Surname/Last/Familyname: / First names:
Title(Mr/Mrs/Msetc): / Date of birth(DD/MM/YY):
Town/City: / Postcode: / Country:
Telephone: / Telephone (mobile):
Organisation name: / Department:
Town/City: / Postcode: / Country:

Telephone:Preferredmailing address(pleasetick):HomeWork

Contact email:Alternative email:

Yourwork experience

Number ofyears working inIT:Your current/most recent jobtitle:

Your current CV/resumeattached*Experience Statement formattached

* Your CV/resumeshouldincludea description of the relevant keytasksandresponsibilities forallyourITworkexperience, including your existing/mostrecent role.


Pleaseprovide a supporterwho willbe ableto validate yourcompetence over thelastyear. Yoursupporter couldbe yourmanager, a seniorcolleague oraclient.

Ifyoursupportercannot commenton the wholeof the last year,please provide details of furthersupporterson aseparatesheet. Pleaseobtainthe agreement of your supporter before providingtheircontact details.

Surname/Last/Familyname:First names:

Title(Mr/Mrs/Msetc):BCSmembershipno.and grade(ifappropriate):

Job title:Professional relationshipto you:



Telephone:Telephone (mobile):


Periodoftimeduringwhich youhaveknownsupporter:From:To:

April 2015


BCSislicensedbythe Engineering Counciltoaward CharteredEngineer(CEng) andIncorporated Engineer(IEng)


Pleaseindicate your preferred registration by tickingthe appropriateboxbelow.

Chartered Engineer(CEng)

*CEng:• An accredited Bachelors degree with honours in engineering or technology,plus either an appropriate Masters degree or Engineering Doctorate (EngD) accredited by a professional engineering institution, or appropriate furtherlearning to Masters level*;

• or an accredited integrated MEng degree.


*IEng: An accredited Bachelors or honours degree in engineering or technology or a Higher National Diploma or a Foundation Degree in engineering ortechnology, plus appropriate further learning to degree level* or an NVQ4 or SVQ4 which has been approved for the purpose by a licensedprofessional engineering institution, plus appropriate further learning to degreelevel*.

*Seeuk forqualification levels andHEreferencepoints.

The Engineering Council website provides a searchable database of accreditedprogrammes. Please check the Engineering Council website:

There are threeroutesyourapplicationcan takeforCEng and IEngregistrations. Your application will receive an initial review assessment by our qualified assessors to determine the route most appropriate to your qualifications and experience:

Standardroute (Accredited)

Experiential route


Please ensureyoucomplete andattachtheExperienceStatement form, availableat bcs.org/cengandbcs.org/ieng with your application


Standardroute (Accredited)


For applicants who holdqualifications accredited by the Engineering Council.

Please visit to determine whether your academic qualifications are accredited or recognised for either

CEng or IEng Registration*see above. Please include authenticated certificates (copy signed by a senior colleague confirming they have seen the original) with your application (see guidance notes).

Engineering Council Accreditationreference number/s(if known):CEng:IEng:



For applicants without exemplifying qualifications; this path enables applicants who do not have exemplifying qualifications to demonstrate their underpinning knowledge and understanding through evidence of their substantial work experience and knowledge gained.

Please ensureyoucomplete andattachtheExperienceStatement form, availableat bcs.org/cengandbcs.org/ieng

Please providedetails ofanyrelevant academicor vocationalqualificationsthatyouhold in the table below:


Technical Reportroute assessment fee required -

For applicants without exemplifying qualifications; this path enables applicants who do not have exemplifying qualifications to demonstrate their underpinning knowledge and understanding through the production of a technical report.

Please providedetails ofanyrelevant academicor vocationalqualificationsthatyouhold:

QualificationCourse title




Modeof study

(Asshownon certificate)institution




Other documents will be required(see guidancenotes)

(i)Academic qualifications

Pleasenote:we require youto provide authenticatedcertificates for any qualificationsdetailedinyourapplication.

QualificationBachelors degreewithHonoursMastersdegree

Course title:

(As shown on Certificate)


Start date:

Graduation date:

Mode ofstudy (FT/PT/DL/Sandwich):

Fees: For the latest fees,please visit

How we use your data at BCS

We’ll store yourbasic personal information, such as your name and email address,so we can assess your application and communicate with you about your membership and registration. We’ll also pass your details to the Engineering Council, so they can process and communicate with you about your registration. Our communications will includewelcome communications, and information about accessing and getting the most from your registration, as well as information about your renewal.

