Settlements & Billing / Version: 5.43
Configuration Guide for: Metered Demand Over TAC Area and CPM / Date:0712/2418/154 052112/270124/165

Settlements & Billing

Configuration Guide:Metered Demand Over TAC Area And CPM


Version 5.43

CAISO, 2018 / Page 1 of 120
Settlements & Billing / Version: 5.43
Configuration Guide for: Metered Demand Over TAC Area and CPM / Date:0712/2418/154 052112/270124/165

Table of Contents

1.Purpose of Document




3.Charge Code Requirements

3.1Business Rules

3.2Predecessor Charge Codes

3.3Successor Charge Codes

3.4Inputs – External Systems

3.5Inputs - Predecessor Charge Codes or Pre-calculations


3.7Output Requirements

4.Charge Code Effective Dates

1.Purpose of Document

The purpose of this document is to capture the requirements and design specification for a Charge Code in one document.



The Interim Capacity Procurement Mechanism (ICPM) has provided an orderly, pre-approved means for the ISO to procure backstop capacity where and when needed to meet Reliability Criteria or otherwise maintain reliable grid operations. The ICPM expires at midnight on March 31, 2011.

The Capacity Procurement Mechanism (The ICPM is replaced by the Capacity Procurement Mechanism (CPM) effective April 1, 2011. The CPM) iswillcontinue intended to serve as a backstop means to address instances when Resource Adequacy (RA) Resourcesare not capacity is insufficient to meet all of the operational needs of the ISO and enable it to meet reliability criteria. This mayA RA shortfall may occur as a result of Load Serving Entities (LSEs) failing to comply with RA requirements, LSEs procuring sufficient resources to meet their RA requirements established by Local Regulatory Authorities but not meeting all of the ISO’s specific reliability needs, or unforeseen or changed circumstances affecting system conditions or grid operations. In particular, this backstop mechanism is needed to address significant operational requirements facing the ISO in the near future as a result of the integration of large amounts of variable energy resources.

The CPM retains key features of the ICPM, with several changes and additional enhancements, as follows:

1A new CPM procurement category for resources at risk of retirement that the ISO has determined will be needed for reliability during the following year;

2The addition of two criteria the ISO can consider in selecting capacity for a CPM designation or Exceptional Dispatch from eligible resources that will allow ISO operators to exercise a preference for non-use-limited over use-limited resources and to consider each resource’s operating characteristics;

3Adjustment of CPM compensation when a CPM resource becomes unavailable during the CPM procurement period due to a maintenance outage;

4An Exceptional Dispatch CPM designation may be issued for an Exceptional Dispatch CPM System Reliability Need or an Exceptional Dispatch CPM Non-System Reliability Need. An Exceptional Dispatch CPM System Reliability Need has a term of 30 days and is defined as the existence of a reliability issue where resolution does not require a resource to be in a specific geographic area with the ISO balancing authority area, which may include, but is not limited to, a forced outage of a major transmission line or a forced outage at a large generating unit. An Exceptional Dispatch CPM Non-System Reliability Need has a term of 60 days and is defined as the existence of a reliability issue where resolution depends on a resource in a specific geographic area within the CAISO Balancing Authority Area, which may include, but is not limited to, a local reliability area, zone, or region.If the CAISO determines that the circumstances that led to the Exceptional Dispatch CPM are likely to extend beyond the initial 30-day or 60-day period, the CAISO will issue an Exceptional Dispatch CPM or other CPM designation for an additional period the same length as the initial term.

5On February 16, 2012, the fixed CPM Capacity price of $67.50/kW-year became effective and will remain in effect for two years. On February 16, 2014, the fixed CPM Capacity price will increase by five percent and the effective price will be $70.88/kW-year, which will remain in effect for two years until February 16, 2016.

