Centricity Healthcare User Group—Planning Committee MeetingJuly 10, 2012.
Board Members / Role / Present / AbsentGene Green / President-Imm Past / x
Phil Slover / President / x
Michelle Zamora / Treasurer / x
Tracie Koepplin / Member at Large / x
Andrew Hamilton / Ex-Officio Member / x
Wendy Angelo / President-elect / x
Stacy Allard / Member at Large / x
Jim Lawhon / Committee Member / x
GE Staff / Present / Absent
Emily Murray / x
Christine Hays / x
Beatty Group / Present / Absent
Kristin Betschart / x
Planning Committee meeting held by conference call on Tuesday July 10, 2012.
Fall 2012 – Orlando, Florida
ACTION ITEMS: (details below)
- Follow up with GE on Keynote Speaker
- Find venue for Thursday event
- Review presentation submissions
- Additional GE sessions requested
- Need number of VOC sessions
- Survey to CHUG membership
- VAR’s & GE Acct Managers for customer lists
No response from GE on keynote speaker, Kelly Starman was researching and had candidates that fit our Spring conference topic instead. At last email she said she wasn’t working on it. Will email Christine Hayes with cc to Justin to find out if they are getting the keynote or not. Kristin has reached out to the Disney Institute they have a couple of sessions that are specifically geared towards healthcare.
In two weeks Kristin will be in Orlando to revisit conference space, meeting with AV, food/beverage, potential offsite location and Thursday evening event space. The hotel has great outdoor space and she contacted Epcot (5 minute walk from hotel). She will report options so that we can develop a theme based on the location.
Call for presentations ended received a good number of user presentations, although not as many as we would have liked. Kristin would like the committee to turn around the submissions quickly to get the agenda slotted and submit for CME. We are doing well with sponsors added an incentive this year ($500. discount) if the sponsor commits to the Spring CHUG. Already have 25 sponsors signed up with a Spring commitment. Received proposal from Logical Innovations requesting a session to review upcoming VFE changes, the other option is to add the updates to the pre-conference training, committee agreed to session as long as isn’t a sales pitch. Kristin requested they submit the proposal ASAP by EOB tomorrow if possible.
Kristin is still waiting for GE’s requested additional sessions and the number of VOC sessions they would like, asked for them to submit by EOB tomorrow.
In the past AutumnLogic (Eastern User Group) had “Up close and personnel/Q&A” sessions with GE staff which allowed sites that might feel disconnected from GE to have face time. Sessions were limited to about 30 and usually there were 2 to 3 sessions offered. Discussed if group thought that would be well received at CHUG. Decided a survey of membership is needed and asked committee members to submit their top 5 questions, email questions to all by Monday July 16th the questions will be aggregated with the goal of getting a survey out within the next few weeks. Wendy will forward email to Stacy for distribution to planning committee.
Need to think of ways to get updated emails from CHUG sites as there is staff turnover, etc. Jim will continue working with VAR’s. Phil has been discussing receiving GE’s customer list with Justin, he will follow up with an email and cc Mike Friguletto. For other groups GE has done the mailing themselves rather than give out their customer list.
Spring 2013 – WashingtonD.C.
ACTION ITEMS: (details below)
- Follow up with Kryptiq on platimum sponsorship
- Add definition of CHUG versus Centricity Live to splash screen
- Follow up with GE on dual attendees discount
- Jane McGonigal potential Keynote Speaker
- Getting call for presentations ready
Board approved theme: “Patient Centered Medical Home – An idea whose time has finally come?”
In discussions with Kryptiq on their platinum sponsorship, sent options and have been waiting for a response. Kristin’s last email was on July 2nd she will forward the communication to Wendy for follow up with Malcom.
Graphic has been created for the banner with the save the date and will now have a splash page for current conference and upcoming conference. Wendy asked to add conference definitions on the Spring splash page explaining the differences between CHUG and Centricity Live. Include that CHUG attendees will receive a discount if attending both events. Wendy will follow up regarding specifics of discount.
As a potential keynote speaker, Wendy has emailed Jane McGonigal’s booking agent. Jane is the author of “Reality is Broken…Why games make us better and how they can change the world”.
Once submissions and agenda as been finalized for Fall 2012 we can get a call for presentations out for Spring.
Fall 2013 – TBD
- Finalizing hotel options for consideration
Kristin reported on the following hotels:
- Western St Francis (San Francisco) – Excellent location, no other conferences booked so although the meeting space is a bit “funky” it would be all ours
- Hyatt (San Francisco) – Short on meeting space
- Hilton (San Francisco) – Seems like the best option although tight on meeting space and high room rate ($269.).
- Marriott (San Diego) – Room rate is $30.00 cheaper than Hilton, considering as alternative unless group tells her we only want San Francisco, group agreed either city would be fine.
Suggestion was made to use the conference center and Kristin explained that it is much more expensive you pay for everything al cart (rooms, tables, etc). Until our conference is much larger we don’t have the numbers to receive any deals from conference centers.
The nextPlanning Committee meeting is scheduled on Tuesday July 24, 2012.
Respectfully submitted by Stacy Allard