District 9700

Central and South West NSW

Rotary Youth Leadership Awards


Monday, 11thApril to Friday, 15th April 2016

Charles Sturt University – Orange Campus

“My RYLA experience was amazing, everyday since the camp I have reflected on different parts and it hasn't stopped inspiring me to achieve my dreams, the support of leaders and the fantastic group of young people was inspiring in itself. I would recommend RYLA to anyone hands down.”

2016 Rylarian via Survey Monkey


In 2015 the Rotary Club of Orange Daybreak resumed responsibility for the running of the District 9700 Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA) for the trienium 2016 – 2018. A committee was formed representing the district including individuals from The Rotary Clubs of Orange Daybreak, Orange North, Calare, Blayney and Bathurst East.

Several initiattives were proposed to change the RYLA program that whilst respecting the outstanding work done in past years would reflect the changing needs of young leaders from western New South Wales.

Broad changes included:

  • Recognition that the RYLA experience was a conference rather than a camp.
  • A move to individual accommodation away from ‘camp style’ dormitories.
  • Provision of improved lecture and dining facilities.
  • The development of workshops around themes in recognised leadership strategies.
  • Improved IT facilities.
  • Recognition of the ages and needs of Rylarians including removing earlier restrictions on phones, cars etc.
  • Changes to the role of Directors with removal of the concept of ‘Camp Mum and Dad’ to Directors that included Rylarians, outstanding non-Rylarians and Rotarians.
  • A move from the ‘Holy Grail’ to the ‘Pinnacle Cup’ recognising the unnecessary use of the phrase ‘holy
  • A more proactive approach to the concepts of “Service Above Self” and Rotary


  • 35 Rylarians attended RYLA 2016
  • Of these 19 were males and 16 females
  • 16 clubs were represented from as far south as Henty, west to Leeton, east to Bathurst and north to Orange
  • 8 business funded Rylarians with conference costs with the remainder sponsored by Rotary clubs.

“I have been telling people since I went to RYLA that it probably is the best thing I have ever done, as it took me out of me comfort zone and made me try new things, I love listening to all the different speaker then afterward talking to others about what they got out of that speaker.”

2016 Rylarian via Survey Monkey


In 2016 an ambitious initiative was proposed to seek partnership between RYLA and Charles Sturt University. This proposal was successful with CSU agreeing to provide extensive financial sponsorship along with support in kind to the value of $20,000. The partnership allowed the district committee to provide outstanding facilities including university lecture theatres and breakout spaces, state of the art IT facilities, Rylarians being able to access wifi, motel style individual accommodation and excellent catering and dining facilities.

The district committee is most appreciative of CSU and its partnership particularly as indications are that similar sponsorship may be available in 2017.


The district committee adopted a three pronged theme to the RYLA week. This included firstly adoption of the ‘Leadership Capability Framework’ underpinning speakers and their topics and recognising the five facets of effective leadership (knowledge, personal, interpersonal, organisational and strategic), secondly a theme of career skills and thirdly a theme of “Looking after me”.

The Pinnacle Cup program was extensive with activities similar to previous RYLA years aimed at building teamwork, practising leadership skills and getting Rylarians active.

2016 included a unique activity where small groups of Rylarians were exposed to “Service Above Self” experiences in various locations where volunteers were evident (St, Vincent DePaul, etc). On returning Rylarians were asked to present their feelings about volunteer community work and how it may impact on them in the future.

Other strategies included:

  • A facebook group site that was used throughout the conference to update messages, requests for resources, photos and announcements
  • The development of a video throughout the week showing the Rylarians and their experiences
  • Recognising the Orange weather with conference T Shirts changed to hooded sweatshirts
  • Provision of ‘sample bags’ including a wide range free resources

“Well done to all involved, the feedback which I have received has been very positive.”

Rotarian participant 2016 RYLA via Survey Monkey


Overall the committee at RYLA were extremely positive about RYLA 2016 and its impact on the Rylarians. The Directors had a nightly ‘debrief’ and several suggestions were made for 2017.

On conclusion of RYLA 2016 an evaluation was completed using ‘Survey Monkey’ by Directors and another for Rylarians.

Financial position

The cost to sponsors was increased in 2016 from $600 to $650 despite sponsorship from CSU. This has allowed for improved facilities including accommodation, catering and lecture facilities

Although all accounts are not in as yet it is expected that a surplus from 2016 RYLA will allow the committee to ensure a similar experience for 2017.

District 9700 voted $1000 towards the conference cost with a loan from the Rotary Club of Orange Daybreak of $1000.

Final thoughts:

Although the District Committee has not had its final meeting there are a lot of suggestions for changes for 2017. It would be presumptuous to list them all however based on Director’s thoughts and Survey Monkey these could include:

  • Enrolment for all Rylarians on Sunday evening.
  • Reviewing the 5 days with a little more ‘down time’.
  • Reviewing the application form with removal of some of the more challenging requirements.
  • Restructuring the first day to include more ’ice breakers’.

Recommendations to District 9700 Board

  1. All clubs in District 9700 need to be requested to:
  • Ensure they pass on information to potential Rylarians. Several 2016 Rylarians had little idea what the purpose of RYLA was nor what to expect despite a comprehensive Club Information Pack being forwarded to club secretaries
  • Clubs need to vet all Rylarians. Although there were fortunately no inappropriate candidates one candidate was still a student at high school who arrived upset with her parents. In future it is suggested all candidates should have at least left school.
  1. In the formal handover from organising club to another there should be at least an active bank account, contact lists of past Rylarians and guest speakers, a digital copy of previous years booklets and procedures along with previous budgets. None of this information was forthcoming leaving the District Committee having to start from scratch!

“AMAZING. Absolutely surreal, it was a bit like entering a parallel universe for a few days. Intense, but so worthwhile. Thank you, thank you, thank you! “

2016 Rylarian via Survey Monkey

John Willing PSM

District 9700 RYLA Chair