For the CPM Allocation, ISO Tariff Sections 43.8.1 through 43.8.7 establish the method for allocating the costs of CPM capacity payments for each category of CPM designation. The allocation method for each CPM category is as follows:

1For insufficient Local Capacity Area Resources in an annual or a monthly RA Plan, the CPM costs are allocated pro rata to each Scheduling Coordinator for a deficient LSE based on the ratio of that LSE’s deficiency to the deficiency within the TAC area.

2For a collective deficiency of Local Capacity Area Resources in an annual RA Plan, the CPM costs are allocated to all Scheduling Coordinators of LSEs serving load and Demand from other Resources (e.g., NGR) in the TAC area in which the deficient local capacity area was located.

3For insufficient RA resources to comply with an LSE’s annual and monthly demand and reserve margin requirements, the CPM cost allocation is made pro rata to each LSE based on the proportion of its deficiency to the aggregate deficiency.

4For a significant event, Exceptional Dispatch, or resource at risk of retirement CPM, the costs are allocated to all Scheduling Coordinators for LSEs that serve load and Demand from other Resources (e.g., NGR) in the TAC area where the need for the designation arose, based on each Scheduling Coordinator’s percentage of actual load and Demand from other Resources (e.g., NGR) in the TAC area to total load and Demand from other Resources (e.g., NGR) in that area.


The Metered Demand Over TAC Area and CPM Pre-Calculation provides outputs to various CAISO charge codes. The outputs present The Metered Demand Over TAC Area And CPM Pre-Calculation determines the Mmetered CAISO dDemand (minus qualified TOR quantity) [see notes in rule 2.2.2 of CC7896] allocation breakdown by TAC Area(s) (minus qualified TORs)and CPM type,, the CPM payment quantity, CPM charge allocation factors, and CPM availability percentages for the settlement of CPM Capacity, the CPM settlement price and the overall CPM charge allocation amount. Its outputs can be used as inputs for any CAISO charge code which requires allocations over metered demand for various TAC Areas or TAC Area combinations, such as the Monthly CPM charge codes. In additionAdditionally, theis pre-calculation will also produce calculate the Supplemental Revenue for CPM metered demand allocation ratio by TAC Area or a combination of TAC Areas, the CPM availability percentages and forced outage factor, and the CPM Settlement price. CAISO Metered Demand is calculated on a Trading Month basis for each combination of Exceptional Dispatch Type of procured CPM capacitycases where a resource declines an Exceptional Dispatch CPM Capacity designation of available non-RA capacity.,

CPM capacity dispatch period during a Trading Month, and TAC area for which charges associated with CPM capacity payments should be allocated. The following table relates the Exceptional Dispatch Type and TAC Area(s) to which CPM charges are allocated for any given CPM capacity dispatch:

CPM Exceptional Dispatch Type / TAC Areas Allocated CPM Charges
FRDEF / Deficient RA Plan

