 comparisons between “Everyday Life” and “Science” that YOU find interesting.
What criterion is used to decide if a statement is in the realm of science?
What 2 kinds of failures regarding the scientific method are illustrated by the story of crop circles in England?
BRIEFLY summarize the assumptions of science.
Define deductive reasoning and give 1 example.
Define inductive reasoning and give 1 example.
How is proof through inductive reasoning different from deductive reasoning?
In what ways are measurements limited?
What are the 2 sources of uncertainty for all measurements?
What is meant by the terms accuracy and precision?
How does the text define a hypothesis?
When should a hypothesis be rejected?
What are the 2 types of variables?
Which type of variable is controlled by the experimenter?
Why do all other variables need to be kept constant?
Why is it important to establish observational definitions prior to beginning an experiment?
Give 2 examples of qualitative data.
Give 2 examples of quantitative data.
Why have lots of people suggested planting more trees to help reduce the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere? Why might it not work as well as they thought?
Why are models often revised or replaced?
What are the first and last steps of the scientific method detailed on pg. 28?
What is the role of creativity in science?
What is a scientific theory, and how is that concept different than a theory described in everyday language?
What should happen when discrepancies between observations and accepted theories become extreme?
How does science affect technology?
How does technology affect science?
Why is it unrealistic to expect science to be completely objective?
If absolute objectivity is impossible, why bother to even try to be objective in science?
What makes something pseudoscience?
List 3 factors that make research more complicated in environmental science than in other some sciences?
Describe a California condor.
How many California condors were found in the 1970’s?
Why were all known condors captured and put into captive breeding programs in the 1990’s?
How many condors are there today?
BRIEFLY describe the BWCA.
How was historical data be used to support a hypothesis about forest fires in the BWCA?
How can major natural catastrophes be beneficial to environmental scientists?
Why should we carefully monitor the environment to learn from natural catastrophes?
What problems may arise by following the simplified steps of decision making?
Describe some of the factors that complicate environmental decision making.
Why does the book state it is important to educate those in government and business about science as well?
What does the book state is the essence of science?
List at least 5 of the things the authors hope you will do as you learn environmental science.
Paraphrase at least 4 of the questions you should ask when evaluating media coverage.