We’ll always keep your information safely and never share it with a third party without your permission. Full details of our data protection and privacy policies are available online at bcs.org/privacy.

Marketing preferences

We're involved in a wide range of activities in the BCS Group, driven by our royal charter and our purpose to make IT good for society. If you’d like to know more about these, as a member you’ll be able to log in to MyBCS to tell us your marketing preferences.


Iwishto beconsidered forCharteredEngineer/IncorporatedEngineerstatus(pleasespecify)withBCS, The CharteredInstitutefor

IT. IfadmittedIagreeto being governed and tocomply with theInstitute’sCharter, Bye-Lawsand Regulationsfromtimetotimeinforceand willabide by theBCSCodeofConduct from timeto timeinforce.


Ifyou arereturning your application by email and are unabletosign it,pleasetick theboxbelowto indicate your agreement to thedeclaration.


Once completedplease returnwithCV/ResumeandExperience Statementformto: BCSThe CharteredInstitutefor IT

MembershipDepartmentFirstFloor BlockDNorthStarHouseNorth StarAvenue SwindonSN2 1FA UnitedKingdom

Tel:+44(0) 1793 417 424 Fax:+44 (0) 1793 417 444 Email: bsite:

©BCS,TheCharteredInstituteforIT,is thebusinessnameofTheBritishComputerSociety(Registeredcharityno. 292786)2018

Ifyourequire this documentinaccessibleformatpleasecall+44(0)1793417600



To apply you willneed tosendusyour signed applicationform,including supportercontact information,your current CV,work experience statementand an applicationfee(– for thelatest fees, please visit

Where applicable, youwillneed to provide relevant authenticatedcertificates. Yoursupportermusthaveknown you foratleast 12monthsand be abletocommentonyour workexperience for thelast12months.

Chartered Engineercriteria

BachelorsDegreewithHonoursinengineering ortechnology, pluseither an appropriateMasters Degreeaccredited orapproved

by a professionalengineeringinstitution orappropriate learning to Master’sleveloran accredited integrated MEng Degree.


An accreditedBachelorsorHonoursDegreeinengineering ortechnology,or aHigher National CertificateorDiploma*or a

Foundation Degreeinengineering or technology,plusappropriatefurther learning to degree level.

*Rulesapplyto Higher NationalCertificateor Diploma. Visit information.

The informationdetailedbelowwillberequestedduring the applicationprocess byMembershipOperations andisnotrequired withyour initial application.


Forapplicantswhoholdqualificationsaccreditedbythe EngineeringCouncil, for either Chartered Engineer(CEng)


Minimum requirements

Refer toEngineering Councilwebsitefor accredited or recognisedqualificationcourselists–

Make a noteof thecoursereference number andnotethisonthe application form

Authenticatedcertificates are required asproof–aphotocopy orscan signed by aworkcolleague willsuffice

There willbe a peer assessment ofyour application


The ExperientialRoute enablesapplicantswhodonothave exemplifyingqualifications todemonstrate theirunderpinning knowledge andunderstandingthrough evidence oftheir substantial work experience.

Ourassessorswill reviewyourCVand ExperienceStatement andifsufficient evidenceof the core competencies hasbeenprovided,youwillprogressdirectlyto ProfessionalReviewinterview.


If the evidence does not sufficiently demonstrate the necessary underpinning knowledge and understanding to support the Experiential route,the assessormayrequest further informationfromyouor recommend thatyouprogress viathe Technical Report route instead.


• Initialtwo-pagesynopsis of theproposed Technical Report.

• Following successfulassessmentof synopsis,afullTechnicalReportshouldbesubmittedfor peer assessment. The report mustbe

3000 to 10000 words,dependentupon qualificationsand registration applied for.MembershipOperationswilladvise.

• IndividualCaseProcedure (ICP)assessment fee(– for thelatest fees,please visit ).

• ATechnicalReport interview(TRI) willbeconducted

Once allrequirements havebeensatisfiedbyanyof the threeroutes,allapplicantswillberequired toattendaProfessionalReview interview(PRI).