3.Charge Code Requirements

3.1Business Rules

Bus Req ID / Business Rule
1.01.0 / This pre-calculation will calculate CAISO Mmetered Ddemandover the variousby TAC Areasand and TAC Area combinations on hourly, daily, and monthly basesCPM capacity type for each Business Associate to determine the CAISO Metered Demand for each TAC Area associated with each CPM type of CPM capacity that CAISO awarded to the Business Associate or designated the Business Associate to provide. The dailyand monthly metered demand will also be shown summed over all Business Associates and TAC Areas BAs toat the CAISO level to present the CAISO Metered Demand by Exceptional Dispatch Energy type.
2.02.0 / Outputs will also includeprovideavailability percentages, prices and metered demand to be outputted into the monthly CPM charge codes which requirethat performvarious allocations over one or multiple more TAC Areas.
2.1 / Metered demand quantities will exclude metered demand for which a Transmission OwnershipObligation Rights (TOR) contract has been applied to the Load schedule, up to the source-sink balanced portion of the contract.
3.0 / Offers of capacity to a Competitive Solicitation Process (CSP) shall contain a single price denoted in units of $/kW-month.
3.1 / The price offered into a CSP shall not be less than zero.
3.2 / Offer prices are subject to the CPM Soft Offer Cap of $6.31/kW-month ($75.68/kW-year).
3.2.1 / CPM Capacity shall not be compensated by the CAISO at a rate higher than the CPM Soft Offer Cap unless a Resource Owner of Eligible Capacity makes the required resource-specific cost filing with FERC and FERC approves the filing.
4.0 / Scheduling Coordinators representing resources receiving payment for a CPM designation shall receive a monthly CPM Capacity Payment for each month of CPM designation equal to the product of the kW-month of designated CPM Capacity and the CPM Capacity price per kW-month (based on the capacity’s CSP bid, the CPM Soft Offer Cap, or the resource-specific CPM rate authorized by FERC, as applicable), with a deduction pro-rated for days the capacity was Committed RA Capacity other than CPM Capacity..
Furthermore, thatThe CPM Capacity designated to respond to a CPM Significant Event or an Exceptional Dispatch CPM shall receive payment based proportionately on the actual number of days the resource was designated as CPM Capacity during the month to the total number of days in the month.
4.1 / The CPM Capacity Payment shall receive a deduction pro-rated for days the capacity was Committed RA Capacity other than CPM Capacity.
The deduction shall be made on the CPM Capacity for days the capacity was Committed RA Capacity other than CPM Capacity.
4.2 / CPM Capacity designated to respond to a CPM Significant Event or an Exceptional Dispatch CPM shall receive payment based proportionately on the actual number of days the resource was designated as CPM Capacity during the month to the total number of days in the month.
3.0 / A resource with simultaneous or overlapping designations of CPM and CPM Flexible Capacity shall be paid based on the highest MW amount of either designation for the period in which the designations overlap.
3.1 / For overlapping CPM capacity, the resource’s CPM settlement shall be reflected in the Flexible CPM charge code.
3.2 / For a resource with more than two concurrent CPM designations, where one of these designations is for Flexible CPM, the overlapping capacity shall be proportionate to the generic RA CPM deisngations.
4.0 / For a resource with concurrent CPM designations, where one of these designations is for Flexible CPM, the cost allocation shall be proportionate to the deficiency MW from both the generic and flexible resource adequacy capacity.

3.2Predecessor Charge Codes

Charge Code/ Pre-calc Name
Pre-calculation – Measured Demand over Control Area Pre-Calculation
Pre-calculation – Real Time Price
Pre-calculation – Resource Adequacy Availability Incentive Mechanism
CC 6470 – Real Time Instructed Imbalance Energy Settlement
CC 6482 – Real Time Excess Cost for Instructed Energy Settlement
CC 7872 – Monthly CPM Significant Event Settlement
CC 7874 – Monthly CPM Insufficient Local Capacity Area Resources Settlement
CC 7876 – Monthly CPM Collective Deficiency Settlement
CC 7880 – Monthly CPM Exceptional Dispatch Settlement
CC 7882 – Monthly CPM Capacity at Risk of Retirement Settlement
CC 7884 – Monthly CPM Insufficient Resource Adequacy Resources Settlement
CC 7886 –Monthly CPM Flexible Resource Adequacy Resources Settlement

3.3Successor Charge Codes

Charge Code/ Pre-calc Name
CC 6482 – Real Time Excess Cost for Instructed Energy Settlement
CC 6488 – Exceptional Dispatch Uplift Settlement
CC 789172 – Monthly CPM Significant Event Settlement
CC 789673 – Monthly CPM Significant Event Allocation
CC 7874 – Monthly CPM Insufficient Local Capacity Area Resources Settlement
CC 7876 – Monthly CPM Collective Deficiency Settlement
CC 7877 – Monthly CPM Collective Deficiency Allocation
CC 7880 – Monthly CPM Exceptional Dispatch Settlement
CC 7882 – Monthly CPM Capacity at Risk of Retirement Settlement
CC 7883 – Monthly CPM Capacity at Risk of Retirement Allocation
CC 7884 – Monthly CPM Insufficient Resource Adequacy Resources Settlement
CC 7881 – Monthly CPM Exceptional Dispatch Allocation
CC 7883 – Monthly CPM Capacity at Risk of Retirement Allocation

