Celtic-Plus –Proposal (CPP)
Celtic-PlusProposal (CPP) – Call2017
ATTENTION: Please assure that the data on the Project Identification and Key Information is consistent with the submitted online form!
Project Identification
Project acronym:Project name:
Project Coordinator (name):
Postal address:
Key Information
Date of proposal:Proposed project start: (month/year):
Planned completion date (month/year):
Duration (months):
Effort and Budget / Total / 2017 / 2018 / 2019 / 2020 / 2021 and later
Project budget (kEUR)
Effort in
Person Years (PY)
Project Abstract
(Project overview maximum 2000 characters / 25 lines max.):
Please be aware that this abstract will be distributed publicly!
Consortium Overview
Company Name & Address(Project co-ordinator first) / Country / Type of organisation *)
I / T / S / U / R
*) Type of organisation: I = Industry; T=Telecom Operator; S=SME; U=University, R=Research Institutes;
Applications submitted to public Authorities
Indicate on country level funding applications submitted to Public Authority (PA) at call deadline. It is advised that for each country a contact person from the consortium maintains the contacts with the PA. In case an official funding application cannot be submitted at the time of this call indicate which formal contacts have been established to check the eligibility for funding for the national consortium and project objectives.
<Country APartners / <Partner A1
<Partner A2
<Partner A3
Contact person of national consortium: / <Name> / <Company> / <email address> / <tel. number>
Contact at national Authority: / <Name> / <Organisation> / <email/ tel #> / Application date
Status (please select): / No Contact / Contacted / Submission Date Agreed / Submitted
Brief Comment on Current status:
<Country B
Partners / <Partner B1
<Partner B2
<Partner B3
Contact person of national consortium: / <Name> / <Company> / <email address> / <tel. number>
Contact at national Authority: / <Name> / <Organisation> / <email/ tel #> / Application date
Status (Please select): / No Contact / Contacted / Submission Date Agreed / Submitted
Brief Comment on Current status:
(Continue country tables as necessary)
Coverage of Celtic-Plus Research Objectives:
Please mark in the table the coverage of the Celtic-Plus research items of your proposal. Please do NOT mark more than 4 items as "2"= main item(s), "1" = additional research item(s).Empty or 0 for not covered research items.
Celtic-Plus Purple Book / CoverageGet Connected
A1 Networks Elements and Infrastructures
A2 Mobile/ Wireless
A3 Broadband, fixed networks
A4 Optics
A5 Energy efficiency (of networks)
B1 Network Architecture and Connectivity
B2 Networking/ platforms
B3 Autonomic/ Open Networks
B4 Other network infrastructure aspects
While Connected
C1 Future End To End Services
C2 Digital/ Smart Home
C3 Digital/ Smart Enterprise/ Transport
C4 Digital/ Smart City
C5 Digital School
C6 Digital/ Smart Car
C7 eHealth
Future Service Enablers
D1 Future Service Platforms
D2 Future interfaces
D3 Multimedia enablers
D4 Security/ safety, trust and identity
D5 Data Mining, Reality Mining, User aspects
D6 Business and Societal Issues
Future Internet/ Clouds
E1 FI-Technology foundation
E2 FI Use-case scenarios, FI Test environment
E3 Cloud-based services and platforms
E4 Internet of Things
E5 Internet of Services
Multi-Disciplinary Approach
F1 Energy Efficiency (as a service/ software based)
F2 Smart Grids, Water management, micro-electronics, etc.
Page 1 (19) This proposal form will be handled strictly confidential by the Celtic-Plus organisation
Celtic-Plus -Proposal (CPP)
Table of Content
Project Abstract
Consortium Overview
Applications submitted to public Authorities
1Requested modifications from last call CPP submission
1.1Requested modifications by reviewers, Core Group and/or Public Authorities
1.2Summary of implemented modifications
1.3Comments/ reasons on modifications that have not been considered
2Main focus
2.1State-of-the-art situation
2.2Rationale for the project
2.3Technological innovation and strategic relevance *)
2.4Business perspective or business plans *)
2.4.1European perspective
2.4.2National perspective for <country A>
2.4.3National perspective for <country B>
2.5Relevance to Celtic-Plus
2.6Major visible results, products
2.7Contribution to Standards
2.8Dissemination activities and exploitation of results
3Project and work organisation
3.1Project structure
3.2Project Calendar
3.3Risk assessment
3.4Work breakdown
3.4.1Work Package List
3.4.2List of Deliverables and Milestones
3.4.3WP 1
3.4.4WP 2
3.4.5WP 3
3.4.6WP 4
3.4.7WP 5
4Project management
5Details on budget and funding
5.1Rationale and assumptions for funding
5.2Details on additional budget (equipment, other costs)
6Overview of the Consortium
6.1Description of the consortium
6.2Contact details
7Effort and budget tables
7.1Total effort allocation per partner and year
7.2Effort allocation per partner and work package
7.3Total budget allocations per partner and year
7.4Budget for equipment and other costs
7.5Total budget allocations per country
7.6Total effort allocations per country
1For Resubmission Only:Modifications From Last Submission
Important: This section 2 should only be filled-in if your proposal is a re-submission (i.e. was requested to consider some modifications at an earlier submission). If your proposal is a new do not fill in this section and continue with section 3.
