7:00 p.m.
Brenda Brooks called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Brenda Brooks presented a check in the amount of $1,000 to Julie Gill, Director of the TEDI Bear Foundation. This has been an annual donation along with donated teddy bears at our Christmas Party. The club has been donating for a long time to this organization.
President’s Comments: Brenda Brooks asked if there were any additions to the agenda: Addie Lou Leggett requested a special committee to be formed to help with the Mardi Gras in March.
The club would like to thank Rod Stem for donating blankets to the fundraiser for Charles Dew and Judi and Terry Tucker.
ACSC Meeting: In January Cynthia Cox and Brenda Brooks attended the ACSC meeting. There was a presentation by Ellen Taylor, the Director of the NC Junior Shaggers in memory of Sue Hallow.
Motion was made to approve the January 9, 2017 minutes. There was a second and the motion was approved.
ENCSC: Items for sale (huggies, license plates, decals, t-shirts, S.O.S. cards till April 1st, Mardi Gras tickets).
Vice President’s Report: Cynthia Cox. No report.
Treasurer’s Report: Brenda Tew presented the Treasurer’s Report for the month of January 2017. Total deposits were $4,120.22. The deposit for the Hurricane Matthew fundraiser totaled $3,440.00. Checks written for expenses were 1,394.40. Interest was $0.22. The club ended the year (12/31/16) with a balance of $8,012.87. Current balance for 1/31/17 is $10,738.69. Motion was made to approve the Treasurer’s Report. There was a second and the motion was approved.
Ways and Means: No report.
Social Committee: Janet Cowen and Tanya Brown are co-chairs of this committee and will be in charge of the Valentine’s Party on February 14, 2017 at the American Legion. They have sold 133 tickets to the event.
E-mails and Website: Edna Denton. No report.
Remembrance: Eileen Daigle. No report.
Membership: Milke Folk gave the membership report. He stated there are four new members to vote in. Motion was made to approve these new members. There was a second and the motion was approved. This brings the total club membership to 203.
DJ Report: Jackie Haislip gave the DJ report. Jackie Haislip will DJ the Valentine’s party on February 14, 2017. Bill Layton will DJ on Wednesday, February 15, 2017 at Tie-Breakers. Billy Layton will DJ at Attitudes on Sunday, February 18, 2017. Jackie Haislip will DJ at the Barn on February 25, 2017.
Hall of Fame Committee
Addie Lou Leggett will present to the Board of Directors next month modifications to the list of Hall of Fame requirements. The Hall of Fame Committee has decided to use points for the Hall of Fame nominees. No one from the club added or deleted any ideas or suggestions to the Hall of Fame requirements posted on the website.
Addie Lou Leggett said Mardi Gras tickets are available. The club has 400 to sell. There are 100 tickets out in the field that members are trying to sell. The tickets are $10 each. The club needs help in selling these tickets. Please volunteer and see Addie Lou Leggett to obtain tickets to sell or purchase. The Mardi Gras is March 18th at the American Legion. Janet Cowen and Tanya Brown are in charge of the menu for this event. Please see Janet or Tonya to volunteer to help make side dishes for the Mardi Gras. The food may change to chicken or remain the same as last year with ham sandwiches. This is the fourth Mardi Gras event for the ENCSC. Addie Lou Leggett asked the club for a check in the amount of $1000 to pull this party off. Motion was made to give Addie Lou a check and there was a second, the motion was approved. The club will give Addie Lou Leggett a check in the amount of $1000 for the Mardi Gras party.
The club has to decide if we want to have a float during Spring Safari at S.O.S. The theme this year is “Dance Fever”. Floats rent for $400. The club needs a Parade Chair. The club is looking for volunteers to chair the committee for the parade. The club will table this decision till next month’s meeting.
The Pirates Cove Party at Spring Safari will cost the club $220. This event will be on a Thursday afternoon, April 27th from 1-5 p.m. Motion was made to participate in this event. There was a second and the motion was made to participate in the Pirate Cove party. Clubs participating in this event are the Sugar Foot, ENCSC, Atlantic Beach Shag Club, and Bass Lake Shag Club.
March 13, 2017 is the next business meeting. The Board is going to meet and discuss a possible change of venue for the Monthly Business Meetings due to the noise level. The Board will notify members where the next Monthly Business Meeting will be.
Brenda Tew, Christy Folk, and John Daigle are on the Nominating Committee. Brenda Brooks, President will be stepping down this year and the committee is seeking club members to volunteer for the position of President. This is a very important position and we need this position filled in order to keep the club running smoothly.
Motion was made and seconded to adjourn the meeting.
Respectfully submitted,
Lynn Hennessy, Secretary