3.4Inputs – External Systems

Row # / Variable Name / Description
1 / RealTimeGenericCPMCapacityQty BrtF’S’mdh / Real time generic CPM capacity (in MW).
621.0 / BAHourlyResourceCPMCapacityDesignatedQty BrtOUU’k’vmdhBrto’UU’k’vvmdh / Hourly CPM Capacity MW Designation quantity (in MW)
72.0 / BAMonthlyDeficientRAPlanQty Bo’OUU’vm / The RA Capacity deficient in an SCs RA plan by TAC Area that shall be allocated a portion of the specified CPM designation.
83.0 / 9BAMonthlyResourceCPMDailyShapingFactor BrtOUU’m
11 / 12The actual number of days the resource was designated as CPM Capacity during the Billing Month and available to the CAISO to the total number of days in the Month.
134.0 / 14BAHourlyResourceCPMForcedOutageCapacityQty Brtmdh
15 / 16Hourly CPM Forced Outage Capacity MW
175.0 / 18BAHourlyResourceCPMPlannedOutageCapacityQty Brtmdh
19 / 20Hourly CPM Planned or Maintenance Outage Capacity MW
3 / BAMonthlyResourceCPMFERCApprovedPriceBAMonthlyResourceFERCApprovedCPMPrice Brtm / Monthly resource-specific CPM Capacity price (in $ / kW-month), as approved by FERC.
4 / BAMonthlyHourlyResourceCSPMPBidPrice Brto’UU’k’mdh / The price (in $ / MkW-month) at which available capacity for CPM of CPM Type o’ is being offered for a resource and monthTrading Hour into a Competitive Solicitation Process k’. The monthly price will be the offer price for theapply to each Trading Hour of a Trading Day that lies within the CPM capacity designation period Trading Month in which the CPM designation period begins (as denoted by the CPM designation period start dateCPM designation period start date U’ and end date U)
2156.0 / CAISOMonthlyYearlyCPMCPMCapacityPaymentSoftOfferCapPrice y m / This Price is tThe annual effective fixed CPM Capacity Soft Offer price Cap (in $ / kkW-month) to which the price of capacity offered into a Competitive Solicitation Process is subject.per kW-year in accordance with Section 43.7.1.The price cap is initially set to $6.31/kW-month (($75.68/kkW-year) and is subject to update per Tariff section 43A. defined in the Tariff.
BAMonthlyResourceCSPBidPrice Brtk’UU’k’m / The price (in $ / kkW-month) at which capacity is being offered for a resource and month into a Competitive Solicitation Process k’. The monthly price will be the offer price for the Trading Month in which the designation period begins (as denoted by the CPM designation period start date U’)
227.0 / 23BAMonthlyResourceCPMAvailabilityFOFactor BrtOUU’m
25 / 26The relevant CPM Availability Factor for Forced Outages as determined in accordance with Appendix F, Schedule 6 of the CAISO Tariff, for a resourceandTrading Month.
27This is calculated within a View and outputted as BAMonthlyResourceCPMAvailabilityFOCalculatedFactor BrtOUU’m during the
28Settlement Calculation.
298.0 / 30BAYearlyResourceSpecificCPMFERCApprovedPrice BAMonthlyResourceSpecificCPMFERCApprovedPrice Brty Brtm
31 / 32Yearly Monthly resource-specific CPM Capacity price as approved by FERC.
6 / BADailyResourceDeclinedExceptionalDispatchCPMFlag BrtUU’k’md / A flag (1/blank) that indicates, when it = 1, that the resource has declined an Excpetional Dispatch CPM capacity designation for the specified , Trading Day and CPM designation period (denoted by U and U’) in association with Competitive Solicitation Process k’.
