7740 Manor Drive

Harrisburg, PA 17112

(717) 657-3210 EXT 3

(717) 657-9767 (FAX)

To ensure the optimum health and safety for your child, please review the following:

1. No medication, including over-the-counter, is administered by school personnel unless specific written instructions are received from a physician. The order must include: name of the student, name of the medication, exact dose, exact time to be given and the physician’s signature. All medication orders must be renewed at the beginning of each school year. All medications must be sent to school in the original container. Please note that only inhalers and Epi-Pens may be sent on fieldtrips (diabetic supplies handled on a case by case basis).

2.  Non-medicated cough drops are permitted to be used, but must be provided by the parent, kept in the health room and accompanied by a parent permission note authorizing your child to use them. The nurse may use her discretion in administering the cough drops (ex.- not give before P.E., recess, or dismissal to prevent choking).

3.  Please do not send your child to school if they are ill. If they have had a fever of 100.0 degrees or more, they should remain at home until the temperature has been normal for 24 hours without the aid of medication. Students with vomiting and diarrhea should remain home as well until they no longer have symptoms.

4.  Gym excuses: Parent notes should be delivered to the main office. If a student needs to be excused from gym for an extended period of time, a physician’s order must be provided to the school nurse. Please make sure that the physician notes how long the child needs to be excused. Unless a specific date is noted to return to gym, a new note will be required to return to gym.

5.  Recess excuses: A doctor note is required if a student needs to be kept inside for recess (a parent note is acceptable for a student to stay inside for recess for 1 (one) day only).

6.  Each school year all students will be weighed and measured and have his/her vision tested. Hearing screenings will be performed in kindergarten through 3rd grade. You will receive your child’s results of these screenings upon completion.

7.  All new students are required to have a physical exam on record. Forms are available on the district website or the school office. Please have your physician complete the form and return it to the school. Students who have not returned the form by September 30th will be scheduled to see the school doctor in the spring.

8.  All students in 3rd grade and all new students are required to have a dental exam. Forms are available on the district website or the school office. Please have your dentist complete the form and return it to the school. Students who have not returned the form by September 30th will be scheduled to see the school dentist in the spring.

9.  Each student will receive an Annual Health Survey. This form provides important medical information to the medical staff for the school year. In order to give your child the appropriate care at school, the completion of the health form is essential. This form can be mailed back to the school or sent back with your child upon completion.

10.  Please notify the school office with any changes in phone numbers or contact information. In addition, please notify the school nurse if your child has developed a communicable disease or has a change in their health status.

11.  Home injuries- it is not the responsibility of the school nurse to treat home injuries. Injuries that occur outside of school hours will be the responsibility of the parent/guardian.

If you have further questions or concerns, please call me at the school.

Beth Woronko, School Nurse