CGC1PLandform Regions PostersNames: ______
In assigned groups students will create posters for display in the class regarding the various
7 Landform regions of Canada. The regions to select from are as follows:
Appalachian, Great Lakes-St. LawrenceLowlands, Canadian Shield, Interior Plains, Western Cordillera, Arctic, Innuition
The posters should be created in a similar layout as the example, but feel free to create your own version of a poster if you want. Each section your cover should be a separate page which you glue to your poster. I will provide the poster boards, you just need to format and create the information to add to it on Wednesday. You can use the information in the text to supply everything you need for your poster, as well as the internet to ‘fill in’ any missing information. Use your region’s name as the keyword search in Google, Yahoo or any other search engine. PLEASE remember to put the information in your own words!!!
Ask about or look up ‘odd’ terminology and simplify the explanation to make it ‘make sense’! As well, if you have any troubles formatting a Word document, please let me know and I will give you a hand with the ‘visual organization’ of your poster.
Some of the ideas you should include:
The map:
Shade in your region on a map of Canada
Locate the major cities in your region
Timeline of formation:
You might want to create a visual timeline of the formation of your region.
Identify when was the region created?
Have any other significant events occurred in the region?
How long did this region take to form?
How it was formed:
What process created your region? (volcanism, erosion and deposition, tectonic activity (collisions)…)???
Describe the key events involved in the region’s formation.
Include a Diagram of this regions formation
-Provide an accurate clean image of the folding, faulting, volcanism or sedimentary layers
Include a diagram of relevant plate tectonic activity and or landforms involved
Describe the Physical Geography of the region (What it looks like today):
Is it mountainous, flat, hilly?
Type of material the region is made of (rocks, dirt, soils?)
Examples of vegetation or wildlife found in the region
Describe the Human Geography of the region:
Read the ‘Green Section in the text’ for you region
Who lives there? Name at least 3 cities in your region
What are the main industries?
Research Skills(TI):-observations of ‘research skills’(learning skills assessment)
Poster:-all of the final evaluation is on the poster presentation
(Comm, KU/App.)all members of the group must participate in some form
-visualsmust be used
Criteria: / Level 1(50% - 59%) / Level 2 (60% - 69%) / Level 3(70% - 79%) / Level 4(80% - 100%)Knowledge/ Application
identify various components of selected geographic issues / identifies various components providing limited information / identifies various components providing some information / identifies various components providing considerable information / identifies various components providing thorough information
communicate concepts and visual information effectively / communicates concepts and visual information with limited effectiveness / communicates concepts and visual information with some effectiveness / communicates concepts and visual information with considerable effectiveness / communicates concepts and visual information with a high degree of effectiveness
Thinking and Inquiry
demonstrates research and inquiry skills / demonstrates research and inquiry skills with limited effectiveness / demonstrates research and inquiry skills with some effectiveness / demonstrates research and inquiry skills with considerable effectiveness / demonstrates research and inquiry skills with a high degree of effectiveness
*** include any other pictures or visuals that you think will ‘spice up’ your poster!!!
_____(your region’s name here)______
CGC1P Landform Regions Poster Project
Timeline of Formation:
CGC1P Landform Regions Poster Project
CGC1P Landform Regions Poster Project
CGC1P Landform Regions Poster Project