CGC1P Map Unit Test – Oct 5th, 2009

These questions will help you prepare for the test. Map skills require you to

re-try all the worksheets we gave you.

Staring at the sheets the night before will not help you at all!

Happy Studying

Unit 1 – Map Skills (Your Geographic Toolbox)

Introduction to geography and Canada

- Can you name all 10 provinces and 3 territories? “Be ASweet Monkey On Queen Na Na Na’s PrettyExcitingIsland ~ Your Nice Nanny~”

- Can you name all 13 capitals?

Elements of map making

- What are the four essential items on a map?

Map symbols

- What are the three different types of symbols? Can you give some examples of each?

Compass direction and bearing

- Draw the compass rose and include all cardinal, ordinal and subordinal points. Practice the worksheets where you had to find the opposite and mid-way compass points

- What does compass bearing mean? Can you give the bearing for the cardinal and ordinal points of the compass?

Map grids (alpha numeric, military map, longitude/latitude, time zones)

- What does an alpha numeric map grid look? What is the trick to reading these maps?

- What does a military map grid look like? What is the trick to reading these maps? Practice your worksheets

- Define latitude and longitude.

- Practice the worksheets that ask you to give the latitude and longitude

- What do you find at 180 and 0 degrees longitude? At 0 degrees latitude?

- How many time zones are there in Canada? Can you name them all? “Peter’s Mother Cooks ExcellentAsianNoodles”

- What is special about Newfoundland time?

- Which time zone is Ottawa in?

- Practice locating your capital cities of Canada. Which time zone are all 13 capital cities in?

- Please practice the worksheets with time zone questions

a)if it is 2pm in Regina, what time is it in Halifax?

b)If it is 8am in Halifax, what time is it in Edmonton

c)If the Grey Cup is starting at 2pm Pacific time, what time should you turn on your television

d)The Santa Claus parade is starting in Toronto at 11am. At what time should you watch it?

Scale (line, representative fraction and direct statement)

- Practice using the line/bar scale (you have lots of worksheets)

- Practice the direct statement scale

a)If the scale is 1cm to 10km, how long is a 3 cm line in real life?

b)If the scale is 1 cm to 3000 m, how long is a 11 cm line is real life?

Types of Maps (thematic, topographic and road maps)

- what do each of these maps look like?

Contour lines and topography

- What are contour lines for? What colour are they?

- What is a contour interval?

- What is the definition of elevation?

- How are steep areas shown? How are gentle areas shown?