(Semester System of Examination)
Under the powers conferred by Section 4A of the Banaras Hindu University Act, 1915, as amended, and under the provisions of Clause 3 or Section 18 of this Act, the University hereby institutes the three year course of the degree of M.Sc. Tech.in Environmental Science and Technology and makes the following ordinances governing admission, course of study, examinations and other matters relating to this Degree under the Faculty of Science of the Banaras Hindu University.
(i)The last date for the receipt of application of admission to M.Sc.Tech. in Environmental Science & Technology in the Faculty of Science shall be fixed each year by the Dean of the Faculty.
(ii)The prescribed form of application serially numbered will be issued by the office of the Dean of the Faculty on payment of the prescribed amount of application fee.
(iii)The number of students to be admitted in the M.Sc. Tech. course in the coming session and their eligibility conditions for admission shall be prescribed by the Academic Council on the recommendation of the Faculty of Science.
(iv)Admission shall be made on merit as per criteria to be decided by the Faculty of Science.
(v)All such application forms for the admission must be completed in all respects and attested copies of the marks-sheets must be attached with the application form. Incomplete application forms are liable to be rejected. Application form shall be filled in by the candidate in his/her own handwriting.
(vi)The Centre for Environmental Science and Technology of the Faculty of Science shall have an Admission Committee constituted under Statute 18(xviii) of the academic Council consisting of the Coordinator (Chairman and Convener), and two senior most members involved in the teaching of M.Sc. Tech. Environmental Science & Technology Course.
(vii)Admission cannot, however be claimed by any candidate as a matter of right. The Admission or re-admission of a candidate shall be entirely at the discretion of the Admission Committee which may refuse to admit any student without assigning any reason therefore, Admission Committee may prescribe additional rules laying down the minimum standards for Admission.
(viii)Candidates who wish to seek admission at the same time to different courses of study shall apply on separate forms of application for each such course for which admission is sought.
2.M.Sc. Tech. In Environmental Science & Technology DEGREE COURSE
- The courses of study leading to M.Sc. Tech.degree in Environmental Science & Technology of the University shall be conducted by the Centre for Environmental Science and Technology of the Faculty of Science and shall be of the minimum duration of 3 academic years.
- A student of the M.Sc. Tech. in Environmental Science & Technology degree course shall not be permitted to seek admission concurrently to any other degree or diploma examination in the University unless otherwise provided for in the Ordinances hereinafter defined.
- To qualify for the M.Sc. Tech. in Environmental Science & Technology Degree, the candidate must satisfy the minimum requirement for entrance as prescribed hereinafter for this Degree Course:
(a)Attend a regular course of lectures, and do to the satisfaction of the university, such as practicals, project work (dissertation + seminar), records and reports as may be prescribed. Examinations in the relevant prospectus of studies and,
(b)Pass in required number of papers/courses taught during the six semesters (3 year) for the degree of M.Sc. Tech. in Environmental Science & Technology. An examination shall be held at the end of each semester in various courses/papers taught during that academic year. The overall performance in practicals, project work (dissertation + seminar), records and written examinations in the prescribed number of courses/papers shall determine the result of the candidate for the M.Sc. Tech. in Environmental Science & Technology degree in accordance with the rules and regulations prescribed for the purpose.
- A student shall be deemed to have pursued regular course of study in the subject during each year provided he/she has attended at least prescribed number/percentage (decided by the Science Faculty) of the classes actually held in each subject.
(i)Application for admission to M.Sc. Tech. in Environmental Science & Technology course shall be made in candidate’s own handwriting on prescribed form approved by Academic Council. The application shall contain the desired information and shall reach the Coordinator on or before the last date fixed for the purpose. On his selection for admission to the M.Sc. Tech. in Environmental Science & Technology class the candidate shall within the time fixed by the Coordinator deposit the tuition, and other fees prescribed for the course.
(ii)If the candidate fails to deposit the fees within the stipulated time, his/her selection shall automatically stand cancelled. Such a candidate shall not be admitted to the course concerned unless a fresh order to selection or extension of the date of payment of fees is issued by the Coordinator.
