
Issued to: ______



Tender form for provision of Housekeeping work at the: B-12, Dr. Durgabai

Deshmukh Samaj Kalyan

Bhjawan, Central Social

Welfare Board Samaj Kalyan

Bhawan, Institutional Area,

N.D-1 6

Tel.26964447 Fax. 26960057

Name & Address of the Tenderer : ______





Name of the proprietor & contact person

Telephone no. : ______

ESI Code No. : ______

EPF Code No. : ______

Registration Number : ______

PAN number : ______

Number of Housekeeping Staff in Rolls : ______

(Proof in the form of copy of ESIC R.C.

for The contribution period ended

31.3.2012 to be attached)

Details of EMD (Demand Draft No. Date & : ______

(Details of break-up for the amount quoted : ______

& Percentage of service charge may be

furnished in a separate sheet)


(Name with Seal)



F. 7-9/2012-Admn. Dated:- 16/5/2012

Subject:- Quotations for AMC of Housekeeping Services of CSWB.


Annual Maintenance of Housekeeping Service of CSWB for the year 2012-13.

The interested firms may obtain the tender form, from the CSWB, by paying an amount of Rs. 100/- as cost of tender (non-refundable) which should accompany the quotation in the form of Demand Draft/Pay order in favour of Pay & Accounts Officer, CSWB, New Delhi. The last date for submission of sealed quotations with their technical & financial bids is 25.5.2012 by 3.00 p.m. The tender shall be opened on 25.5.2012 at 3.30 p.m. in the presence of tenderers or their representative who desire to be present at the time of opening of tenders. While, submitting the Tender the contractor must ensure provision for payment of minimum wages and other Statutory Provisions such as EPF, ESI, Bonus, Service Charges. A Pre-Bid Meeting of the Tendrers will be held on 23-5-2012 at 3.00p.m. in the office of CSWB. Competent Authority in CSWB has the right to accept or reject any or all quotations without assigning any reason. The sealed quotations should be sent/delivered at the following address:-

Shri Sohan Kumar Jha,

Executive Director,

Central Social Welfare Board,

Dr. Durgabai Deshmukh Samaj Kalyan Bhawan,

B-12, Tara Crescent, Qutub Institutional Area,

New Delhi-110603

(Sohan Kumar Jha)

Executive Director




1.  The Chairperson/Executive Director of Central Social Welfare Board, Samaj Kalyan Bhawan invites on and behalf of Central Social Welfare Board sealed item rate tenders from specialize/reputed firms/ contractor for the following work:

Name of Work / Estimated Cost for 12 months / Earnest Money / Cost of Tender (Non-Refundable) / Last date of submission of Application up to 3.00P.M.
Annual maintenance of Housekeeping work of CSWB, Dr. Durgabai Deshmukh Samaj Kalyan Bhawan, New Delhi-110603 / Rs.20,88,000/-
+ Tax / Rs. 25,000/- / Rs. 100/- / 25-5-2012

2. Specialized firms/ contractors who fulfill the following requirements whether registered with CPWD or not shall be eligible to apply. The tender shall be submitted in two parts viz. (i) Technical bid (ii) Financial bid. Joint ventures are not accepted.

1. Tenderers should have 3 years experience of similar work in Govt., Semi Govt., State Govt. PSU or an organization of repute by March 2012. The applicant shall submit Certificates from clients/ owners in support of his claim. Such certificates shall be signed by an officer not below the rank of Executive Officer or Project Manager or equivalent.

2.  Tenderers should have had average annual financial turnover upto Rs. 50 lacs (Fifty Lakhs only) of Housekeeping work during the last three years ending 31st March 2012. The applicants shall submit a statement duly certified by Chartered Accountant or ITC Certificate in support of his claim.

3.  The contract will be valid for a period of one year while fulfillment of all the statutory guidelines. The rates agreed and accepted herein shall remain unchanged during the operative period of this Agreement and the Agency and its employees shall not raise any demand imposing additional financial burden on the office on any count including rise in any kind of allowance except the increasment/decreasment in the minimum wages & other statutory levies Period of contract may be extended for a period of 3 months depending up on satisfactory performance.

4.  The Agency shall not transfer or assign or share benefits of this Agreement with anyone without express written permission of the CSWB.

