The 4 Way Forum

April 27, 2010 Volume 4 Number 41 Lancaster, Pennsylvania

Editor: Ed Bednar

Presider: Lynette Trout

Invocation:Darrell Gerke

Song Leader: Paul Heimer

Guests: Fritz Schroeder, Kelsi Eberly, Kevin Eberly, Karen Eberly

Happy Bucks:Ed B. announced that there would be 37 sponsored booths plus the Landisville Food Pantry Booth at the Expo. He also acknowledged the fantastic work done by Carol in preparation for the Expo. Finally, the work assignments for the Expo will be sent via e-mail this week.

Scott Russell noted that next week would be the food pantry week. Since most members will be attending the Expo and, therefore, donating to the food pantry, he suggested that others bring their contributions to the meeting next Tuesday.

Bill noted that Soles for Souls continues to collect shoes for the Haiti relief efforts. One load has been sent and a second will be sent soon. Bring any slightly used or new shoes to future meetings of the Club.

Pete announced that Girls on the Run expect more than 500 runners for its GOTR 5K on Saturday. He was pleased to announce that his daughter completed the practice 5K in 25:40.

Kerry ran a half marathon in Nashville, TN. He enjoyed the many attractions in MusicCity.

Brucetold of theHempfield High School Dance Production – The Game of Life- which began on Thursday and runs through Sunday.

Lynette attended the District conference and heard the Mia Farrow Talk concerning polio and the impact of the Rotary polio program around the world. She noted that next year’s District meeting will be at the Convention Center in Lancaster.

Patrick announced on the Club Web Page that ”Once again Lancaster Hempfield Rotary will invite the visiting GSE Team from Denmark and Lithuania to a great evening on May 4th at 4:30pm – 6:30pm filled with lots of food, fun and fellowship. Please join us for what has become a wonderful tradition over the past years as Club President Lynette Trout and her team at Oak Leaf Manor have sponsored this opportunity to meet our international friends.”

Student of the Month

Kelsi Eberly, a junior at Hempfield High, was selected as the Student of the Month for April. Kelsi is the daughter of Kevin and Karen Eberly.

At Hempfield, Kelsi engages in volleyball and attends many school sporting events. She is an Accounting major and plans to pursue that in college.

When not in school, she enjoys soccer, basketball, field hockey, biking and camping. Somehow, she also finds time to spend five hours a day perfecting her gymnastics techniques. Her dedication and proficiency have earned herfull gymnastics scholarship to the University of Illinois after graduation.

Program: Fritz Schroeder, consultant and engineer for Live Green, discussed the social, economic and environmental impact of ‘greening projects’. As examples, he indicated that single households could develop plans foe ‘green’ remodeling which might include rain barrels, solar paneling, or green roofs. He said that there were significant incentives available which might lead to a payback in less than two years.

He noted that communities and governmental units should develop green infrastructure plans. As an example he noted that LancasterCounty contributed nearly one billions gallons of run off water downstream. This could be decreased significantly if towns installed porous streets which collect the run off water in reservoirs and use the captured water to hydrate gardens and provide for other water needs.

He distributed a brochure noting that Lancaster is tackling pressing environmental concerns by employing an innovative design strategy that uses natural ‘green’ resources to clean the air and water, reduce energy costs and enhance the natural beauty of the place we live, learn, work, and play. This cost-effective, sustainable, and environmentally friendly approach is called ‘green infrastructure’.

The meeting adjourned at 8:15.