CentraliaMiddle School

Title I

Parent InvolvementPlan


Title I School-wide Program Contacts
  • Scott Niemann, Director of Teaching and Learning

Phone: 360-330-7600


  • Greg Domingos, Principal CMS

Phone: 360-330-7619


  • Jay Johnson, Assistant Principal of CMS

Phone: 360-330-7619


District Review Team Members

  • Michael Kelly, School Board Member
  • Patty Dolezal, School Board Member
  • Robert Fuller, School Board Member (President)
  • Kim Ashmore, School board Member
  • Chris Thomas, School Board Member
  • Dr. Steve Bodner, Superintendent
  • Mr. MattMcCauley, Assistant Superintendent

Centralia Middle School

Title One Parent Involvement Policy


We at CMS develop a parent involvement plan with input from the Building Leadership Team and Parent Advisory. Phase one of the plan involves asking Parent Advisory for input in five areas:

  • How will your school plan and implement effective parent involvement activities to improve academic achievement and school performance?
  • How will your school conduct an evaluation of your parent involvement plan?
  • How will your school involve parents in school activities overall?
  • How will your school develop and implement school-parent compacts?
  • How will your school involve parents in the development of your Title I school-wide plan annually?

After the data is collected and analyzed a Parent Involvement Plan proposal is developed. This plan is then taken to the Building Leadership Team for their input and suggestions. (It should be noted that there are parent representatives on the Building Leadership Team) Upon their approval of a plan, it was taken back to Parent Advisory for their final approval.

  1. Plan developed jointly with parents:
  2. Our School Improvement Planning (SIP) process included the participation of parents in the development of our school wide Title-One plan which included parent involvement goals and activities for the 2012-2013 school year. Specifically, parents were consulted in a Consolidated School-wide Review that occurred in April of 2013. In addition to this School-wide review, parents were consulted on 10.30.13 for their input. Parents were also informed of their school’s participation in Title-1 and the rights of parents to be involved. In response to these meeting, a written policy is jointly developed with, agreed upon, and distributed to, parents of participating students; the policy is updated periodically. Flexible meetings were offered to the extent practicable. If requested, home visits were offered to parents in order to ensure input into the Title-One Parent Involvement Policy.
  3. Parents will be consulted regarding the review of this Title One Parent Involvement Policy on the following date(s): 10.30.13, and 3.6.14. A copy of the policy will be mailed with the December newsletter. If parents are dissatisfied, prior to submission to the district, their comments will be included in the plan.
  4. School Improvement/Leadership Team Meetings are usually held on the first Tuesday of the Month. Two times per year the Title-One parent involvement policy will be reviewed by the leadership team: 8.14.13, and 3.4.14.
  5. Parent Advisory Meetings are held once a month during the 1st Tuesday at 6:30 PM.
  6. The following parents and staff were involved in the development of our original schoolwide Title One plan:


David EackerNatalie ChambersChelsea Renkert

K’lynn WinkleKristen PaceKatie Standlea

Betsy AndersonKyle DonahueGreg Domingos-Principal

Parents (Parent Involvement):

Deana Rueda

Nicole King

2. Our plan for implementing effective parent involvement activities to improve student achievement:

  • Centralia Middle School teachers will provide information to parents in the fall regardingour standards based programs (Connected Math Program) along with our research based reading approach in classrooms. Additional subject areas will also be outlined for parents in the fall to promote their support for homework expectations and to provide communication strategies between home and school to address any learning needs or issues as they emerge.

A ‘Back to School Meet Your Teacher Night’ is held the week prior to the beginning of school. The purpose of this event is to introduce new students and parents to Centralia Middle School as well as reacquaint returning students to new teachers and staff. Our local police and fire departments, Big Brothers/Big Sisters, as well as other community members attend and make contact with our parents and students. Furthermore, Centralia Middle School staff sees this activity as another opportunity to provide parents with a reasonable access to staff.

In addition to this review of programs, Centralia Middle School will also be creating additional opportunities for parents to be involved in their student’s academic progress. CMS will be attempting to create a PTO (Parent Teacher Organization). In addition to the PTO, parents will also be communicated with regarding their student’s academic progress every two weeks through the form of an “F letter.” Finally, to ensure that parents are involved in their students’ academic progress, parent trainings on the Skyward System will also be held during the first three weeks of school.

Other parent involvement activities will include:

  • Centralia Middle School Staff will provide interventions for students who struggle in academic areas, in order to ensure success. Parents will be contacted in regards to participation. Examples include:
  • P.O.E.T (Pull-out of Elective Tutoring).
  • P.O.R.E (Pull-out/Replacement Elective Tutoring)—Staff, Parents, and community volunteers will be working with individual students on maintaining their academics. These students are high needs students, as based upon the LAP documentation.
  • Math, Reading, and Writing Academy (Intervention provided to students based on formative and summative assessment data).
  • After school homework club (Lites-R-On Homework Group).
  • Strengthening Families Program---This program is supported by the 21st Cent. Grant and engages parents in a 2 month parenting class.
  • Translating Opportunities.
  • Math Communities—Parent and community volunteers working with small groups of students in math problem solving activities.
  • Top-25 Team
  • Big Brothers/Big Sisters Mentor Program
  • Homework assistance Before school, After school, and during lunch.
  • Tutoring Assistance on the Wednesday Late start days.
  • Centralia Middle School Staff will communicate with families using the following strategies:
  • Goal setting conferences are held twice a year in October and March.
  • Teachers will provide report cards to parents quarterly.
  • Teachers will provide progress reports on a six-week basis (bi-quarterly).
  • All students with F’s will be issued an F letter every two weeks. Copies of these letters will be mailed home.
  • Agendas are purchased for each child to use both as an organizer and as a communication tool between student, parent, and teacher.
  • A school web site and Facebook page is maintained as a communication tool between the parent and the school.
  • News Letters are sent home monthly. Copies will also be available in Spanish.
  • Notes from teachers and staff sent home with students and mailed.
  • Progress reports and grade reports are sent home periodically.
  • Fall Orientation-Open House
  • Principal Orientation Meeting held in July and August.
  • Fall, Winter, and Spring Sports Meetings.
  • Web based progress reporting, updated on a weekly basis.
  • Interpreters are provided for conferences.
  • Home visits conducted by the principal.
  • Charlie Hoff College Preparation Meeting will be held with parents.
  • Post-High School Plan meetings will be held during the second semester.
  • Centralia Middle School Staff will provide reasonable access to parents for conferences, meetings, and various forms of communication.
  • Examples: All state and district forms are translated into Spanish.
  • Interpreters are provided for conferences if needed.

3. Annual Parent Involvement Policy Evaluation Plan:

Annual Meeting - All parents will be invited to attend one of two meetings in the fall of each school year. The purpose of this meeting is to describe the academic programs (Reading based model and CMP described in section #2) and academic assessments under the Title-1 Program to assist student learning. The Parent Involvement Policy will be again reviewed and amended as needed. After the meeting, the updated parent involvement policy will be published. This evaluation will focus on how the school can help build capacity for more parent involvement and how the plan can help parents improve their involvement in the school and in assisting students to achieve their goals. Parents were also informed of their school’s participation in Title-1 and the rights of parents to be involved.

Parents are surveyed every year with the “Nine Characteristics Survey” to help the periodic update the school improvement process. The survey took place during the March of 2012. In addition the Parent Compact is open for review. Communications, surveys, and invitations are available in Spanish. Interpreters are made available when needed for conferences and goal setting. School information packets are available in both English and Spanish in the school entryway.

After the Parent Involvement Policy is completed, it will be mailed home to all families in December.

Furthermore, Board Policy 4130 is required to be followed in response to parent involvement plans.

4. Parent Involvement in School Activities:

Beyond those activities listed in section #2, Centralia Middle School also provides the following parent involvement opportunities:

  • School Events include concerts, musicals, and curriculum nights.
  • Volunteers help with fundraisers, dances, classroom events, and fieldtrips.
  • Award assemblies recognizing academic success and attendance.
  • Invitations to volunteer in our tutoring program.
  • District Migrant PAC Meetings
  • School parent advisory committees.

5. Parent/Student/Teacher Compacts:

Centralia Middle School holds 2 Goal Setting Conferences per year in October and March. At these conferences, individual goals for each student are established, reviewed and changed using the goal setting form developed by the district. Parents will be provided with reasonable access to staff during the creation and follow-up on Parent/Student/Teacher compacts. Specific actions for staff, students and parents are outlined to help students achieve their goals through student learning plans. These compacts will be retained in student portfolios and in the counseling center for review and tracking student progress.

Specific steps in the implementation of school parent compacts include:

  • Reserve staff training and preparation time in the staff development calendar.
  • Prepare students for student-led conferences in advance of parent conferences.
  • Provide achievement data from the MSP and formative/summative/intermittent assessment testing to team teachers in advance of parent conferences to place on student compact sheets.
  • Invite all parents to sign up for time slots on the five conference days.
  • Assign and provide time slots for those parents who do not sign up.
  • Draft letters of invitation, to be written by students, to all parents prior to parent conferences.
  • During parent conferences, parents, students, and teachers draft goals for the student’s learning plan using student achievement data.

Assessment data is used to guide the goal setting process and to review progress:

  • All Parents will be given the results of assessments at the goal setting conference held in October. Copies of the MSP scores are also sent home in September. Furthermore, parents will also receive copies of benchmark assessments.
  • All Parents will be given the results of timely information, descriptions, and explanations (curriculum, academic, and assessment). In addition, current proficiency levels and expected proficiency levels will be provided.
  • All Parents will receive the results of current assessments during the March conference.
  • Report cards sent home quarterly.
  • Daily Agendas are used which list all assignments given during the day. They contain the Centralia Middle School Handbook. They also have an area for school to home or home to school written communication. The agendas are signed every night by parents.

6. Parent Involvement in the annual development/review of this plan:

As stated in section #3:

Annual Meeting - All parents will be invited to review, in the fall and spring of each school year, The Parent Involvement Policy. Parents will be invited to the library during conferences to review the parent plans. Comments and changes suggested are recorded and will be reviewed and amended as needed. After the review, the updated parent involvement policy will be published. This evaluation will focus on how the school can help build capacity for more parent involvement and how the plan can help parents improve their involvement in the school and in assisting students to achieve their goals. A general meeting will be held in the fall to review the Parent Involvement Policy. After the Parent Involvement Policy is completed, it will be mailed home to all families. Furthermore, in compliance with Centralia School Board Policy 4130, is followed.