5.  The Agency should obtain all necessary permits/licenses for running the establishment authorities such as Municipal Corporation, other Local Authorities, State/Central/Govt. Department, Labour Department, etc. at its own cost.

6.  The Agency shall be responsible for taking care of all equipment furniture, fixtures and fittings in the office campus.

7.  The Agency shall be responsible for keeping clean all office rooms, Canteen and premises. If there are lapses on the part of the Agency regarding cleanliness the office will levy penalty on the Agency of Rs. 500/- for each occasion. If such lapse continues to occur for a month, office shall levy 25% deduction from the monthly bill of the Agency.

8.  A fine of Rs. 1000/- will be charged for low quality of service or intermittent or lapses in service.

9.  Self attested copies of all the documents are required to be submitted along with the application.

10. The tender cost will be Rs. 100/- only for getting tender form by

submitting applicants with tender form cost in cash.

11. The department reserves the right to reject any application/Tender with T&C enclosed out assigning any reason.

Documents to be submitted alongwith Tender:-

1. Demand Draft of Rs. 25,000/- as earnest money should be of any Scheduled/Nationalized Bank payable at Delhi and to be drawn in favour of Pay & Accounts Officer, Central Social Welfare Board, New Delhi.

2. House Keeping experience certificates.

3. ESIC registration code No. (copy of the allotment of code No.)

4. PF registration code No. under EPF and Miscellaneous Provision’s Act., 1952. (copy of the allotment of code No.)

5. Service Tax registration Code Number (copy of the allotment of code No.)

6. Detailed information about Institution (Agency), name of proprietor, telephone No. in case of Partnership firm- name and address of the partners and copy of the Partnership Deed. In case of company, company Registration Certificate. Annual turnover of the Company/agency.

7. The agency should be duly registered by the competent appropriate authority for doing House Keeping Service Work.

8. PAN No. and attested copy of income Tax Return for the year 2009-10, 2010-11 and 2011-12.

Joint ventures are not accepted


1. The tenders shall submit the following along with the tender:-

(i) Copies of previous three years Income-Tax Certificates / returns and having works Sales Tax Contract.

(ii) Certificate / proofs in support of their experience in this field indicating in which other Governmental / semi Governmental / Private Offices of repute they are or have been working in this field. Certificate of present work being done in various Govt. Organisations. Number of persons employed number-wise and work-wise.

2. The Central Social Welfare Board reserve the right to reject any or all the tenders without assigning any reasons and is not bound to accept the lowest or any tender.

3. Earnest money of Rs. 25,000/- is payable by “Pay Order” in favour of Pay & Accounts Officer, CSWB, New Delhi. Earnest money deposits

of the successful tenderer shall be treated as security deposits and

shall not carry any interest thereon.


In the event of unsatisfactory performance and not attending the complaint timely penalty of Rs. 1000/- only on each ocassion would be deducted by the Central Social Welfare Board from the Contractor’s bill as a penalty. In the event of any complaint / job that may remain unattended for un-reasonably long time, without any justified reasons, the CSWB would get such complaints / jobs attended to through other agencies at the risk and costs of the contractor.

The Contractor will be required to sign an agreement on a non-judicial stamp paper of Rs. 100/- for the above contract.


The contract can be terminated by either party by giving a minimum 30 days clear notice in writing to the other within the currency of contract.


The contractor shall be paid on monthly basis, after rendering the services satisfactorily. For release of payment, the contractor is required to submit the bill in triplicate alongwith copy of acquaintance roll and attendance sheet, Monthly report etc.

(Sohan Kumar Jha)

Executive Director


The premises where the office of the Central Social Welfare Board is located will require the following items of work from the Contractor for the Annual General Maintenance of the Building cleaning, Sanitations and Horticulture etc:-


The services include cleaning and up-keep of all the Floors(Basement to Roof i.e. 5th floor), Campus, Electricity Sub Station Pump House, Staff Quarter ,Walls, Windows, Ceiling, Bathrooms and Toilets & Severs.

1)  Cleaning of floors first with broom and then with sweeping with phenyl daily, Bathrooms and Toilets will be cleaned with toilet cleaners (specified brands like Domex and Sanifresh) Cleaning to be done twice daily 8 a.m. to 9am. In the morning and 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. in the afternoon including reception, front and back entrance, canteen and lifts. Bathrooms should always be cleaned.