BADailyResourceDeclinedCPMQty BrtOUU’k’md / Non-RA capacity (in MW) for which a resource declined an Exceptional Dispatch CPM capacity designtation for the specified Trading Day and CPM designation period (denoted by U and U’) in association with Competitive Solicitation Process k.
BAMonthlyNumberofDaysinMonth ym / Number of days in a Trading Month for a given Trading Year.
BAHourlyDailyResourceDeclinedExceptionalDispatchCPMFlag BrtOUU’k’mdh / A flag (1/blank) that indicates, when it = 1, that the resource has declined an Excpetional Dispatch CPM capacity designation for the specified Trading DayHour and CPM designation period (denoted by U and U’) in association with Competitive Solicitation Process k.
7 / FMMExceptionalDispatchIIENonDEBBidQuantity BrtuT’ObI’AA’Q’M’R’W’F’S’VL’Pmdhcif BrtObmdhcif BrtuT’ObI’Q’M’AA’R’W’F’S’VL’PmdhcifBASettlementIntervalResourceFMMNonRAEDQty BrtObmdhcif / Exceptional Dispatch Energy (in MWh) dispatched in FMM through RTPD from non-RA capacity ffor the specified bid segment and Settlement Interval as mapped from the resource-’sprovided Real-Time Energy bid curve..
8 / FMMExceptionalDispatchIIENonDEBBidPrice BrtObmdhcif / Price for FMM Exceptional Dispatch IIE ($/MWh).
One of the following: (1) Bid, (2) the Default Energy Bid, (3) negotiated price, or (4) calculated price.The input does not represent the lower oconsiderf the Exceptional Dispatch Bid Price theand DEB Bid Price for the FMM Exceptional Dispatch IIE.
9 / BASettlementIntervalResourceFMMDEBNonRAEDExceptionalDispatchDEBQty BrtuT’ObI’AA’Q’M’R’W’F’S’VL’PmdhcifBrtObmdhcif / Exceptional Dispatch Energy (in MWh) dispatched in the FMM from non-RA capacity for the specified DEB bid segment and Settlement Interval.
FMMExceptionalDispatchIIEPrice BrtObmdhcif / Price for FMM Exceptional Dispatch IIE ($/MWh)
BASettlementIntervalResourceFMMDEBNonRAEDQty BrtObmdhcif / Exceptional Dispatch Energy (in MWh) dispatched in the FMM from non-RA capacity for the specified DEB bid segment and Settlement Interval.
BASettlementIntervalResourceFMMDEBBasedNonRAEDQty BrtObmdhcif / Exceptional Dispatch Energy (in MWh) dispatched in the FMM from non-RA capacity for the specified DEB bid segment and Settlement Interval.
10 / BASettlementIntervalResourceFMMExceptionalDispatchDEBPrc FMMExceptionalDispatchIIEDefaultEnergyBidPrice BrtObmdhcifFMMExceptionalDispatchIIEDefaultEnergyBidPrice BrtuT’bI’M’VL’W’R’F’S’mdhcif / Bid price (in $ / MWh) of FMM Exceptional Dispatch IIE Energy dispatched in the RTM for the specified DEB bid segment and Settlement Interval.
FMMLMP BrtuM’mdhc / FMM LMP associated with resource ($/MWh)
DefaultOptimalEnergyBidBasedPrice BrtuT’bI’M’VL’W’R’F’S’mdhcif / Bid price (in $ / MWh) of IIE Energy dispatched in the RTM for the specified DEB bid segment and Settlement Interval.
11 / ExceptionalDispatchIIENonDEBBidQuantity BrtuT’ObI’AA’Q’M’R’W’F’S’VL’Pmdhcif BrtObmdhcif ExceptionalDispatchIIE BrtuT’ObI’Q’M’AA’R’W’F’S’VL’PmdhcifBASettlementIntervalResourceRTNonRAEDQty BrtObmdhcif / Exceptional Dispatch Energy (in MWh) dispatched through RTDin real timethrough RTD from non-RA capacity for the specified bid segment and Settlement Interval as mapped from the resource’s-provided Real-Time Energy bid curve.
