Central College Primer

“where to find what you need when you don’t know what to ask”

1)Academic Advising:

a)The goals of academic advising are to:

i)Provide accurate information about educational options, requirements, policies, and procedures.

ii)Assist students in keeping accurate records of progress toward graduation. However, the student has the ultimate responsibility of keeping track of records and requirements.

iii)Assist the student in understanding and reaching the goals of a liberal education as defined in theMission and Goalsof the college.

iv)Develop in the student a sense of responsibility for educational progress.

v)Help the student clarify personal values and goals.

vi)Assist in planning educational programs consistent with the student's interests and abilities.

vii)Direct and guide the progress of each student within an academic major.

2)Academic CORE: The cornerstone of Central's liberal arts curriculum is the Core, a combination of course and proficiency requirements which ensure that the education of all Central College students is grounded in an understanding of the breadth of human thought and experience. CORE Requirements Website:


a)2017-18 Academic Year Calendar:

b)Events Calendar:

4)Central College Lingo: A list of commonly used Central College terms.

5)Class Dean: Each class cohort has an academic resource mentor to assist students throughout their Central journey.

6)College Catalog and Schedule of Courses

a)The College Catalog is the authoritative source for Central’s academic information, policies, and requirements. It contains information about all Central College degree requirements, academic majors, course descriptions, grading policies, academic honesty policy, and much more.

b)The Schedule of Courses is a searchable website that provides a listing of courses available each term.

7)Counseling Services:

8)Educational Records:

a)FERPA (Federal Education Rights and Privacy Act) Website:

b)Parent Portal website:



b)Transfer Credits:

10)Integrated Learning: Encompasses the sum of the individual student’s experiences – academic and co-curricular.

11)Inclusivity: Ensuring everyone is welcome and has a place at Central College.

12)Parents Website: A resource for parent specific information

13)Residence Life: To be a part of Central community life, all students must live on campus all four years.

14)Services for Students :

a)Student Support Services: A federally funded program available to eligible Central students.

b)Introduction to College Success: Examines skills required to maximize the college experience within the liberal arts framework.

c)Tutoring and Writing Center: The Tutoring & Writing Center provides a free peer-tutoring service to all students who want to increase their skills in reading, writing, speaking, listening, and studying, as well as providing assistance for specific courses.

d)Emerging Scholars Program: Designed to allow students to customize their honors experience through completion of required interdisciplinary seminars, focused course enrichments and a capstone senior honors thesis.

15)Student Involvement: By getting involved students learn new skills, challenge themselves, development leadership skills, meet new people, and enrich their college experience.

16)Study Abroad: Central offers off-campus programs around the world as part of our commitment to global experiential learning.

17)Wellness and Well-being: It is more than physical…a holistic approach is taken..