Mrs. Moylan Mr. Gallagher

(610) 933-8877 ext 4248 (610)933-8877 ext 4225

Center For Arts and Technology- Pickering Campus

Algebra 1 Syllabus

Course Description

This course allows students to develop a solid foundation in basic algebra skills and concepts. Topics include algebraic vocabulary, properties and their operations, linear sentences, lines and distance, slopes and lines, exponents and powers, polynomials, and systems of equations. Further, Algebra I allows students to develop mathematical power through problem solving strategies, reasoning activities and cooperative learning projects using appropriate tools.

Course Content

·  The Language of Algebra

·  Tools of Algebra

·  Equations and Formulas

·  Proportion and Percents

·  Simple Inequalities

·  Multi-Step and Compound Inequalities

·  Function Concepts

·  Applying Functions

·  Characteristics of Linear Functions

·  Using Linear Functions

·  System of Linear Equations

·  Linear Inequalities

·  Exponents

·  Polynomials

·  Data Analysis

·  Probability

Course Materials

You will need to bring the following materials with you each day to class:

*Paper and pencil

*Three-ring binder

*Algebra 1 Text (Holt 2007-also available on my online Moodle site)

Course Policies

·  Students in this class have the right to learn in a positive, respectful environment. No negative comments/attitudes/behaviors will be tolerated.

·  When absent, you will have one week after your return to make up missed work.

·  Homework will be collected at the beginning of the next class. Late or incomplete work will be penalized.

·  Copied work will result in a 0% for both parties. I will be able to tell. Trust me.

·  No late assignments will be accepted after test day.

·  Cell phones, i-pods, or other personal electronics are never to be visible. If seen, they will be confiscated. Continued abuse will result in surrender to the principal to be picked up by a parent. If seen during a test or quiz, you will receive a 0%.

Grading Policies

Marking period grades will be the average of:

Skills (assignments and open-note work) 40%

Assessments (tests and quizzes) 30%

Citizenship 30%

Your citizenship grade incorporates your classroom attendance, preparation and behavior. The following explains the 5 point rating system:

·  5 points: Prepared for class. Fully engaged. Following expectations. Demonstrating positive work practices. Collaborating and involved.

·  4 points: Fully engaged. Following expectations for work completion.

·  3 points: Mostly engaged. Following expectations with reminders.

·  2 points: Redirection required to stay engaged. Following expectations with reminders.

·  1 point: Frequent redirection required staying engaged. Following some expectations with reminders.

·  0 points: Major behavior infraction, sleeping in class, or absent. You can make up points from being absent by coming up during lunch or after school.

Calculation of Final Grade will be the average of:

MP1 20%

MP2 20%

Mid-T Exam 10%

MP3 20%

MP4 20%

Final Exam 10%

Grading Scale

A: 90%-100%

B: 80%-89%

C: 73-79%

D: 70-72%

F: Below 70%

Expected Course Outcomes

Students will be able to:

·  Use algebraic properties and processes in mathematical situations and apply them to solve real world problems.

·  Represent functions (linear and non-linear) in multiple ways, including tables, algebraic rules, graphs, and contextual situations and make connections among these representations. Choose the appropriate functional representation to model a real world situation and solve problems relating to that situation.

·  Write, solve, graph, and interpret linear equations and inequalities to model relationships between quantities.

·  Write, solve, and interpret systems of two linear equations and inequalities using graphing and algebraic techniques.

·  Display, analyze, and make predictions using univariate and bivariate data.

If you ever need extra help just let us know. We have many resources at CAT-Pickering and we will make sure that you get the help that you need.

We are looking forward to having you in class and hope that we can work together in making this a very successful year!

Parents: Please check Powerschool regularly to keep track of your child’s progress. You can sign-up for a weekly email alert by going to and using the username and password that was mailed to you. If you do not have this information call 610-933-8877 and speak with Guidance. If the grades don’t reflect what your child is telling you, please do not hesitate to email or call one of us.

I have received a copy of the syllabus and understand what is expected.


Student Name (Print) Date


Student Signature Date


Parent Name (Print) Date


Parent Signature


Parent Email Address