ExceptionalDispatchIIEprice BrtObmdhcifExceptionalDispatchCleanBidPrice BrtObmdhcif / Market-submitted Bid Price (possibly negotiated) for Exceptional Dispatch IIE ($/MWh)
FMMLMP BrtuM’mdhc / FMM LMP associated with resource ($/MWh)
BASettlementIntervalResourceRTNonRAEDQty BrtObmdhcif / Exceptional Dispatch Energy (in MWh) dispatched through RTD from non-RA capacity for the specified bid segment and Settlement Interval.
12 / ExceptionalDispatchIIENonDEBBidPrice BrtObmdhcif / Price (in $/MWh) for Exceptional Dispatch IIE dispatched through RTD without consideration of the associated DEB price ($/MWh). The input does not represent the lower of the Exceptional Dispatch Bid Price and DEB Bid Price for the Exceptional Dispatch IIE.
One of the following: (1) Bid, (2) the Default Energy Bid, (3) negotiated price, or (4) calculated price. dispatched through RTD.
BASettlementIntervalResourceRTDEBNonRAEDQtyBASettlementIntervalResourceRTExceptionalDispatchDEBQty BrtObmdhcif / Exceptional Dispatch Energy (in MWh) dispatched through RTDin real time from non-RA capacity for the specified DEB segment and Settlement Interval.
13 / BASettlementIntervalResourceRTDExcRTExceptionalDispatchDEBQty BrtuT’ObI’AA’Q’M’R’W’F’S’VL’Pmdhcif / Exceptional Dispatch Energy (in MWh) dispatched through RTD for the specified DEB segment and Settlement Interval.
14 / ExceptionalDispatchIIEDefaultEnergyBidPrice BASettlementIntervalResourceRTExceptionalDispatchDEBPrc BrtObmdhcif / Bid price (in $ / MWh) of Exceptional Dispatch IIE Energy dispatched in real-time for the specified DEB segment and Settlement Interval.
BADailyResourceCPMCapacityTACAreaFlag Brto’UU’k’vmd / A flag (1, blank) indicator that associates the CPM type, TAC Area, CPM capacity designation period start date, and CPM capacity designation period end date (o’, v, U, U’, respectively) for designated CPM capacity related to CSP ID k’.
15 / DailyCPMDesignationTACAreadFlag o’UU’k’vmd / A flag (1, blank) indicator that associates the CPM type, TAC Area, CPM capacity designation period start date, and CPM capacity designation period end date (o’, v, U, U’, respectively) for designated CPM capacity related to CPM Transaction IDCSP ID k’ on the specified Trading Day.
BADailyResourceCPMCapacityTACAreaFlag Brto’UU’k’vmd / A flag (1, blank) indicator that associates the CPM type, TAC Area, CPM Capacity Designation PeriodCPM capacity designation period start date, and CPM Capacity Designation PeriodCPM capacity designation period end date (o’, v, U, U’, respectively) for designated CPM capacity related to CSP ID k’.
339.0 / 34BAHourlyResourceCPMRetroCompCapacityDesignatedQty BrtOUU’mdh
36 / 37Hourly CPM Retroactive Compensation Capacity MW Designation Quantity
3810.0 / 39BAMonthlyCPMMeteredTACAreaDemandMinusBalancedTORQty BOUU’vm / 40Monthly TAC Area Metered Load and Demand from other Resources (e.g., NGR) Quantity minus balanced TOR for a Business Associate.
41This is calculated within a View during the Settlements calculation. And outputted as BAMonthlyCPMMeteredTACAreaDemandMinusBalancedTORQuantity BOUU’vm
4211.0 / BAHourlyMeteredTACAreaAdditionalCapacityProcuredQty Bvmdh / Hourly TAC Area Metered Load and Demand from other Resources (e.g., NGR) Quantity minus balanced TOR for a Business Associate. This is the additional capacity procured in accordance with Tariff Section

