Centre for Teaching and Learning and Access Office
Teaching Fellowships 2015 - 2016
Application Form
1. Is your application for (a) CTL Fellowship or (b) Access Office Fellowship?
(please tick one option below)
CTL Fellowship
Access Office Fellowship
2. Name(s) of Maynooth University staff member(s) requesting funding:
3. Please complete the following contact details:
Department/Centre:Lead project contact email address:
Lead project contact telephone number:
4. Please give the title of your proposed Fellowship Project:
5.Please write a brief description of your proposed Fellowship Project, showing how it addresses the themes of either the CTL or Access Office calls and how it will be implemented:
(maximum300 words)
6. What are the expected key outcomes and outputs of your proposed Fellowship Project, and what methods will you use to demonstrate that key outcomes have been met?
(maximum300 words)
7.How will the proposed Fellowship Project influence your own professional development (and that of colleagues in a team project)? What formal professional development activities might you need to undertake? Please note these may also need to be referenced in your costs, Section 9 below.(maximum 200 words)
8. What is the potential for mainstreaming your project across the University as a whole? Please consider its potential to impact on each of:
Your Department/Centre
The University
9Please give a breakdown of project costs, with particular reference to an appreciation of
value and ‘return on investment’, and including any formal professional development activities:
Project Application Sign-Off
I understand that I will need to:
- produce a report on this project for the Centre for Teaching and Learning, which will form the basis for a Maynooth University publication on the Fellowship Programme (February 2017);
- present on the project’s implementation and findings at a CTL event (summer 2016);
- record all project expenditure appropriately in readiness for any future auditing process.
(Individual applicant or lead contact in group application)
I endorse this application and confirm that the proposed project has the support of my Department/Centre.
Head of Department
For Office use OnlyApplication No.: / Approved