Central Oregon Chapter - ODS
2017 League & Schooling Dressage Show Series
Official Website:
#1 Swing Into Spring League & Schooling Show, Saturday, May 6 (Intro & Training Levels only) and Sunday, May 7, 2017 (all Levels)at Location: Stonepony Dressage Center, Redmond, OR; Judges: Saturday, TBD; Sunday Sabine Ense, “L” ; Show Manager: Nancy Stearns (541) 923-6349.Opening Date:4/7/17 for all ODS Members, 4/10/16 for Non-Members & General Entries (see Rules). Closing Date: 4/21/2017. ODS approval #2017-09.
#2 Summer Sizzler League Show, Sunday, July9, 2017at Stonepony Dressage Center, Redmond, OR
Judge: Sally Sovey, “L”; Show Manager: Nancy Stearns, (541) 923-6349.
Opening Date: 6/2/17 for all ODS Members, 6/09/16 for Non-Members & General Entries (see Rules). Closing Date: 6/23/17. ODS approval #2017-10.
#3 Fall Fling League Show & Schooling Show, Sunday, October 15, 2017, Stonepony Dressage Center, Redmond, OR; Judge: TBDShow Manager: Nancy Stearns;Opening Date: 9/4/17 for all ODS Members, 9/11/17 Non-Members & General Entries (see Rules). Closing Date: 9/27/17. ODS approval #2017-11
League Show Secretary: Laura Swenson, 60641 Golf Village Loop, Bend, OR 97702,541-390-7015
Note: Entries postmarked before opening date will be held for 3 days.
Introductory Level Class List
**These classes will be offered at the May and October shows only
Please specify division: Amateur, Open or Junior/Young Rider. Classes will be divided or combined at Secretary’s discretion. Intro classes may only be entered by horse or rider in their first year of showing. Eligibility for 1 year only. These classes will be ridden in the full size arena unless informed otherwise. These classes are not eligible for ODS Horse/Rider Awards nor for ODS League Championship Show Score purposes. See general rules for more details.
#101 USDF Opportunity Class Introductory Level Test A
#102 USDF Opportunity Class Introductory Level Test B
#103 USDF Opportunity Class Introductory Level Test C
League Show Class List
These classes will be offered at all three League Shows. Please specify division: Amateur, Open or Junior/Young Rider. Classes will be divided or combined at Secretary’s discretion. All tests will be ridden in the full court unless notified otherwise. Riders must provide their own boom box and coordinate with management for sound check.
#104 USEF Training Level, Test 1
#105 USEF Training Level, Test 2
#106 USEF Training Level, Test 3
#107USEF First Level, Test 1
#108USEF First Level, Test 2
#109USEF First Level Test 3
#110USEF Second Level, Test of Choice, specify test
#111USEF Musical Freestyle, ODS Training - USDF 2nd Level – specify level**
#112USDF Pas de Deux through USEF 2nd Level, specify level**
#113 USDF Quadrille through 2nd Level
#114 USEF Third Level Test of Choice- specify test**
#115 USEF Fourth Level Test of Choice- specify test**
#116 FEI Level Test of Choice- specify test**
#117 USDF Musical Freestyle 3rd and above**
#118 USDF Pas de Deux 3rd Level and above**
#119 USDF Quadrille 3rd Level and above**
**Tests ridden at third level and above are not recognized by ODS for Awards or League Championship Score purposes.
CLASS FEES:Make checks payable to COCODS.
These fees are REQUIRED for each Horse/Rider combination. COCODS & ODS members MUST send a copy of their membership card or other proof of membership with entry or entry will not be considered complete!!
ODS Members…………………………… $35 per test.
Non-Members…………………………… $37 per test.
Quadrille………………….………………. $10 per rider, $5 extra per non-member.
Musical Freestyle and Pas de Deux……$35 per class/team, $5 extra per non-member.
Other Required Fees:
ODS Participation Fee, League Show only, PER RIDE…………….....$1 (note: on entry form this is set at 0.00—IGNORE THIS!)
Office fee, required for each horse/ride combination…………..……$7
Working Rider Fee- PLEASE send separate check………..……….… $10
Incomplete Entry Fee……………………………………………………….……….$5
Change Fee, for each change made after the closing date.…….$10
Returned Check fee…………………………………………….……………….…$40
A $10 Working Rider fee is to be paid for EACH HORSE (members and non-members) entered in the show. Please send a separate check for each horse made out to COCODS. For each 2 hours worked by the rider or a suitable substitute, the Working Rider check will be returned. All efforts will be made to schedule rides and jobs so that they are compatible and, where possible, to have a stall available for your horse while you work.
