Centennial High School – Governance Council Meeting
Media Center Conference Room
Minutes –April 28, 2014
Members present: Caroline Truax, Dave Nabors, Scott Kent, Amanda Otto, Shellie Caplinger, Kibbey Crumbley, Marcelle Male, Eva Taylor, Karen LeCates, Kathy Yadegari, Allison Eames.
Members absent: Jim Eason.
Guests: Daniel Penick, IB Coordinator at Campbell High School, Susan Walker, Diane Jacobi.
The following items were on the agenda:
The meeting was called to order by Karen LeCates at 7:33 am.
Public Comment was heard.
Marcelle Male moved and Dave Nabors seconded approving the agenda as presented. The agenda was unanimously approved.
Dave Nabors moved and Amanda Otto seconded approving the minutes of the March Council meeting. The minutes were unanimously approved.
CCRPI Score Update
The Graduation Rate is the area that impacts Centennial the most on the CCRPI score. One program that Centennial is going to put in place to help this is Intercession, a program that is already in place at mostly all North Fulton high schools. Intercession allows students with close to a passing grade (above a 65) to attend a 2-3 day school session and then retake the final.
Learning Commons
The budget will be presented to the board next month. The school is In the process of getting vendor quotes. The PTSA will be asked for some volunteer assistance. The acoustical study will be conducted in 2 weeks.
The IB Research team visited 3 IB schools: S. Forsyth, Marietta, and Shiloh. IB is an integrated, holistic approach to education. The Diploma Program is for grades 11 and 12. The IBCC Program is for career pathways.
Daniel Penick is the Diploma Coordinator at Campbell HS. Mr. Penick was a guest at the SGC meeting to answer questions on IB. He came on board at Campbell during year 10 of their IB program. Mr. Penick is on the state level board for IB schools. When a school goes through the IB application process, it is assigned an IB consultant. The application process takes 2 years. 75% of the students in the IB program at Campbell are from out of district. IB students at Campbell also take AP exams in addition to IB exams for the IB courses that they take.
Student /Parent Surveys
Shellie Caplinger is finishing the surveys and will get them to Ms. Crumbley by Monday.
Increased Student Involvement
Allison Eames suggested that the SGC interact more with the Student Council. Information can be disseminated through Student Council to the students. Ms. Eames also suggested giving Student Council tasks to work on.
SGC Elections
Karen Lecates will be unopposed for the open parent position. Two teachers are running for the open teacher position. Voting will be 5/13/14 – 5/15/14.
Thank you to Ms. Caplinger for organizing a very successful 1st Annual Centennial College Signing Day.
The next Council meeting will be May 19, 2014 at 7:30am in the Media Center Conference Room.
The meeting adjourned at 9:05 am.