(iii)Those graduates who have passed B.Sc. (Hons.) /B.Sc. (10+2+3) or B.Sc. (Ag) or M.B.B.S. or BE/B. Tech. with a minimum of 50% marks (equivalent GPA with a minimum 50% aggregate at 10 & 10+2 levels) shall be considered for admission to M.Sc. Tech. in Environmental Science Technology.
(iv)Candidates fulfilling the qualification prescribed above shall submit the following certificates for considering his/her application for admission.
(a)Migration certificate* from the University last attended indicating that he has passed qualifying examination from another University.
(b)Certificate of character from the Principal of the College or equivalent authority of the University last attended and:
(c)Such other certificates as may be required along with the application from:
* not required for students passing their qualifying examination from this University
(v)If the Coordinator is satisfied that there are genuine difficulties in the production of the above certificates, he shall on the request of the candidate give him time to submit the above certificate and admit him provisionally to the M.Sc. Tech. in Environmental Science & Technology class. Admission shall be final only if he/she submits the certificates mentioned above within the prescribed period failing which the provisional admission shall be cancelled.
4. Inter – University Ordinances
(i)Notwithstanding anything contained in these Ordinances, a student who is qualified under the foregoing Ordinances for admission to University and who is a member of some other Indian University shall not be admitted to the University or any constituent Faculty thereof without the production of –
(a)leaving or transfer certificate signed by the Principal of the College or equivalent authority of the University last attended and certifying to the satisfactory conduct of the student mentioning the highest examination he/she has passed, and:
(b)a certified copy of all the entries against his name in the enrollment register of University if such a copy is obtainable.
(ii)A student of some other IndianUniversity shall in any case be admitted only at the beginning of the particular course which he/she proposes to take in the University.
Candidate admitted for the M.Sc. Tech. in Environmental Science & Technology course shall pay the fee Rs. 30,000/- per academic year in addition with the normal tuition fee of the university.
(i)The M.Sc. Tech. in Environmental Science & Technology course is of six semesters (three academic years). The examination shall be conducted at end of the each semester on such dates as may be fixed by the Dean in the various courses/papers taught during that academic year.
(ii) The students admitted to M.Sc. Tech. in Environmental Science & Technology course shall be required to clear the course within prescribed number of years decided by the Faculty of Science.
(iii)The academic performance of a candidate shall be evaluated in respect of the courses of study prescribed for each semester through the examinations held in that academic year.
(iv)The total credits / marks assigned to the courses in different subject shall be decided by the respective Boards of Studies and shall be distributed in project work (dissertation + seminar), records, reports, practicals, industrial training and written examinations as per guidelines of the Faculty of Science.
(i) Declaration of results, passing marks, rank/division etc shall be as per guidelines of the Faculty of Science.
(ii) A student admitted to M.Sc.Tech. (First year) course of studies will be promoted to the M.Sc.Tech. (Second year) provided he/she is eligible otherwise. However, only after clearance of all papers of first year and second year examinations, the student shall be admitted to third year M.Sc. Tech. course.
(iii)Results of successful candidates fulfilling all the requirements for the degree of M.Sc. Tech. in Environmental Science & Technology shall be declared on their overall performance in project work (dissertation + seminar), records, reports, practicals and written examinations over the three academic years as per guide lines of the faculty of Science.
(iv)The marks obtained by him at the Examination will be considered as the basis for the University ranking, scholarship and other distinctions. Ranking shall be given to those candidates only who pass the main examination in one attempt.
(i) Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary contained any where is the Ordinances governing M.A/M.Sc./M.Sc. Tech. Exams, a student who has pursued a regular course of study of M.Sc. Tech. in Environmental Science & Technology (First year) and has put in the required percentage of attendance may be promoted, if otherwise qualified, to the M.Sc. Tech. in Environmental Science & Technology second Year Class irrespective of the fact that he/she has failed or failed to appear at the relevant examination comprising the concerned course of study. However, only after clearing of all paper examinations of first year and second year, student shall be admitted to the third year classes.
