TIME AND DATE:25 October 2006
LOCATION:10.00am – 12.30pm
CentennialPlaza, Level 10, Building C
300 Elizabeth Street, Sydney
Jill Allen / Employers FirstGreg Hatton / Motor Traders Association of NSW
Bruno Mendoncca / National Union of Workers
Colin Long / Service Station Association Ltd
Ken McKell / Australian Meat Industry Council
Roland Mann / Coles Myer Ltd
Peter Robinson / WorkCover OHSD Representative
Siew Kiang / WorkCover - Presenter
Michael Costello / WorkCover - Presenter
Ian Eather / WorkCover – IRG Branch A/Manager
Dianne Alchin / WorkCover – Convenor Retail IRG & Wholesale IRG
John Rob / WorkCover – Convenor (Minutes)
Lachlan O’Neill / Shop, Distributive and Allied Employees AssociationMark Mullins / Australian Retailers Association
Chris Moody / NSW Chamber of Fruit & Vegetable Industries Inc
Deborah Salkeld / Self Insurers Association
Deidre Williams / Australasian Meat Industry Employees Union (NSW Branch)
The meeting began at 10:05 am
The Convenor welcomed all members to the last joint Retail IRG and Wholesale IRG meeting for 2006 and introduced Siew Kiang, Director, WorkCover’s Regulatory & Financial Services Group, Michael Costello, Program Coordinator, WorkCover’s Statewide Programs Team, Ian Eather, acting Manager, WorkCover’s IRG Branch and Peter Robinson, Team Coordinator, WorkCover’s RWTS Team. The Convenor specially welcomed Roland Mann from Coles Myer who will be replacing Vanne Wilkinson on this IRG.
Apologies were noted.
The minutes were moved by Greg Hatton and seconded by Bruno Mendoncca.
There were no matters arising from the previous minutes.
3.0Presentation: Developments in Workers Compensation Division.
Siew Kiang, Director of Regulatory & Financial Services Group, provided an overview of the recent developments/ changes in NSW workers compensation and WorkCover’s Workers Compensation Division. She spoke to the Workers Compensation Division Report, which is attached. Siew addressed the following points:
- Scheme Valuation - WorkCover Scheme is in surplus for the first time in 15 years.
- Apprentice Incentive Scheme - workers compensation premium relief scheme for employers of apprentices in New South Wales will apply to policies renewed on or after 31 December 2006. There is no consideration being given to re-introducing the trainee incentive scheme.
- Workers Compensation Premium Rate Reduction - 5% reduction in workers compensation premium rates will apply for policies commencing on or after 31 December 2006. This will be the third rate reduction since June 2005 resulting in a combined rate reduction of 20% and savings to NSW employers of $560m per year.
- Permanent Impairment Benefits Increase - permanent impairment benefit from 1 January 2007 will be increased by 10%.
- Reducing Disputes in Workers Compensation. The Workers Compensation Legislation Amendment (Miscellaneous Provision) Act 2005 included a number of efficiency improvements for the workers compensation dispute resolution system.
- Worker Status Rulings – WorkCover Advice Service – commenced on 13 October 2006 to help employers to determine which workers need to be included in their compensation premiums. Employers can either contact WorkCover’s advice service for assistance by telephone or use an interactive web-based self-assessment tool or, in more complex cases, seek a definitive and binding private ruling to determine the status of a worker for premium calculation purposes.
Discussion points:
- Jill Allen raised a ‘worker status ruling’ where one of her members completed the on-line
exercise, which resulted in a ‘contractor’ answer but an auditor, had said ‘employee’.
Convenors Note: WorkCover’s dedicated Worker Status Service hotline is: 1800 024 205
3.1WorkCover's Internet Redesign Project
Lilania Kershaw of WorkCover’s Communication Group was called away at the last minute and the presentation was given by John Robb. A copy of her presentation was distributed at the meeting and is attached.
A quick survey of members attending the meeting indicated that all had visited WorkCover’s website but none had enjoyed the experience.