Entries will not be considered valid or complete unless all competitors pay this fee with their entry.
Before Closing Date- Full refund if rides can be filled from wait list or with Vet Certificate/Doctor's letter dated prior to the show date, and are at the discretion of the Show Secretary.
After Closing Date- Class fees and Working Rider Feerefunded with Vet Certificate or Doctor’s letter dated prior to the show date, or if rides are filled from wait list,less $15 Office Fee, and are at the discretion of the Show Secretary.
Working RiderFees refunded only in above situations or if you scratch and still work at the show.
Ribbons to sixth place. If you want your scores to count toward COCODS year-end you must declare your affiliation with COC to ODS.
The first opening date is for ODS Members who include with entry, as required, proof of ODS membership (membership card or a printout of the page of the ODS member roster showing your name). The second opening date is for Non-ODS Members and ODS members. ODS members that do not get their entries in on the first 2 days will be entered in the order received with all other entries. Non-ODS members that send entries on first opening date will not be penalized, but will be put on a wait list for the second opening date. Please email or call the secretary if you need clarification.Copy of ODS card required if an ODS member.
Juniper View Farm: Sand arenas with corresponding warm up areas. Lunging available in designated outdoor area only.
Stonepony Dressage Center: Warm up in covered arena; rubber footing; Round Pen.
NO DOGS ALLOWED at any of the facilities. Children must be supervised.
STABLING: Contact facilities directly for stabling reservations: Stonepony: (541) 923-6349:
RIDE TIMES: Will be sent by e-mail and/or posted on Fox Village website (telephone as a last choice). Ifyou would prefer to receive the information by telephone, please specify, otherwise all information – times etc. will be emailed. It is ultimately the responsibility of the rider to get his/her ride times! As classes may be scheduled out of listed order, riders should be prepared to ride at any time. Class order will vary according to entries and facilities – tests may not be in order!
All general rules in the ODS League Show Section (green pages) as published by the Oregon Dressage Society in the ODS Omnibus apply; see the ODS website for details.
*OPPORTUNITY CLASSES - These classes do not count towards ODS Rider Awards nor towards qualification for the ODS Championships. All ODS Show rules apply. Opportunity classes held at ODS League approved shows may be judged by a proficient person who has not yet completed training programs to earn their certificate or license, or, by a person who has chosen not to renew their “L graduate” certificate or judge’s license.
*For scores to count toward COC Year-End Awards you must declare chapter affiliation with COC to the ODS office prior to the show!
*A horse/rider combination may only enter each class once.
*Each Rider is limited to a maximum of 6 rides/2 or more horses, unless there are unfilled rides in the show, and according to the Secretary’s discretion.
*Horses not entered in the show are not allowed on show grounds.
*Proper show attire is encouraged. Appropriate boots are required, however half chaps are allowed. USEF Ruleswill be in effect, and you are responsible to know them! Tack, whips, bits and spurs will be checked.
*Competitor number must be worn on your horse at all times while on the show grounds—this IS a USEF rule!!
*At any time while mounted on the competition grounds, all riders must wear protective headgear as defined by the USEF Rule DR120 and otherwise in compliance with GR801. Protective headgear is defined as a riding helmet which meets or exceeds ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials)/SEI (Safety Equipment Institute) standards for equestrian use and carries the SEI tag. The harness must be secured and properly fitted. Any rider violating this rule at any time must immediately be prohibited from further riding until such headgear is properly in place.
Have fun this show season!
Riders must work a minimum of 2 hours to receive a $10 refund. Please indicate what job(s) you are qualified for or willing to do. Every effort will be made to schedule work times that
are compatible with your ride times, but in some cases we may not be able to accommodate everyone. You may have a qualified friend work in your place. If your scheduled work time does not work for you, you MUST let the Volunteer Coordinator know at least 3 days before the show. Management will try to have a stall or pen available for you to put your horse in during your work time, but you must provide your own hay and water, and clean up after your horse. If you sign up to work, we expect you to fulfill your obligation—we depend on you to help staff the shows!
(Please print clearly!)
I would like to:
Scribe_____ (must have prior experience)
Score______Gate______Runner______Tack check______
Set up______(afternoon before show, not available at all shows)
Tear Down/Clean Up_____