(ii) A promoted student shall, in order to maintain continuous academic progress, make up the deficiency of the lower examination at the subsequent end semester examination and shall also appear at the concerned higher class examination.
(iii)A promoted student shall appear in the lower examination in such items only in which he/she has failed to secure the minimum pass marks. In case he/she has failed to secure the required aggregate he/she will appear in all the papers in which he/she has failed plus in as many additional theory paper(s) as he may wish to offer to make up his/her deficiency in aggregate.
(iv) At the level of Third Year of M.Sc. Tech. in Environmental Science & Technology course there shall be a Second (Supplementary) examination for the benefit of those who have failed or failed to appear in the Main Examination of Final Year.
(v) In the aforesaid Second (Supplementary) Examination failed candidates shall be allowed to appear in the Paper/Practical in which they have failed. In case they have failed to secure the minimum aggregate marks they will appear in the failed items plus in as many additional theory paper(s) as they may wish to offer to make up, their deficiency in aggregate.
(vi) Option once exercised under Clause 3 & 5 above shall be final.
Application of foreign nationals nominated by the Govt. of India shall be entertained provided that fulfill the following conditions:
(a)That they fulfill the minimum eligibility requirements:
(b)That the applications of scholarship holding Foreign Nationals (Under various schemes) are routed through Indian Council for Cultural Relations/Ministry of Human Resource & Development (Dept. of Education), Govt. of India, New Delhi.
(c)That they have valid Residential permit/Student Visa for the prescribed duration of the concerned course.
(d)That the antecedents of the candidate have been verified by the forwarding Agencies/Ministry and found in order.
(e)That the candidates submit certificate verified by the Ministry/Agencies to the effect that he/she has been subjected to AIDS test and found negative.
(f)That they have adequate knowledge of English and/or Hindi is per requirements of the course.
(g)That the degree/certificates of the candidates have been approved by the Association of India Universities (AIU) as equivalent to the corresponding degree/certificates of the AIU.
(i) A “Regular Student” is one who has pursued a regular course of study and obtained prescribed attendance mentioned hereafter and is eligible to appear in the examination for the aforesaid course.
(ii) “Ex-student” means one who has read in the Faculty for at least one academic year preceding the date of the annual examination and has filled up the examination form, but has failed or failed to appear in the examination, though otherwise eligible.
(i) Seats shall be reserved for Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe candidates as per norms of the Govt. of India accepted by the BanarasHinduUniversity.
(ii)The SC/ST candidates shall have to submit a certificate stating that the candidate belongs to SC/ST. Such certificates shall be subject to certification from the concerned District Magistrate. The following are empowered to issue the certificate.
(a)District Magistrate/ Additional District Magistrate / Collector / Deputy Commissioner / Additional Deputy Commissioner/ Deputy Collector/ 1st Class Stipendiary Magistrate/City Magistrate/ Sub-Divisional Magistrate/Taluka Magistrate/Additional Chief Presidency Magistrate/Presidency Magistrate.
(b)Chief Presidency Magistrate/Additional Chief Presidency Magistrate/ Presidency Magistrate.
(c)Revenue Officer not below the rank to Tehsildar.
(d)Sub-Divisional Officer of the area where the candidate and/or his family normally resides.
(e)Administrator/Secretary to the Administrator/Development Officer (LakshdweepIslands)
Candidates must note that certificate from any other person/authority will not be accepted in any case.
Note: Admission shall be made strictly in order of merit which may be based on marks in the qualifying Examination/Written Test/Interview or any other/criteria as per the decision of concerned faculty/centre.
3–Year M.Sc. Tech. in Environmental Science Technology
Syllabus based on the Semester System
Candidates who have passed B.Sc. (Hons.) /B.Sc. (10+2+3) or B.Sc. (Ag) or M.B.B.S. or BE/B. Tech. with a minimum of 50% marks (equivalent GPA with a minimum 50% aggregate at 10 & 10+2 levels) shall be considered for admission to M. Sc. Tech. in Environmental Science Technology.
General Guidelines
- There shall be six semesters of 135 credits and each semester will have 22.5 credits.
