Central Texas – FortHood Chapter
Association of the United States Army
PO Box 10700
Killeen, Texas 76547-0700
DATE:July 1, 2012
TO:The AUSA / Central Texas - Fort Hood Chapter Community
FROM:Bobby Hoxworth, Chapter President
(PH: 254-554-4224; Email: )
RE:AUSA National Meeting Sponsorship Solicitation and Events Registration
While economic uncertainties abound and many in America continue to face tough fiscal times, America’s military isas busy today as any time in modern history. The brave men and women of our Army continue to be asked to do more.
The issues our Country and our Army face are complex, overlapping and at times seem to be in opposition one with the other. The changing landscape in the Middle East and North Africa as the Department of Defense “pivots” to the Asia-Pacific region after 10 years of conflict in Iraq and Afghanistan, a nearly $500 billion reduction in defense spending over the next 10 years, Army downsizing and reorganization, the looming crisis of sequestration, and DoD’s request for Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) rounds in 2013 and 2015 will dominate the formulation of our nation’s security strategy.
National decision makers will continue to face tough choices in the coming years. Over the next eighteen months, these issues will be studied and courses of action proposedas DOD prepares its 2014Quadrennial Defense Review. Whatever the decisions that are ultimately made, they will most assuredly impact our Soldiers, their Families and all of us that support the Great Place.
This all means we as an AUSA Chapter and the Central Texas Community have much work to do. Our job continues to be to let everyone know that in Central Texas, our nation’s Soldiers have found - and will always find - levels of capability and support unmatched elsewhere in America. We MUST carry this message to AUSA’s 2012Annual Meeting in Washington, October 22-24, 2012. This year we willbe meeting whilethe Senate isscheduled to be in session. Wego as Winners - and ask that you plan NOW to be a part of our team!
Below is a preliminary agenda for the 2012 AUSA National Meeting in Washington, DCas we know it today.
Your 2012 AUSA National Meeting Agenda: A Professional Development Forum
Friday, October 19, 2012:
1400-2000: Army Ten-Miler Packet Pick Up & New Balance EXPO: For Runners-Crystal Gateway Marriott Hotel, Arlington VA.
Saturday, October 20, 2012:
Many of us will travel to DC on Saturday in order to attend the Army 10 Miler early on Sunday morning. No chapter-directed activities are planned for Saturday. Members are encouraged to buddy-up and enjoy our Capitol city.
Sunday, October 21, 2012:
Morning:The 28th annual Army Ten-Miler. Begins at 8:00 a.m. but you might want to arrive no later than 7:30 a.m. And don’t forget the Central Texas-Fort Hood Chapter HooahTent - always a preferred gathering place.
Afternoon:Texas Reception for Friends of FortHood. Chapter members who register through this chapter are invited to the home of the (YTBD) for a most appreciated afternoon reception. This is a BY INVITATION ONLY event for chapter members only. No exceptions can or will be permitted.
Monday, October 22, 2012:
0900-1700:Exhibits Open. Throughout the three day Exhibition, we can count on a variety of Military Family-focused and Contemporary Military Forums and Professional discussions.More data on these to follow.
0930-1115: Opening Session. “America’s Army: The Strength of the Nation”: Speakers are expected to include
Secretary of the Army John M. McHugh and AUSA National President, General (Ret.) Gordon R. Sullivan.
1230-1400: Sergeant Major of the Army Awards Luncheon. General Officers, Command Sergeants Major, other selected NCOs and our Outstanding Soldier and NCO of the Year go directly to the Sergeant Major of the Army Awards Luncheon. Speaker - TBA.Ticket Required.
1230-1400: Corporate Member Luncheon. Again this year, this luncheon will be sponsored by AUSA, without cost to attendees. Our chapter will be given a limited number of tickets for distribution. Speaker -TBA.
1800: Chapter Group Photo. Chapter members assemble in the Grand Lobby of the WalterE.WashingtonConvention Centerso that we may take a chapter photo. We then proceed to the President's Reception.
1830-2015: AUSA President’s Reception. This reception honors the Secretary of the Army, Army Chief of Staff, and Sergeant Major of the Army. Business Dress. Ticket Required.
Tuesday, October 23, 2012:
1130-1215: Dwight David Eisenhower Reception. Exhibit Halls A, B & C.