WorkCover is seeking the view of IRG representatives on how they would the website to operate. Comments may be forwarded through the Convenor or direct to:
Lilania Kershaw
Senior Online Communications Officer
Locked Bag 2906
Lisarow NSW 2252
Ph: 02-4321 5088
3.2Serious About Safe Business
Michael Costello, Program Coordinator of WorkCover’s Statewide Programs Team,provided a presentation about the Serious About Safe Business initiative.
A core element of the initiative is the Serious About Safe Business Pack, which contains system-based tools to help employers identify what is needed to make workplaces safer and provides outlines on how to do it. It is a practical approach to help employers achieve compliance. Members were sent a copy of the Serious About Safe Business pack in July / August 2006.
The Pack is a practical three-step approach to help an employer achieve compliance:
- Step 1: How do you rate? – complete the checklist
- Step 2: How do you improve? – tools and guidance are provided
- Step 3: Where can I get assistance? – contact details are provided.
The checklist, tools and guidance focus on the following six management system elements:
- Management commitment
- Consultation
- Safe work procedures
- Training and supervision
- Reporting safety
- Workers compensation and return to work
Michael detailed the origins of the initiative and discussed a range of options developed to address industry concerns, including discussion of the Workplace Improvement Framework’s ‘weighted compliance approach’ – assisting compliance, verifying compliance, and sanctions, where the majority of WorkCover’s resources are channelled into assisting compliance.
Michael discussed a training program targeting employers, which takes employers through a process leading toward compliance with legislation, without actually having to discuss the legislative requirements. Concepts of risk management, controls, consultation, training and supervision are introduced through the facilitation process. Action plans are then developed by focusing on an activity, identifying issues needing to be addressed, and identifying what actions are needed and who needs to be involved. Employers then present their action plan to the group and receive feedback from their peers. Workshops take approximately 5 hours. They are also being split into modules so that the workshop can be delivered in (shorter) sections if employers are unable to commit five hours in one session.
Michael also advised of the introduction of the ‘Confirmation of Advice’ (CAR) sheet, which is issued by Inspectors to assist employers in addressing safety-related concerns in their workplace. Results of the pilot indicate the ‘Confirmation of Advice’ appeared to change how the inspector gave advice – and that interaction was more positive / meaningful.
Discussion points:
- A risk management approach tends to concentrate on the risk assessment processes, rather than on fixing the problem (risk controls).
- The ‘Due Diligence at Work: Guide’ (WorkCover cat # 0126, 1997) is not superseded by the ‘Serious about safe Business Pack. The former is a ‘checklist for action on workplace health and safety for company directors and managers’ while the Pack is pitched at small to medium employers.
- It is conceivable that employers who tick in the green areas of the checklist may become complacent and not continue to work on those areas.
- In relation to the CAR, what if the advice is not agreed by the employer or Inspector? The CAR is not a ‘quasi notice’ and provides a written record of conversation.
- CARs are a useful tool for the CABS Team, informing members of what is actually happening in workplaces and indicating common issues that the Team may need to address.
- Inspectors initially commented that the CAR was ‘more paperwork’ but it is a useful tool that looks like becoming part of normal operations.
- Colin Long advised that the Serious About Safe Business Pack is simple to understand and a very useful tool for small business operators. He congratulated WorkCover on a job well done.
4.1OHS Division Report
Peter Robinson, Retail, Wholesale, Transport & Storage (RWTS) Team Coordinator, spoke to the OHS Division report (Refer to Attachment 3).
Discussion points
National Certificates of Competency issued by WorkCover apply only to NSW and ACT-domiciled licence holders who want to apply/convert to a new National Certificate Of Competency.
Action:Convenor to respond back to Roland Mann Coles Myer Ltd regarding applying for a
new National Certificate of Competency if living in another state other than NSW.
Licence renewals can be done at Australia Post outlets across Australia. Only new applications are restricted to NSW outlets.
A verification tool for Driver Fatigue Management Plans has been provided to an Industry working party for comment and is expected to be released early in 2007 – following feedback.
RWTS Driver Fatigue Verification Program has just begun.
- Phase one – writing to approximately 350 employers advising of the fatigue legislation and advising that their business may be visited by an inspector. Companies visited so far as part of this verification program have shown a high level of compliance.
- Phase two is planned for March-April 2007. Phase two will involve visiting prescribed consignors and consignees.