- In first, second and third semesters, there shall be 5 core courses in each (3 credits for theory and 1.5 credits for practical).
- In forth semester there shall be 10 elective courses (3 credits for theory and 1.5 credits for practical for each course), out of which 5 has to be opted by the student.
- In fifth semester there shall be Industrial tour(10credit), industrial training (10 credit) and report (2.5 credit) and presentation of training report (2.5 credit).
- In sixth semester there shall be project work: A case study on environmental issue (20 credits) and a seminar presentation based on project work (2.5 credit).
Paper / Name / CreditC-1 / Earth System Sciences / 4.5
C-2 / Computer Application & Statistics / 4.5
C-3 / Environmental Pollution and Management / 4.5
C-4 / Geoinformatics / 4.5
C-5 / Natural Hazards / 4.5
Total Credit / 22.5
Paper / Name / CreditC-6 / Environmental Monitoring Technologies / 4.5
C-7 / Environmental Biotechnology / 4.5
C-8 / Ecological Engineering / 4.5
C-9 / Chemical HazardsManagement Technologies / 4.5
C-10 / Socio-economic Dimensions of Environmental Management / 4.5
Total Credit / 22.5
Paper / Name / CreditC-11 / Waste Management Technologies / 4.5
C-12 / Air Monitoring & Management / 4.5
C-13 / Water Management / 4.5
C-14 / Mining Environment & Management / 4.5
C-15 / Bio-resource Management Technologies / 4.5
Total Credit / 22.5
SEMESTER 4: Any five electives from the following:
E-1 / Global Energy Scenarios & Non-Conventional Energy / 4.5E-2 / Climate Change & Abatement Technologies / 4.5
E-3 / Environmental Legislation and Impact Assessment / 4.5
E-4 / Noise Pollution & Abatement Technologies / 4.5
E-5 / Technologies for Restoration of Degraded Soils / 4.5
E-6 / Biodiversity Conservation / 4.5
E-7 / International Agreements on Environment / 4.5
E-8 / Environmental Modelling / 4.5
E-9 / Industrial Ecology / 4.5
E-10 / Environmental Economics / 4.5
Total Credit / 22.5
C-16 / Industrial Tour / 10C-17 / Industrial Training / 10
C-18 / Presentation of Training Report / 2.5
Total Credit / 22.5
P-1 / Project Work / 20P-2 / Seminar based on project / 2.5
Total Credit / 22.5
Proposed Syllabus
M.Sc. Tech. in Environmental Science & Technology 3 Year (Six Semesters)
C.1 Earth System Sciences
Basic concepts of environmental science, major issues and challenges
Origin of earth, composition of earth atmosphere, lithosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere and natural resources
Principles of environmentally sound technologies and scope of indigenous technology development
Ecosystem concept, structure and function: air, water, soil, law of limiting factors, primary producers, consumers and decomposers, energy flow, food chains, food webs, ecological pyramids
Biogeochemical cycling of C, N and P
Population parameters, structure, growth regulation, life history strategies (r and k species), the concept of carrying capacity
Community Concepts, methods of sampling and describing plant community, analytic and synthetic characters
Ecological succession and resilience
Biogeographical zones of India, major biomes of the world
C.2 Computer Application & Statistics
Basic concepts of computer, hardware, operating systems: Windows, Unix and Linux
Use of common application software in biology: word processing, spreadsheets, graphics and data base
Introduction to web browsing software and search engines
Introduction to sampling methodology
Measures of central tendency and graphical representation of data
Contingency tables and chi-squire test
Difference between sample means: t-test, range tests
Correlation measurements and regression analysis
Simple experimental design and analysis of variance
Introduction to multivariate methods
C.3 Environmental Pollution and Management
Types, major sources and effects of air pollutants, air borne diseases
Technologies for air pollution management
Types, major sources and effects of water pollutants, water borne diseases
Technologies for water pollution management
Types, major sources and effects of soil pollutants
Technologies for soil pollution management
Major sources of noise pollution, effects of noise pollution on health