Mundus ACP II Scholarships for Cohort 1, were already awarded and successful candidates will be proceeding to European Institutions later this year. The current announcement is for Cohort 2 mobility. Details and requirements are indicated below.

Available Scholarships for ACP Candidates:

  • Full 1-year Master programme at a European partner institution.
  • 10 months PhD mobility at a European Partner institution.

Eligibility Criteria:

In order to be considered eligible to undertake a mobility flow within the framework of the 2nd cohort of the MUNDUS ACP II project;

ACP Master Candidates :

  • Be nationals of an eligible ACP country;
  • Have straight links with the ACP partner institutions;
  • Have not lived, nor developed their main activity (study, work, etc.), over more than twelve (12) months, in the last five (5) years, in one of the European countries;
  • Have sufficient knowledge of the language of the courses or of one of the languages currently spoken in the hosting countries;
  • Have not benefited in the past from an Erasmus Mundus scholarship for the same type of mobility;

Applicants must also respect one of the following conditions during the applications’ phase:

  • Be enrolled in a course/programme at home partner institution.
  • Be enrolled in a bachelor degree which will be completed 2012 (October 2012).
  • Be working at the partner institution (academic or administrative staff).
  • Be enrolled in a master course at a project’s partner institution, but wish to apply for another master course in Europe.


Due to the time constraints on the mobility implementation, the academic offer available for full masters in Europe will only consider one-year Master courses and that the new rules determine that Alumni are not eligible to apply under the 2nd cohort.

All applications are made on Mundus ACP 2 platform website:

ACP PhD Candidates Must respect the following conditions during the applications’ phase:

  • Be nationals of an eligible ACP country;
  • Have straight links with the ACP partner institutions;
  • Be enrolled in a PhD course/programme at an ACP partner institution;
  • Have not lived, nor developed their main activity (study, work, etc.), over more than twelve(12) months, in the last five (5) years, in one of the European countries.
  • Have sufficient knowledge of the language of the courses or of one of the languages currently spoken in the hosting countries.
  • Have not benefited in the past from an Erasmus Mundus scholarship for the same type of mobility.
  • Be nationals from an eligible European country;
  • Have straight links with the European partner institutions and be working as a full-time staff at a European partner institution;
  • Have sufficient knowledge of the language of the courses or of one of the languages currently spoken in the hosting countries;
  • Have not benefited in the past from an Erasmus Mundus scholarship for the same type of mobility.

If you need further information, please do not hesitate to contact:

The Director, Centre for International Programmes & Links,

University of Nairobi,

Main Campus, Mahatma Gandhi Wing, 2nd Floor, Room 213 (A-E),


Tel: 254-20-318262 Ext.28113/28135, Office Cell: 0712-718808,

P.O. Box 30197-00100,