Sugar Island Township

Board Meeting

July 12, 2011

1. Supervisor McKerchie called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.

2. After the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance, roll call was taken.

All present were: Treasurer Davidson, Supervisor McKerchie, Clerk Bledsoe and Trustee Snider. Trustee Biron was absent.

3. There were no changes or additions to the agenda. Clerk Bledsoe did announce that check number 3393 to the State of Michigan for $10.00, was not on the Transaction List.

4. Clerk Bledsoe read a letter from attorney Robert C. Kerzka in regards to Willis v Sugar Island Township, stating that the Michigan Tax Tribunal had denied the request to reopen the cases. She also read the Order Denying the Petitioner’s Motion For Relief From Judgment, which was signed by Presiding Tribunal Judge, Victoria L. Enyart, for Docket No. 350582 and No. 350589.

5. Clerk Bledsoe read the minutes from the June 14, 2011 meeting. Motion made

by Supervisor McKerchie to accept the minutes as read, second by Trustee Snider. Motion carried 4-0.

6. Treasurers Report:

General Fund $220,425.40

Road Fund $284,604.37

Fire Dept Fund $100,717.17

CSB Fund $8,734.10

Ambulance Fund $100,704.28

Liquor Inspection $698.91

Solid Waste Fund $95,515.15

Metro Fund $6,233.29

TOTAL $817,632.67

Motion made by Clerk Bledsoe to accept the Treasurers Report, second by Trustee Snider. Motion carried 4-0.

7. There were no Public Comments made.

8. Motion made by Supervisor McKerchie to hire Donna Martino, Janet Albert,

Trevor Quilan and Ronald Thoerner for the Ambulance Dept., second by Trustee

Snider. Motion carried 4-0.

Motion made by Treasurer Davidson to open Bank Accounts at MBank and at

the Chippewa County Credit Union so that all Township Funds are covered by the F.D.I.C. Upon a roll call vote: Treasurer Davidson-yes, Supervisor McKerchie-yes, Clerk Bledsoe-yes and Trustee Snider-yes. Motion carried 4-0.

9. Motion made by Clerk Bledsoe to allow the Nobles to park their camper next to the Ambulance Barn for the remainder of the summer, second by Treasurer

Davidson. Motion carried 4-0.

10. Motion made by Supervisor McKerchie to pay the bills with the EFT’s and with

checks # 3336 thru # 3393, second by Clerk Bledsoe. Motion carried 4-0.

11. Supervisor McKerchie opened the floor for Public Comments. There were none. He then read the July announcements.

12. Motion made by Supervisor McKerchie to adjourn the meeting, second by Trustee Snider. Motion carried 4-0.

Meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m.

Submitted by:

Louise F. Bledsoe

Sugar Island Township Clerk