(assigned by DRI) / Signature:
Amount approved:
REQUEST1) 2) 3)4) 5)
for a support grant to publish a paper in a journal with impact factor and indexed in Web of Science (Article 2) or for a research supportgrant (Article 3)
Authorsfrom UPT:
No / Last name / First name / PIN / Job title(Prof/ Assoc. Prof/ Lect./Assist./ Researcher/ PhD stud. /Postdoc) / Department(abbreviated)/
Paper and journal:
Title of the paper:Name of the ISI journal:
Vol: / No: / Year: / 20xx / Month: / xx / From page: / To page:
ISSN/ISBN: / Quartile:
DOIor WOS: / Latest impact factor:
Grant requested (a-type requests exclude b-type requests):
a)According to Article 2 of HCA 28/ 18.05.2015 (request to cover the publication fee)
Publication fee: / EURBank fee: / EUR
Other expenses: / EUR
I attach the following supporting documents:
1. Confirmation of the publication acceptance of the in extensopaper2. Proof that the journal is indexed in ISI Web of Science, of the impact factor and of the quartile6)
3. Supporting documents regarding the publication costs
4. Copy of the in extenso paper
b)According to Article 3of HCA 28 / 18.05.2015 (request after the paper was published)
GRANT: / EURI attach the following supporting documents:
1. Copy of the publishedpaper 7)2. Proof that the paper for which the support grant is requested is indexed in ISI Web of Science
3. Proof of the last impact factor of the journal and of the quartile 6)
I declare on my honour that the group of authors has not obtained a support grant for the paper mentioned in this request.
Signature of the first author,
Contact data8):
Office phone: / Departmental Secretariat phone:Mobile phone: / E-mail:
Only for PhD students:
Year of enrolment: / intramural / extramural / With scholarship / Self-funded
PhD coordinator: / (last name, first name)
PINof the PhD coordinator: / xxxxxxxxxx
1)The request must be filled in ELECTRONICALLY
2)The request is to be filled in for a single ISI paper. Several papers imply filling in several requests.
3) The request is submitted to the Registry Office in the attention of the Department for International Relations.
4)Please DO NOT change the structure or format of this document!
5)For each paper the request can be made by the first author from UPT, irrespective of the number of authors.
6) For journals classified in multiple categories, the most favourable quartile will be taken into consideration. The support document regarding the quartile can be obtained by entering the ISI Web of Science database and selecting „View Journal Information”.
7)Copy form the journal, with visible page header and footer.
8)All contact data are mandatory for the request to be processed.