CGU4U – AP Human Geography Current Events Journal CSANAME:

Purpose: The objective is for you to obtain an increased awareness of world and geographic events in the news and to make connections between the course content and the real world. To accomplish this objective, you will find 8 articles or other accredited media sources (news clip etc.) during each unit and submit a completed Current Events Media Journal approximately two weeks prior to AP exam, April 2013. A check in will occur for each unit to include feedback and ensure completion of tasks.This assignment will be worth 10 % or your final CGU4U mark. See rubric criteria for evaluation details!


  1. Articles or media sources must be the original form from a newspaper, magazine, journal or media sources. It may come from a recognized Internet news source such as CBC, National Geographic, CNN, etc., or by approval of the teacher.
  1. All articles or sources must pertain to the units of study; topics, concepts or terms.
  1. The date and source of the article must be included in your presentation with the article/source embedded. Sources may not be collected prior to the start of the unit. A minimum of 1 article/source for each calendar month is required; please refer to rubric for details.
  1. There is no minimum length for the articles or sources.
  1. Articles should be neatly compiled into your choice of presentation journal;either blog, website creation( is highly recommended!) or other relevant media. You will need to share your findings with your classmates during our AP exam review to reinforce unit concepts.
  1. If in doubt as to whether or not an article meets the requirements, check with the teacher.

Journal Format:

Journal entries must contain at least TWO paragraphs discussing the following:

  1. Paragraph 1 should be a concise summary of the article.
  2. Paragraph2 should analyze the concepts in the article using Human

Geography concepts and vocabulary. What does the article have to do with Human Geography, or how can Human Geography help you analyze the article?

Analysis Questions:

  1. State the title of the article, date, and source.
  2. Give a brief summary of the article.
  3. Are there any controversies surrounding this article? If so, briefly state it.
  4. State your perspective on this news article based on your own personal knowledge of the topic and your reading of this article.
  5. How does this article relate to the units that we will be studying?


Culmination Summary Unit RUBRIC:NAME: ______

Criteria / Level 1
(50-59%) / Level 2
(60-69%) / Level 3
(70-79%) / Level 4
(80-100%) / EVALUTAITON
Thinking/ Understanding
- evidence of understanding of the issue(s)
- effective use of supporting information
Did you clearly show your understanding of the issues presented in the article? / - little evidence of understanding of issue(s)
- little evidence of supporting information / - some evidence of understanding of issue(s)
- some use of supporting information / - considerable evidence of understanding of issues
- effective use of supporting information / - thorough understanding of issue(s)
- highly effective use of supporting information / ------/4 x 8
Does your article represent a serious and meaningful resource on geographic issues?
Does it show you have gathered information independently on an important geographic topic? / - uses critical
thinking processes, planning skills, and processing skills
with a high degree of
effectiveness / - uses critical
thinking processes, planning skills, and processing skills
with considerable
effectiveness / - uses critical
thinking processes, planning skills, and processing skills
with some
effectiveness / - uses critical
thinking processes, planning skills, and processing skills
with limited
effectiveness / ------/4 x 8
- clarity of expression of ideas
- appropriate word use and geographic vocabulary
- evidence of overall structure (introduction, body, conclusion)
Is your writing extremely well organized, well-articulated, and carefully expressed?
Have you observed proper conventions of English? / - little clarity of expression of ideas
- little evidence of appropriate word use and geographic vocabulary
- limited evidence of overall structure and organization / - some clarity of expression of ideas
- some evidence of appropriate word use and geographic vocabulary
- some evidence of structure and organization / - considerable clarity of expression of ideas
- appropriate word use and geographic vocabulary
- considerable evidence of structure and organization / - a high degree of clarity of expression of ideas
- appropriate and effective word use and geographic vocabulary
- highly effective structure and organization / ------/4 x 8
- uses oral and visual communi-cation skills effectively
Have you organized an appropriate way to communicate your journal via appropriate technology and media formats? / - uses oral and visual communication skills with limited effectiveness / - uses oral and visual communication skills with some effectiveness / - uses oral and visual communication skills with considerable effectiveness / - uses oral and visual communication skills in a highly-effective manner / ------/4 x 8
- evaluates the positions of different groups effectively and connects to the course content.
Have you clearly made connections between our day-to-day work and the resource you have found?
Have your shown why this issue is important / - evaluates the positions of different groups with limited effectiveness and lacks connections to course content / - evaluates the positions of different groups with some effectiveness and rarely makes connections to course content / - evaluates the positions of different groups with considerable effectiveness and makes connections to course content / - evaluates the positions of different groups with a high degree of effectiveness and makes solid connections to course content / ------/4 x 8
TOTA / /160

DUE DATES (subjected to change!)

UNIT# 1: Geography: Its Nature and Perspectives – OCT. 12

Unit # 2: Population & Migration– OCT. 30

Unit # 3: Cultural Patterns and Process – NOV. 30

Unit # 4: Political Organization of Space – DEC/Jan

Unit # 5: Agriculture and Rural Land use – FEB/March

Unit # 6: Industrialization and Economic Development – MARCH

Unit # 7: Cities and Urban Land Use– APR

Unit # 8: Resource Issues– MAY