Clemson University

Center for Improvement of Construction Management & Processes

2015 – 2016 Outcome Assessment Report

Mission / Purpose - The Mission of the Clemson University Center for the Improvement of Construction Management and Processes (CICMP) is to conduct research and professional development activities pertaining to proven “Best Practices” for the improvement of construction management and processes that will result in more cost effective and efficient construction.


G 1: Research and Scholarly Activities - Faculty and undergraduate and graduate students will conduct funded and unfunded research projects.

G 2: Continuing Education - The Center will develop and deliver continuing education and other professional development programs for the construction industry.

G 3: Fund Raising - The Center through its Corporate Partner Program and other initiatives will raise funds to support the Center and CSM Department activities.

Outcomes/Objectiveswith Measures, Achievement Targets, Findings and Achievement Summaries and Analyses

O 1: Clemson University faculty will conduct applied research for the benefit of the construction industry.

M 1: Formal records shall be kept of all internally and externally funded applied research conducted through the CICMP.

Source of Evidence: Activity volume

Achievement Target - $60,000 in funded research projects will be conducted during the assessment period.

Assessment Results - During the assessment period a total of $155,395 of funded research was conducted by the faculty in the CSM Department. This was an improvement from $113,500 from the last assessment period.

Target Met.

O 2: Clemson University faculty will have had published and/or presented peer reviewed papers on their research conducted or being conducted through the CICMP.

M 2: Total number of peer reviewed papers and invited peer reviewed presentations by the construction science and management faculty during the assessment period.

Source of Evidence: Existing data

Achievement Target– At least ten peer reviewed publications and presentations will result from the work of the faculty.

Assessment Results - During the assessment period the CSM faculty had published a total of 11 peer-reviewed papers and presented a total of 9 peer reviewed papers at national and international professional conferences. This was a major improvement over last year at 11 peer-reviewed papers published and four invited presentations made.

O 3: Graduate students will be involved in applied research projects conducted through the CICMP.

M 3: Total number of peer reviewed papers and presentations that construction science and management graduate students authored or co-authored.

Source of Evidence: Existing data

Achievement Target - At least three peer reviewed papers authored or co-authored by graduate students will be published/presented during the assessment period.

Assessment Results - Of the 10 peer reviewed published CSM faculty papers, four of them were co-authored by CSM graduate students. This was an improvement from two during the previous assessment period.

O4: Continuing education courses will be conducted through the CICMP for the construction industry.

M 4: Records will be kept by the Director of the CICMP on the specific courses conducted and all participants will complete a standard evaluation form for every course.

Source of Evidence: Existing data

Achievement Target - The CICMP will conduct at least four continuing education courses and participants will positively evaluate the courses by providing an overall average satisfaction of 3.5 out of 5.0 on a CICMP standard form.

Assessment Results - The following continuing education courses were conducted through the CICMP during the assessment period and all resulted in evaluations at or above the outcome target. Christine Piper - Introduction to Modular Building, On-line course for MBI; Roger Liska - Improving Productivity, MetroPower Leadership Conference, December 2015; Increasing Professional Effectiveness - Clemson University Development Office, October, 2015; Using the American Institute of Constructors Associate Constructor Certification Examination Results as Direct and Indirect ACCE Outcome Measures for Undergraduate Programs, July, 2015.

Target Met

O 5: Funds and pledges in cash and/or resources and services will be received for the support of the work of the CICMP.

M 5: Records of donors and amounts received and/or pledges of cash and/or resources will be kept at the CICMP.

Source of Evidence: External report

Achievement Target - $120,000 in funds and/or materials and services, or pledges for same will be in hand at the end of the assessment period.

Assessment Results - During the assessment period a total of $190,00,000 was received from 38 Corporate Partner companies which was an increase of $30,000 from last year.

August 8, 2016