City, State, Zip
I am the[ ] Petitioner
[ ] Attorney for thePetitionerand my Utah Bar number is ______
In the District Court of Utah
______Judicial District______County
Court Address ______
In the Matter of the Adoption of
(adoptee’s name) / Certificate of Readiness for Adoption Hearing
Case Number
Commissioner (domestic cases)
(1)The following documents have been filed with the court or are not required:
- Petition to Adopt a Minor Stepchild has been filed
- Adoptee’s Consent and Waiver of Rights
[ ] has been filed
[ ] is not required
- Non-custodial Parent’s Consent and Waiver of Rights
[ ] has been filed
[ ] is not required
- Adoptee’s Guardian’s Consent and Waiver of Rights
[ ] has been filed
[ ] is not required
- Death certificate or other evidence of death of any deceased person whose consent to the adoption is required
[ ] has been filed
[ ] is not required
- Adoptee’s Guardian’s Waiver of Rights(No right to consent)
[ ] has been filed
[ ] is not required
- Adoptee’s Custodian’s Waiver of Rights
[ ] has been filed
[ ] is not required
- Adoptee’s Spouse’s Waiver of Rights
[ ] has been filed
[ ] is not required
- Report of Adoption form for the Office of Vital Records and Statistics
[ ] has been filed
[ ] is not required
- Criminal History Report by the Bureau of Criminal Identification
[ ] has been filed
[ ] is not required
- Child Abuse History Report by the Division of Child and Family Services
[ ] has been filed
[ ] is not required
- Certificate of PaternitySearch
[ ] has been filed
[ ] is not required
- Written evidence from the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services if the adoptee is an “alien child” under 16 years old
[ ] has been filed
[ ] is not required
(2)The Petition to Adopt a Minor Stepchild is at issue and is ready for a hearing.
(3)I ask that the court schedule the Petition to Adopta Minor Stepchild for a hearing.
I declare under criminal penalty under the law of Utah that everything stated in this document is true.Signed at ______(city, and state or country).
Signature ►
Date / Printed Name
Certificate of Readiness for Adoption Hearing / Approved Board of District Court Judges December 17, 2010
Revised May 8, 2018 / Page 1 of 3