CFIP Project Number: / State Contract Number:

Supervision is a category to help landowners pay for the services of a consulting forester from project beginning to end. The objective is to improve the quality of the projects and to promptly complete projects. Supervision will involve forestry services of a Registered Professional Forester. The Project Description will list the specific responsibilities the RPF is engaged to provide. To satisfy this requirement, the RPF must complete this form. Responsibilities noted with an * are optional, all others required. RPF to check “Accept Responsibility” spaces provided as appropriate. Also complete this form, checking the appropriate boxes for “Items Completed” and include with CFIP Invoice, RM-14, when billing for supervision services.

Specific Responsibilities for Registered Professional Forester Supervision (Check appropriate item)

Accept Responsibility / Item

Site Preparation

1. Implement project description.
2. Recommend contractor to Participant.
3. Monitor, coordinate and recommend corrective actions to contractor.
4. Field inspect project during and after work completed.
5. Prepare invoice and documentation for submittal to Participant and State
6. If CAL FIRE inspection required additional work, take corrective action.
7. All of the above.
8. Other, attach explanation

Tree and Planting

/ /
1. Implement project description
2. Recommend appropriate nursery, transportation system for delivery & Storage
3. Order stock or negotiate with contract nursery for stock.
4. Recommend tree planting contractor.
5. Coordinate, monitor and recommend corrective action.
6. Field inspect during and after planting.
7. Prepare invoice and documentation for submittal to Participant and State
8. If CAL FIRE inspection requires additional work, take corrective action.
9. All of the above.
10. Other, attach explanation.

Tree Shelters

1. Implement project description.
2. Recommend a contractor to the Participant.
3. Coordinate, monitor, and recommend corrective actions to contractors.
4. Field inspect during work and after completion.
5. Prepare invoice and documentation for submittal to Participant and State
6. If CAL FIRE inspection requires additional work, take corrective action.
7. All of the above.
8. Other, attach explanation.


1. Implement project description.
2. Recommend specific tasks upon planting and for the next growing season.
3. Recommend a contractor, coordinate, monitor and recommend corrective action to follow-up contractor.
4. Field inspect during work and after completion.
5. Prepare invoice and documentation for submittal to Participant and State
6. If CAL FIRE inspection requires additional work, take corrective action.
7. All of the above.
8. Other, attach explanation.
/ Accept
Responsibility / Item

Pre-Commercial Thinning

1. Implement project description.
2. Recommend a contractor to the Participant.
3. Coordinate, monitor, and recommend corrective actions to contractors.
4. Field inspect during work and after completion.
5. Prepare invoice and documentation for submittal to Participant and State
6. If CAL FIRE inspection requires additional work, take corrective action.
7. All of the above.
8. Other, attach explanation.
1. Implement project description.
2. Recommend a contractor to the Participant.
3. Coordinate, monitor, and recommend corrective actions to contractors.
4. Field inspect during work and after completion.
5. Prepare invoice and documentation for submittal to Participant and State.
6. If CAL FIRE inspection requires additional work, take corrective action.
7. All of the above.
8. Other, attach explanation.
1. Implement project description.
2. Recommend a contractor to the Participant.
3. Coordinate, monitor, and recommend corrective actions to contractors.
4. Field inspect during work and after completion.
5. Prepare invoice and documentation for submittal to Participant and State.
6. If CAL FIRE inspection requires additional work, take corrective action.
7. All of the above.
8. Other, attach explanation.
Land Conservation
1. Implement project description.
2. Recommend a contractor to the Participant.
3. Coordinate, monitor, and recommend corrective actions to contractors.
4. Field inspect during work and after completion.
5. Prepare invoice and documentation for submittal to Participant and State.
6. If CAL FIRE inspection requires additional work, take corrective action.
7. All of the above.
8. Other, attach explanation.
1. Implement project description.
2. Recommend a contractor to the Participant.
3. Coordinate, monitor, and recommend corrective actions to contractors.
4. Field inspect during work and after completion.
5. Prepare invoice and documentation for submittal to Participant and State.
6. If CAL FIRE inspection requires additional work, take corrective action.
7. All of the above.
8. Other, attach explanation.

I certify that the above checked items will be or have been completed.

RPF Name, Printed / Signature / RPF Number / Date

Version 11-6-11