3.5Inputs - Predecessor Charge Codes or Pre-calculations

Row # / Variable Name / Predecessor Charge Code/ Pre-calc Configuration / Description
11.0 / BAResource10MMeteredTACAreaDemandQuantity Brtvmdhi / Pre-calculation – Measured Demand over Control Area
Ten-Minute Metered Demand quantity (in MWh) for a resource
22.0 / BAResource10MTORContractMDBrtmdhi / Pre-calculation – Measured Demand over Control Area
Ten-Minute Metered Demand protected byTOR contract rights (that remain after the balancing of source and sink schedules having contract rights) for a resource. (in MWh)
3 / MonthlyObligationHoursQuantity m / Pre-calculation – Resource Adequacy Availability Incentive Mechanism
Total number of Trading Hours within a given Trading Month.
43.0 / SettlementIntervalRealTimeLMP BrtuM’mdhcif / Pre-calculation Real Time Price
Resource-sSpecific Settlement Interval RTD Locational Marginal Price (LMP) for Resource r. (in $/MWh)
5 / FMMIntervalLMPPrice BrtuM’mdhc / Pre-Calculation – Real Time Price
The FMM Interval Locational Marginal Price for Resource r. ($/MWh)
BAMonthlyResourceCPMSigEventCapacitySettlementAmount Brto’UU’m / CC 7872 – Monthly CPM Significant Event Settlement
BAMonthlyResourceCPMLocalCapacitySettlementAmount Brto’UU’m / CC 7874 – Monthly CPM Insufficient Local Capacity Area Resources Settlement
BAMonthlyResourceCPMColDefCapacitySettlementAmount Brto’UU’m / CC 7876 – Monthly CPM Collective Deficiency Settlement
BAMonthlyResourceCPMExcepDispCapacitySettlementAmount Brto’UU’m / CC 7880 – Monthly CPM Exceptional Dispatch Settlement
BAMonthlyResourceCPMRiskOfRetCapacitySettlementAmount Brto’UU’m / CC 7882 –Monthly CPM Capacity at Risk of Retirement Settlement
BAMonthlyResourceCPMInsufRACapacitySettlementAmount Brto’UU’m / CC 7884 – Monthly CPM Insufficient Resource Adequacy Resources Settlement
BAMonthlyResourceCPMFlexibleRACapacitySettlementAmount Brto’UU’m / CC 7886 –Monthly CPM Flexible Resource Adequacy Resources Settlement
4.0 / BASettlementIntervalResourceEDTotalRTMIIEExcessCostQuantity BASettlementIntervalResourceEDTotalRTMIIEExcessCostQuantity BrtOmdhcifBASettlementIntervalResourceEDExcessCostIIESettlementAmount BrtOmdhcif / CC 6482 – Real Time Excess Cost for Instructed Energy Settlement
Resource-specific Settlement Interval total Excess Cost IIE quantity by ED type.
3.0 / SettlementIntervalIIEAmount Brtmdhcif / CC 6470 – Real Time Instructed Imbalance Energy
The RTD IIE Settlement Amount for Resource r. (Total IIE Part 1 Amount, OA Amount, MSS IIE Amount, Residual IIE Amount, and Exceptional Dispatch Amounts) ($)
CAISO, 2018 / Page 1 of 120
Settlements & Billing / Version: 5.43
Configuration Guide for: Metered Demand Over TAC Area and CPM / Date:0712/2418/154 052112/270124/165