Certificate in Contemporary Living (CCL)
Application Form - 2016
This application form is divided up into the following sections:
A. Personal Details
B. Education Background
C. Work Experience
D. Communication Abilities
E. Health and Wellbeing
F. References
G. CV and Photographs
H. Declarations
I. Application Check-list
All sections need to be completed. But please feel free to ask for support if needed.
Section A Personal Details
NameDate of Birth / Day / Month / Year
Gender (Please Tick) / Male / Female
Home Address:
Phone: Mobile:
Email Address:
The CCL is a course for people with an intellectual disability (I.D.). Can you please confirm that you have an I.D. by ticking the box below.
Yes, I have an intellectual disability
Living Circumstances
Who do you live with?
I live on my own
I live with my parents
I live in supported accommodation
Other (please specify)
Section B Education Background
1. Where did you go to School?
Please indicate which primary school you attended:
Please indicate which secondary school you attend/attended:
2. What qualification do you have?
I completed the Applied Junior CertI completed the Applied Leaving Cert
I completed a FETAC programme
Please give details of FETAC programmes completed
3. What training courses (if any) are you doing now?
4. What training/education centre (if any) you are attending now?
Section C Work Experience
Please list any part time/full time jobs you have/had:
Section D Communication and Mobility
1. Please tell us about particular needs you may have in relation to communication and mobility.
Section E Health and Wellbeing
Please tell us about particular needs you may have in relation to health and wellbeing.
Physical Health ______
Mental Health ______
Personal Care ______
One-to-one support is not provided on the Certificate in Contemporary Living so you will need to bring your own support person/P.A. if one is needed.
Will you need one–to- one support from a support person/P.A. while attending UCC?
Yes No
Section F Referees
A referee is a person who knows you in a professional way, some-body outside of your family or friends. This could include a teacher or tutor who knows you or somebody who has worked with you in a professional capacity. We may contact referees by phone for clarification about their reference if needed.
Please include two references with this application. Please ask your referee to comment on the following:
1. Your suitability for the course.
2. What you would bring to the course.
3. What you would gain from the course.
4. What challenges you might experience on the course.
5. What level of computer skills you have.
6. What level of literacy and numeracy skills you have.
7. What supports you have that will help you complete the course.
8. What supports you may need to complete the course.
*Please note a follow-up phone call will be made to all referees.
Section G CV and Photos
Please enclose a CV and two passport size photos with your application
Section H Declaration
I certify that all the information supplied is correct and complete.
Signed: ______Date: _____/_____/____
Section I Application Check list
Completed application formC.V.
2 passport size photographs
2 References
Please return all items listed above by
Thursday 27th April 2016 to:
Andre Kenneally
CCL Course Co-Ordinator,
School of Applied Social Studies
University College, Cork.