1.1Requested Modifications by reviewers, Core Group and/or Public Authorities
Recall (e.g. copy) all summary comments received in the CELTIC evaluation letter.
1.2Summary of Implemented Modifications
Summarise what changes have been considered and indicate in which section they were incorporated. Indicate also eventual mergers with other proposals, changes in consortium, budget, etc.
1.3Comments/ Reasons on Modifications that have not been considered
Indicate requested modifications that were not considered in the resubmitted CPP. Explain the reasons why (e.g. technical, practical reasons, etc.).
2Main focus
Explain the main intention and the goals of the project; if possible attach figures to make your idea better understood
2.1State-of-the-art situation[*)]
Describe the current technological situation, the current problems and gaps and indicate current activities on technological improvements. What is the current technological state before the project starts.
2.2Rationale for the project
Why is the proposed project important; which problems will be solved and which results will be generated that are currently not available?
2.3Technological innovation and strategic relevance*)
Explain which technological innovation your project will have achieved at the end of the project. Explain the strategic relevance and expected impact of your proposal on a per-country perspective. Describe relationships with related European or national projects if any.
2.4Business perspective or business plans *)
Explain the business expectations and provide a business plan on a per country basis (as far as this is possible).
2.4.1European perspective
2.4.2National perspective for <country A>
2.4.3National perspective for <country B
2.5Relevance to Celtic-Plus
Explain the technical & strategic relevance and adherence to the Celtic-Plus ‘Purple Book’, in terms of:
- Technical contents (domains addressed)
- Contribution to the ‘Integrated Telecommunication Systems’ approach
2.6Major visible results, products
Describe the major results expected and published from the project. Major results are e.g. new/ improved products, test/ prototype implementations, test environments, specifications, patent, etc..
2.7Contribution to Standards
Describe how the project will contribute to standards. Identify standards bodies/ for a where contributions will be made or which shall be influenced.
2.8Dissemination activities and exploitation of results
Describe and specify the planned (major) activities to disseminate the results, e.g. brochures, websites, workshops, conferences, etc. Indicate how the results will be further exploited by the partners (e.g. product/ service development, etc.)
3Project andwork organisation
3.1Project structure
Describe how the project will be organised (e.g. work package structure, links and relationship between work packages). Provide a technical description for each work package (intended results, milestones, and work organisation)
3.2Project Calendar
Provide a timeline (Gantt chart or bar diagram that indicates the duration of each WP (and tasks); their interdependencies and milestones (e.g. delivery dates or other important events).
3.3Risk assessment
Provide a risk analysis and a contingency plan for identified risks.
3.4Work breakdown
Describe for each work package the technical work that will be carried out, the expected results, and the intended use or exploitation of the results. Indicate further work breakdown of each WP (e.g. tasks). Explain also the roles of the partners involved in the work package and their major contributions for that work page.
3.4.1Work Package List
Work Package number / Work Package title / Type of activity[1] / Lead participant short name / Person months[2] / Start month[3] / End month[4]1
3.4.2List of Deliverables and Milestones
Del. No. / Name of Deliverable or Milestone / Type (report, software) / Disseminationlevel[5] / Delivery month[6]
This proposal form will be handled strictly confidential by the Celtic-Plus organisation1/19
Celtic-Plus -Proposal (CPP)
3.4.3WP 1
WP1 / WP - Title:WP Start date: Month[7] / WP End date: Month[8]
WP1 Partners and role (WPL; TL) / Country: / Effort allocation (PM)
WP leader first and in bold
Description and expected results
Task 1.1:
Task 1.2:
Milestones and delivery dates:
Deliverables (D1.x)/
Internal Reports
(IR1.x) /
Milestones (M1.x) / Title and short description / Month[9]
D1.1 etc. / Title
Short description
3.4.4WP 2
WP2 / WP - Title:WP Start date: Month[10] / WP End date: Month[11]
WP2 Partners and role (WPL; TL) / Country: / Effort allocation (PM)
WP leader first and in bold
Description and expected results
Task 2.1:
Task 2.2:
Milestones and delivery dates:
Deliverables (D2.x)/
Internal Reports
(IR2.x) /
Milestones (M2.x) / Title and short description / Month[12]
D2.1 etc. / Title
Short description
3.4.5WP 3
WP3 / WP - Title:WP Start date: Month[13] / WP End date: Month[14]
WP3 Partners and role (WPL; TL) / Country: / Effort allocation (PM)
WP leader first and in bold
Description and expected results
Task 3.1:
Task 3.2:
Milestones and delivery dates:
Deliverables (D3.x)/
Internal Reports
(IR3.x) /
Milestones (M3.x) / Title and short description / Month[15]
D3.1 etc. / Title
Short description
3.4.6WP 4
WP4 / WP - Title:WP Start date: Month[16] / WP End date: Month[17]
WP4 Partners and role (WPL; TL) / Country: / Effort allocation (PM)
WP leader first and in bold
Description and expected results
Task 4.1:
Task 4.2:
Milestones and delivery dates:
Deliverables (D4.x)/
Internal Reports
(IR4.x) /
Milestones (M4.x) / Title and short description / Month[18]
D4.1 etc. / Title
Short description
3.4.7WP 5
WP5 / WP - Title:WP Start date: Month[19] / WP End date: Month[20]
WP5 Partners and role (WPL; TL) / Country: / Effort allocation (PM)
WP leader first and in bold
Description and expected results
Task 5.1:
Task 5.2:
Milestones and delivery dates:
Deliverables (D5.x)/
Internal Reports
(IR5.x) /
Milestones (M5.x) / Title and short description / Month[21]
D5.1 etc. / Title
Short description
< continue WP tables as required >
4Project management
Describe the overall project management structure and management bodies/ committees (if any) that are considered. Indicate and explain the individual responsibilities in the project (project leader, WP-leaders), the decision-making process, and resolution of conflicts.
