Certificate III in Individual Supportchc33015 CHC V 3.0 Community Services Training Package

Certificate III in Individual Supportchc33015 CHC V 3.0 Community Services Training Package

This qualification reflects the role of workers in the community and/or residential setting who follow an individualised plan to provide person-centred support to people who may require support due to ageing, disability or some other reason. Work involves using discretion and judgement in relation to individual support as well as taking responsibility for own outputs. Workers have a range of factual, technical and procedural knowledge, as well as some theoretical knowledge of the concepts and practices required to provide person-centred support.
Outcome /
  • Certificate III in Individual SupportCHC33015CHC v 3.0 Community Services Training Package
  • A career path into the Community Care Services industry
  • Articulation into a traineeship for Certificate IV in Disability CHC43115

Course delivery
/ On the job and off the job and can be delivered face-to-face, flexibly or mixed mode
Commitment required
/ Undertake a minimum of 100 days in paid employment plus the formal training to complete the qualification.
  • Undertake Certificate III in Individual Support (CHC33015),CHC v 3.0 Community Services Training Package
The employment and training can be undertaken during school time, after school and during school holidays.
How will you be assessed? / Both on the job and off the job through written tests, project work & practical exercises.
Eligibility For ATAR / HSC Unit Credit:
Individual Support qualification / No / Total of 6 units over two years towards your HSC for the structured training component (VET course) undertaken as part of the school based traineeship.
Industry-based Learning course
(optional) / No / This optional course is offered as recognition of the significant work component involved in the school based traineeship.
If undertaken this course offers an additional 4 units credit towards your HSC, this course does not contribute towards the ATAR.

For further information about how to sign up to this School-Based Traineeship please speak with your Careers Advisor or visit our internet site at

To ensure maximum safety for clients and students alike, the following requirements must be met by all employers of NSW School Based Trainees in the Community Services sector:

  • The School Based Trainee is not included in the necessary client: staff ratio of the employer
  • The employer has a risk management policy and procedures guideline in place for staff which includes staff under 18 years of age
  • The School Based Trainee must not work alone with disabilities clients at any time
  • The School Based Trainee must not work during any night shift
  • The School Based Trainees must not transport clients by themselves
  • The School Based Trainee must be supervised by an appropriate and competent Disabilities workerat all times
  • The arrangement is to be closely monitored by State Training Services STS field staff

Employers should provide the student’s school with written agreement to the above requirements before the School Based Traineeship is registered.

For further information please contact Rochelle Dowley, Manager School Based Apprenticeships
and Traineeships on (02) 9244 5661 or

Current for 2018