Excel Notes

Row is numbered from 1 to 1,048,576 and horizontal
Column is alphabetic label ranging from a to z and 16,384 columns

Cell intersection of the row and column

 is to confirm your entry

X cancel button

MUST USE = sign to create a formula or an equation

+ (plus sign) performs addition example = 2+ 6 in the cell appears the answer 8

- (minus) performs subtraction example = 7 – 3 in the cell appears the answer 4

* ( asterisk)performs multiplication example = 5*2 In the cell appears the answer 10

/ (back slash) performs division example = 8/4 in the cell appears the answer 2

^ (caret) = exponentiation example = 2^3 in the cell appears the answer 8

 = button is a drop down menu  More functions the insert function table appears.

Sum = calculates the sum addition = sum(B3:B10)

Average = calculates the average = average(B3:B10)

Max = displays the largest number (value)

Min = displays the smallest number (value)

Count = calculates the number of values

PMT = calculate the payment for a loan (rate, nper, pv, fv, type)

NOW()= current date and time

Excel Notes and Tips
  • each rectangle is called a cell

  • rows are defined by numbers, columns by letter

  • only numbers can be entered in a cell for calculations.

  • this page is called a sheet. A file as .xlsx extension it contains one or more worksheets,
each represents by a tab at the bottom on the excel window with more than one sheet is
called a workbook.
  • See the one sheets in the lower left corner in 2013

  • you can edit a cell by pressing the F2 button

  • you must press enter after you enter text or numbers in a cell.

  • to make the column width wider, double click the line between the letters at the top
  • of the columns.

  • you must write formulas to make calculations. There are three types we will learn.

  • You must always start a formula with the = sign, unless you use the Autosum button.

  • when using parenthesis, you must have the same number facing each direction.
  • Example =sum((a4+b4)*d4)

  • Formula 1. =1+2+3 this will give you the answer 6 in the cell you typed the formula in

  • Formula 2. =sum(a1+a2+a3). This will add the contents of cells a1, a2, and a3 together
  • and put the answer in the cell you typed the formula in

  • Formula 3 - using the Autosum button. Click Autosum to add numbers together.
  • Click the arrow next to the Autosum to get more options for different mathematical functions

  • mathematical function symbols are

+ for addition
- for subtraction
/ for division
* for multiplication