5Details on budget and funding
5.1Rationale and assumptions for funding
Explain why public funding should be granted. In case funding may not be granted or might be reduced it should be explained, which impact on the project is to be expected (e.g. reduction in effort, impact in case of stepping-out of a crucial partner, etc.).
5.2Details on additional budget (equipment, other costs)
The budget tables do not provide a specification of costs for equipment, travels or other expenses. As theses costs have to be included in the total budget figures you may specify the details on additional costs in a special table that could be inserted in this chapter, e.g. by specifying costs for equipment/ travels, etc. per partner and per year. Also the reasons why the equipment is needed should be given in this section.
6Overview of the Consortium
6.1Description of the consortium
Describe why the consortium has been composed as proposed. Indicate what kind of expertise and role of each partner and how well the available expertises match with the project requirements. Identify possible gaps in expertise and explain how these gaps will be filled (e.g. by future extensions, or by a complementary national or European project).
Provide a short description of each partner (company profile) and expert involved (short CV). Specify responsibilities allocated to experts.
6.2Contact details
Name of OrganisationContact person
Address / City / Country
Telephone / E-mail / Fax
Name of Organisation
Contact person
Address / City / Country
Telephone / E-mail / Fax
Name of Organisation
Contact person
Address / City / Country
Telephone / E-mail / Fax
Name of Organisation
Contact person
Address / City / Country
Telephone / E-mail / Fax
7Effort and budget tables
All figures in person years (PY)
7.1Total effort allocation per partner and year
Total effort (all WPs) / 2017 / 2018 / 2019 / 2020 / 2020 (+) / TotalPartner 1
Total Effort (PY)
(add rows as necessary)
7.2Effort allocation per partner and work package
Effort per Work Package:
WP1 / WP2 / WP3 / WP4 / WP5 / WP6 / WP7 / WP8 / TotalPartner 1
Total Effort (PY)
(add rows as necessary)
7.3Total budget allocations per partner and year
Figures in kEuro
Partner / 2017 / 2018 / 2019 / 2020 / 2020 (+) / TotalPartner 1
Total Budget (k€)
(add rows as necessary)
7.4Budget for equipment and other costs
Figures in kEuro (Included in total: 8.3)
Partner / 2017 / 2018 / 2019 / 2020 / 2020 (+) / Total / ReasonPartner 1
(add rows as necessary)
7.5Total budget allocations per country
Figures in kEuro
Country / 2017 / 2018 / 2019 / 2020 / 2020 (+) / TotalCountry 1
(add rows as necessary)
7.6Total effort allocations per country
Figures in person year (PY)
Country / 2017 / 2018 / 2019 / 2020 / 2020 (+) / TotalCountry 1
(add rows as necessary)
This section can be used to attach important and related documents to the proposal which are considered relevant for the assessment or labelling. The number of appendices (if any) should be limited to only the most important ones.
This proposal form will be handled strictly confidential by the Celtic-Plus organisation1/19
[*)]These chapters are particularly important for the funding countries. Describe carefully the advantages for each involved countries and explain why a public funding would be beneficial.
[1] RTD = Research and technological development; DEM = Demonstration; MGT = Management of the consortium; OTHER = Other specific activities if applicable in this call, including any activities to prepare for the dissemination and/or exploitation of project results and coordination activities.
[2] The total number of person-months allocated to each Work Package
[3] Measured in months from the project start date
[4] Measured in months from the project start date
[5] PU = Public, RE = Restricted to a group specified by the consortium, CO = Confidential, only for members of the consortium
[6] Measured in months from the project start date
[7] Measured in months from the project start date
[8] Measured in months from the project start date
[9] Measured in months from the project start date
[10] Measured in months from the project start date
[11] Measured in months from the project start date
[12] Measured in months from the project start date
[13] Measured in months from the project start date
[14] Measured in months from the project start date
[15] Measured in months from the project start date
[16] Measured in months from the project start date
[17] Measured in months from the project start date
[18] Measured in months from the project start date
[19] Measured in months from the project start date
[20] Measured in months from the project start date
[21] Measured in months from the project start date