1230-1400: Dwight David Eisenhower Luncheon:Speaker - TBA.Ticket Required
1900-2100: Our always spectacular “Texas Friendly Spoken Here” Reception. We will spend two hours in one-on-onediscussion with our nation’s senior military and civilian leadership.
Wednesday, October 24, 2012:
0900-1530: National Capitol Tour for NCOs and Soldiers: NCOs and Soldiers will visit ArlingtonNationalCemetery and the Tomb of the Unknowns and receive a windshield tour of the Washington, DC area.
1200-1400: Department of the Army Civilian Luncheon. Speaker - TBA Ticket Required.
1800-2000:The George Catlett MarshallReception: Halls C, D & E of the WashingtonConvention Center. Ticket Required.
2000-2300:The George Catlett Marshall Dinner. Main Ballroom, Washington Convention Center. Former Secretary of State James Bakerwill receive this year’s Marshall Medal. Ticketed Required.
To make all of this happen, wewill need your prompt registration, active participation andfinancial support. Please review and complete the attached sponsorship and registration forms, selecting the sponsorship level at which you, your firm, organization or city would like to participate, and the ticketed events that you would like to attend. Please complete a separateregistration formfor each individual attendee. And we ask that you mail your forms to our postal box so that theyarrive NLT Monday, August 13th.
Then after a few days, check our website-postedroster of confirmed chapter sponsors and participants. If you do not find your sponsorship and registration posted, contact JohnCrutchfield (254-526-9551), email: or Ron Taylor (254-532-2493), email: to clarify thestatus of your requests.
The message we carry each year to Washington is very important. Please plan to join us in supporting our Soldiers, their Families, our chapter and the professional interests of FortHood and Central Texas.
Chapter President
Encls:Sponsor Support Response Form
National Meeting Registration Form
Sponsor Support Response Form
Spreading the FortHood Message
America’s Army: The Strength of the Nation
Yes, I will join in Sponsorship of ourChapter’s participationat the 2012 AUSA National Meeting
/ /BENEFACTOR $5,000: Special Recognition and your Corporate Logo or other appropriate symbol prominently displayedat our Tuesday night reception. Thank you ads in local media and on our chapter website (
/ / DIAMOND $2,500:Special Recognition and Sponsor Name prominently displayedat our Tuesday night reception. Thank you ads in local media and on our chapter website (
/ / PLATINIUM $2,000:Special Recognition and Sponsor Name prominently displayedat our Tuesday night reception. Thank you ads in local media and on our chapter website (
/ / GOLD SPONSOR $1,000:Sponsor Name displayedat our Tuesday night reception. Thank you ads in local media and on our chapter website (
/ / SILVER SPONSOR $500: Sponsor name displayedat our Tuesday night reception. Thank you ads in local media and on our chapter website (
/ / BRONZE SPONSOR $250: Sponsor name displayedat our Tuesday night reception. Thank you ads in local media and on our chapter website (
To be guaranteed the proper listing, your checkmust be received by Monday, August 13, 2012at:
Central Texas – FortHood Chapter, AUSA
Attn: National Meeting Planning Staff
PO Box 10700
Killeen, Texas 76547-0700
Signature (Form not complete without signature) Date
Must be received by Monday August 13, 2012
To register, complete and return this form, with your check for polo shirts and/or event tickets, made payable to AUSA (rooms to be paid at time of check-in) to:
Central Texas – FortHood Chapter, AUSA
Attn: National Meeting Planning Staff
PO Box 10700
Killeen, Texas76547-0700
A. REGISTRATION(Please use a separate form for each individual attendee)
Name ______
EventDate Cost PerQuantityTotal
President’s Reception22 Oct$50.00______
Eisenhower Luncheon23 Oct$60.00______
Army Civilians’ Luncheon24 Oct$50.00______
Marshall Reception24 Oct$50.00______
Marshall Dinner24 Oct$95.00______
Polo Shirt - circle size (S) (M) (L) or (XL) $25.00______
D. TRACKING RESPONSES: Be sure that you confirm our receipt of your reservation by going to our web site (). We will post the names of those registered and, based on the expressed desires of each respondentand the events for which they have purchased tickets.
If you DO NOT wish to be listed on our web site roster of attendees or DO NOT wish us to identify those events for which you have purchased tickets, please indicate be checking the appropriate box or boxes below:
( )Do not include my name on the web site roster of expected attendees.
( ) Do list the events for which I am purchasing tickets.
( )Do not list the events for which I am purchasing tickets.
Signature (Form not complete without signature) Date