Cellular BiologyMrs. Sarah Bruemmer

2010970-348-5472 Room 307


The topics of this course are: scientific process, cell anatomy/physiology, cell energy, cell reproduction, and genetics. The emphasis will be on labs and problem solving in an interdisciplinary format.


Biology: Principles and Explorations, Raven and Johnson, 1996 ed.

Holt Biology: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 2008 ed.

MATERIALS: Must bring to class EVERYDAY!

  • One ½ inch binder or Spiral notebook
  • Pencils
  • Blue or Black pens (only)
  • Colored pencils or markers


Grading will be a total points system based on classwork and lab reports which are kept in a separate science journal. The remainder of points is earned through individual and group presentations and projects, as well as, quizzes, and exams. Grades must be greater than 60% to earn credit for the semester.

90 - 100 = A 80 – 89 = B 70 – 79 = C60 – 69 = DBelow 60 = F

My job is to help students learn. Talk to me if you need help!


ClassroomP.R.I.D.E. = Prepared . Respectful . Influential . Determined . Exemplary


  • If you expected to be absent get the work before you leave.
  • Students must contact the teacher (email, phone, in-person)the FIRST DAY they return PRIOR TO 3:15 p.m. to make up the work missed. The time frame for making up work will be determined by the teacher and it is the STUDENT’S RESPONSIBILITY to get all work made up by the arranged deadline.
  • LATE WORK: Late work is not accepted for full credit!!!! Max points possible is 50%
  • Missing work will receive no credit. So, turn your work in on time please!


Due to the nature of this class attendance is critical for success.Tardiness will cause you to miss out on learning opportunities at the beginning of call which cannot be made up. BE HERE!

Any student arriving to class after 21 minutes will be marked absent. Habitual tardiness will result in parent, as well as, administrative collaboration.

Dismissal at end of class: The teacher dismisses class, not the bell. Any closure activity assigned must be completed to the satisfaction of the teacher prior to being dismissed from class. Passes will not be written for students who need to stay to finish closure activities as long as time was provided for all students.


Please use the restroom during passing period and lunch. If a student must leave the room, he/she can fill out their planner and obtain teacher permission with teacher signature before leaving the classroom. Abuse of passes may result in loss of privilege to leave class. No passes during the first and last 15 minutes of class, so please don’t ask.


No music players, handheld games, Cell Phones, etc. in class! See Student Handbook for

specific rules. Make sure I do not see your electronic devices. Remember if it is confiscated the 2nd time, a parent will have to come to school and collect the device at my convenience. If a cell phone is observed at all during a test, the student will earn a “0” on the test with no chance of make-up.


NO FOOD OR DRINK (except water in a container with a re-sealable lid) will be permitted in the science classrooms.

Science is what you make it, so jump in, give it a try, you might learn something and even have a little fun!

Student name:______Parent name: ______

Student signature:______Parent signature: ______

Date:______Parent email:______