Celebration Assembly

The next Celebration Assembly is on Friday 10thNovember at 3pm in the hall

Certificates this week go to:-

Gold: -

Silver:- Alfie Breckon, Ellie McDonnell

Bronze:- Duncan Kilpatrick, Joel Wilcock, Charlie Greaves, Isabelle Sewell, Olivia Owen-Taylor, Eliza Tose, Oliver Sykes, Aaron Simpson

Stars of the week:– Isabella Lyth, Lila Danby, Scott Ellis, Duncan Barrett

Special Awards:-

Breast Cancer

We managed to raise £62.61 for this great charity. A big thank you to everyone who supported it.

Miss O’Dowd

Miss O’Dowd has had a little girl and has named her Ivy we would like to say a big congratulations to her.

Remembrance Assembly

This will be taking place on Friday 10th November at 10.50am. Everyone is welcome to come along and join us.

Parents Evening

Don’t forget this is on Monday 13th November where teachers will be discussing how your child has settled in to this year.

Children in Need

Let’s go mad with spots. All children to wear as many spots as they can for our spotty day! It costs £1 to dress up in spots and have a Pudseu Bear bun, with all money going to children in need. It takes place on Friday 17th November.

Butterwick Hospice

Christmas decorations will be on sale at break times from Monday. The Christmas Flumpets are £1.50 ,and the Christmas decorations are £1.00

Christmas Fair

This will take place on Thursday 30th November at 2pm – 4pm. Please come along and support your school. If you have any donations for raffle prizes or the tombola please drop them in at school. We will need home baking for our cake stall and any help with stalls would be really appreciated – see Mrs Little.

Christmas DT Day

The children will be creating a nativity scene for the school hall. If anybody has any boxes or spare fabric or wool that we could use we would be grateful for any donations.


The school governing body is looking for one new parent governor. If anyone is interested in becoming a governor please pop into school and see Mrs Little.

Diary Dates


Monday 13th Parents Evening

Friday 17th Children in Need, go mad with spots

Thursday 30th Christmas Fair


Tuesday 5th Bingo

Wednesday 6th Blue Bag Collection

Thursday 7th Pantomime

Monday 11th Christmas Play

Tuesday 12th Parent Craft Afternoon

Wednesday 13th Christmas dinner

Monday 18th Carols and Nativity at St Hildas Church

Wednesday 20th Dolphin Party

Thursday 21st Seahorse Party

Friday 22nd Christmas Jumper day Break up at 2pm.

Laura Little

Acting Head teacher