- There is a need to identify more consignors and consignees to get information to.
- Identifying who are consignors and consignees is difficult.
- The RWTS Team has conducted over 40 industry workshops and other workshops with large trucking employers. Workshops have also been held in Victoria, South Australia and Queensland
Manual Handling Program
- Intent is that guidance materials will be developed as a result of responses to questionnaires.
- RWTS Team is looking at what work has already been done on MH in other jurisdictions, including the UK HSE site
5.1Information forwarded to members
The convenor circulated a list of Information forwarded to members in the past two months. The Convenor asked members what they had done with this information (was it
circulated to constituents, posted on websites, in newsletters, etc).
Attendees advised of methods or re-distributing IRG Branch email information as follows:
- Service Station Association Ltd – a separate flyer in the Association’s magazine
- Australian Meat Industry Council – info is edited an sent as a ‘group’ email
- Motor Traders Association of NSW –edits the information and uses in newsletters and emails
- National Union of Workers – info used in quarterly state wide meetings and seminars.
5.2IRG Member Survey
The outcomes of the IRG survey on information dissemination will be reported in 2007.
Ken McKell advised of the injury management seminars developed under WorkCover Assist and provided to AMIC members:
Part of WorkCover Assist project was to develop an injury management kit, consisting of:
- Information booklet
- Loose leaf checklists
- Sample register of injuries
- Sample letter to Nominated Treating Doctor
- Checklist: developing a RTW plan
- Advice on how to fill out WorkCover documentation
- Fraud forms
- Standard RTW program
- WorkCover ‘watching out for you’ poster
- Bandsaw safety poster and sticker
- Kit was advertised through AMIC publications, at trade shows, follow-up phone calls and during site visits
- Kit can be provided on a CD but not on a website
- Progressing a request to have the kit placed on WorkCover website
- Seminar start was 1915 hrs, lasting about 1.5 hrs
- Seminars were based on the booklet content: what to have in place before an injury, what to do if an injury occurs, and (the primary focus) how to successfully manage return-to-work.
Action: Convenor to respond back to Ken McKell regarding making available the AMIC injury
management kit on the WorkCover website.
An email would need to be sent to Tanya O'Donnell mailto: in the planning, performance and research unit of WorkCover requesting if the kit can be put on the WorkCover website, they will create a link back to the kit on the AMIC website.
7.1Falls on the same level Project
The Convenor Retail provided the following update of the Retail falls project:
- The working party is currently developing draft solutions focused case study type documents including: Spills and other contamination, Housekeeping and work design, Return to work and Environmental Issues
- The working party has developed a draft poster addressing hazards associated with falls in a grocery isle
- Currently awaiting feedback from Ritchies IGA regarding the draft poster
- All case studies will be forwarded to Ritchies IGA for piloting when they are complete
7.2Violence Project
The Convenor provided the following update of the project:
- Seminars have been conducted to date in Wyong, Burwood, Parramatta and Newcastle.
- In the fourth week of October 2006 seminars will be conducted at CoffsHarbour and Tweed Heads and then the following week at Orange, Shellharbour, Campbelltown and Liverpool
- The seminar format includes a presentation from representatives of WorkCover, NSW Police Service and industry
- Members are requested to continue to promote the forthcoming seminars
- Members are welcome to make available for each seminar any violence publications they have produced
7.3 Traffic Management Project
The Convenor advised that the working party will be meeting following the IRG meeting and will continue to develop a draft traffic management plan checklist, the working party has been reviewing and further developing the draft document
The BAU is conducting workshops; refer to the WorkCover BAU site for details.
The convenor thanked Mark Mullins, Deborah Salkeld and Vanne Wilkinson for their involvement as representatives on the Retail IRG.
9.NEXT MEETING:13:30 – 16:30pm
14 February 2007
WorkCover CBD South
300 Elizabeth Street, Sydney
Dianne AlchinRetail IRG and Wholesale IRG Convenor
Phone: 02 4321 5045
Fax: 02 9287 5045
Mobile: 0422007257
- Workers Compensation Division Report
- Presentation Notes: WorkCover’s Internet Redesign Project
- Occupational Health and Safety Division Report
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