2)  The Company should use machines like single disk scrubber, wet and dry vacuum cleaner and high presser jet machine for cleaning as and when required.

3)  Dusting of all the furniture, tables, almirahs, computer and file racks daily including removal of garbage, cobwebs, waste-paper, basket etc. daily. Plastic bags to put in the dustbin and regular changing of same.

4)  Weekly cleaning of ceiling, walls, glasses of windows, grills and fortnightly cleaning of water coolers and window blinde and window glass once a month.

5)  Weekly vacuum cleaning of carpets and sofa sets while removing the cushions cover.

6)  Necessary materials such as deodorants, finit, room fresheners, odonil, liquid soap in toilets, phenyle balls will also be provided by the contractor for the healthy air cleaning in the office. At least one month stock of the above materials should always be available in advance in the office to meet any emergency requirements.

7)  No cleaning or other materials will be provided by the office.

8)  The Contractors will deploy sixteen (15) full time sweepers/persons including 3 female sweeper for ladies toilets (two in each floor including open campus area) in proper uniform which shall be neat and clean with laminated I/Cards with photographs and other prescribed particulars for maintaining general cleanliness in the building. The cleaning work should start at 7.30 A.M. & should be completed by 8.45 A.M. every day including clearance of garbage from the building. Their address should be available with Admin Division.

9)  The person deployed will also be required to perform other duties like shifting of furniture, magazines, filling up of water in coolers in summer and other jobs as & when required. No extra payment will made for these works. They should be kept on duty floor wise.

10) To provide one plumber, as and when, required for immediately attending all the complaints including Sanitary fitting upto Rs. 3000/- in the building. In case of additional expense matter to be approved by the office.

11) The tools and material required for sanitary work will not be provided by the C.S.W.B.


This maintenance service will include maintenance of interior fittings such as wooden and steel furniture’s etc.

1.  All the furniture’s, doors and wooden fittings installed in the building will be maintained properly and any repairs including welding work upto Rs. 2000/- whenever required, will be done immediately per month.

2.  Curtain, Sofa Set, Car covers etc. will be maintained properly any dry-cleaned at regular intervals. The towels will be washed once a week.

3.  Tables, Chairs almirahs, racks drawers, cupboards, if any, show windows etc. will be kept in tidy condition. No cobwebs or stains, including Pan stains should be seen in the office.

4.  The un-repairable locks for tables, Almirahs, doors will be provided by the contractor, as and when required.

5.  To provide one Carpenter and a Mechanic for lock repair, key-making for locks etc, as and when required.


This will include maintenance of lawns, gardens, plants flowers etc.

  1. Lawns and gardens will be maintained properly inside and outside the

building campus.

2. Plants, flowers etc. inside and outside the building will be properly

maintained and replaced if necessary.

3. Provide One (1) full-time gardeners (Mali) for the maintenance of lawns and plants.

4. Provide seeds and manure for planting of Seasonal flowering and other


5. Tools required for above jobs will be supplied by the contractor including

grass cutting machine.

6. New good quality plants and pots will also be supplied by the Contractor as

and when required.


Civil jobs for the proper maintenance of entire building and campus will be as follows:-

i)  Civil maintenance services will include repair of the wall, floor, plaster,

ceiling roof, boundary walls, roads within the campus and any other civil jobs with material upto Rs. 3000/- per month.

ii)  To provide one mason for attending to all the civil complaints, whenever required.

iii)  No tools and other materials shall be provided by C.S.W.B.


I) One experienced full time supervisor will be deployed by the contractor for

overall Supervision and attending to complaints for all items of work mentioned above. He/She will visit each floor of the office, ensure that all the furniture, corners, glasses etc are absolutely clean, in case work is not completed within permissible time it will be completed before/beyond office hours with the permission of DD/Admn. with no facility of extra remuneration by this office. If required the work will be completed by attending it on Sat/Sunday with the approval of DD/Admn. No. extra payment in this regard will be made by the Central Social Welfare Board. He will be provided one room for office in the building for keeping the equipment and materials for his employees. The contractor will be responsible for the proper behavior, and conduct of staff stationed in the building who should be neatly dressed.