Sunday, March 11, 2018
Welcome! Thank you for joining us today, we are glad you are here. For any families with young children, we have a nursery service available to you in the
basementof the church to serve your needs.
Welcome & Announcements
* Worship in Song Leader: Candace
“Here I Am to Worship”
“The Wonderful Cross”
* Prayer
* Song –“Hallelujah For the Cross”
* Greeting
Special Music Madeline Klinkenborg, Avalon and Aubrey Weber
Children’s Sermon Brenda Schipper
(Children Invited to go to Camp Hope)
Scripture - Mark 15:33-39
Message -Words From The Cross: Why Have You Forsaken Me?
* Song - Doxology
* Song - 215 “Jesus Paid It All” (v. 1-3)
* Benediction
* Song - 215 “Jesus Paid It All” (v. 4)
Thank you to all those who helped with worship today.
Please join us downstairs for fellowship this morningfollowing service!
USHERS FOR March: Nick Koenen, Dave Everts and Ted Junker
GREETERS: Travis & Lacy NEXT WEEK: Dorothy D. & Jo S.
COFFEE SERVER: Irma & Brenda NEXT WEEK: Shelly & Lacy
WE Snacks: No WE March 14-Spring Break
SundaySchool Kids-Will be starting practice for PalmSundayduringSundayschool.
“Crossing the Waters” Women’s Bible Study-Today5-6pm
Ivedean Herter Bible Study-Monday, March 19 at 1pm
Sewing Ladies-Wednesday mornings at Hope
Little Girls Ribbon Dance Practice-6pm on Wed. March 21 & 28 and during Sunday school. They will perform on Easter Sunday during worship.
We-Wednesday, 6:30-7:30pm
Community Sunrise Service-April 1 at Christian Reformed Church
Lent devotionalsare available for your taking, they are on the table in the narthex.
EASTER LILIES-We will again be decorating our sanctuary with lilies. Please bring the lilies to church by March 25 so they will be there for the Palm Sunday service. Giving sheets are on the table in the narthex for those bringing a plant in honor or memory of someone. Please have those turned into the office by Wed. March 21.
Looking for a few goodmen to sing at our Easter worshipservice. Please let Jodi Everts know if you are interested.
Relocating!Shannon & NeliaRies will be joining us during morning worship on Sunday, March 18, to briefly update us on their new ministry plans of moving to the Philippines this summer. One of their goals is tocreate a new librarythere. So they are requestingdonations of children's books, as well asadult ministry study books. A collection box will be in the back church foyer, so let's fill the box before Shannon visits us onMarch 18th!
Everyone is invited to enjoy Timothy Christian School's Annual Swiss Steak Supper onTuesday, March 20. This family-style meal of swiss steak, freshly mashed potatoes, homegrown corn, roll, jello salad, and homemade pie will be served from4:30-7:30 pmat the First Christian Reformed Church (2.5 miles west of Wellsburg). Freewill donation. Carry-outs available.
Join us March 21 at WE for “SLIME” night-a lesson themed around SLIME. The following week, March 28 will be our final WE celebration for the year. All ages welcome to join us!
Easter Morning Schedule: Community Sunrise Service at CRC, 7am; breakfast at Hope, 8am;Easter egg hunt,9am; Worship service, 10am.
We Need You! Pastor Nate placed a note in your mailbox (it has a picture of “Uncle Sam” on it) asking you to get involved in one of our churches four teams (Missions and Outreach, Worship and Education, Building and Grounds, Care and Connection). Please return the form to Pastor Nate or a Consistory Member soon. Thank you.
Pastor Nate wants to hear from you! He will host a series of focus groups to discuss the ministry of the church and its future. You are invited to attend according to your last name:MA-MY,March 11O-SE,March 18SH-WThe groups will meet in the sanctuary from11:10-11:45. If you are unable to attend, you may go to the group which is more convenient for you. Feel free to talk to Pastor Nate about it:319-239-8894. Thank you for helping Hope move into the future!
“Journey to Jerusalem” March 30 & 31 at 7pm at the Grace Reformed Church in Waterloo
DATE CHANGE:Men's Prayer BreakfastSaturday April7th @ 7:30am Come join us for a great time of faith, food and fellowship at the Men's Prayer Breakfast. Our guest speaker will be Aaron Kampman and Randy Aalderks will be sharing music. We look forward to seeing you there. By the way, bring a friend and come hungry.
Timothy Christian School will be hosting a parent informational meeting onTuesday, April 10 at 6:30 pm.This meeting is for families, with children of any age, who wish to learn more about Christian education. For children ready to start school, Timothy Christian Kindergarten Round-up will be held onTuesday, April 17 from 8:20 am - 3:15 pm.Please call the school at641-869-3679to register for round-up or to find out more about the parent meeting.
Making plans for summer? Don't forget about CAMP! Lake View Camp has camps for all ages - day camps, overnight camps, service camps, and grandparent/grandchild camps. Discover "The Missing Piece" this summer! Registration and more information available at
Please havebulletin announcementsto Tosha byWednesdayafternoon prior toSundayand AprilnewslettercontentbyMarch 27. Thank you
OFFERING for March 4, 2018
General: $2,272.50Building: $45.00Missions: $.00
Prayer Concerns:Craig’s family with the recent passing of his brother, Gary;Pam Huffman, mother of Brett Huffman, who has cancer, 2 year old Niall, family friend of Tosha & girls, who had his left eye removed after finding out he has retinoblastoma, and is getting a 2ndopinion to determine if chemo is needed and is now sick with influenza A; Dort’s brother Lee,who is continuing rehab at Grundy Center; Bernita Henricks, who’s seeking medical attention for her heart; Tim Clark, nephew of Marian Sherman, who is getting treatment for cancer; Bria Uhlenhopp and McKenna Riebkes who are each fighting childhood cancer.If you have a matter to be added to the prayer chain, please call Dort K. at319-830-8958or Ted Junker at319-231-2037.