CURRICULUM VITAE Updated 8-1-2015

Cecilia Nathansen MILWERTZ

Smallegade 36A, 3 th

2000 Frederiksberg



Senior Researcher

Nordic Institute of Asian Studies

Department of Political Science

University of Copenhagen

Øster Farimagsgade 5

1353 Copenhagen K


Phone: + 45 35 32 95 00

Fax: + 45 32 95 49



1995 PhD in China Studies, Institute of Asian Studies, University of Copenhagen

1989-90 five-month Diploma Course, School of Journalism, Aarhus, Denmark

1988 MA in Cultural Sociology, Institute of Cultural Sociology and China Studies, Institute of Asian Studies, University of Copenhagen

1981-83 Language studies, Beijing Languages Institute, Beijing


2001- Senior Researcher, Nordic Institute of Asian Studies, Copenhagen

1999-2001 Research Fellow, Nordic Institute of Asian Studies, Copenhagen

1996-1999 European Science Foundation Research Fellow, Institute for Chinese Studies, University of Oxford

1995-1996 Associated Fellow, Nordic Institute of Asian Studies, Copenhagen

1990-1994 Research Fellow, Center for East and Southeast Asian Studies, University of Copenhagen



Wang Fengxian and Mi Xiaolin (Cecilia Milwertz) (2014): 民间意愿互融之树---新思维中的民间组织理论与方法 Minjian yiyuan hurong zhi shu – xin siwei zhong de minjian zuzhi lilun yu fangfa. A Tree of Intra-active Intentions – Theories and Methods of Popular Organizing in New Frameworks of Thought. China Social Sciences Press, Beijing.

Zhao Jie and Wen Yichun with Cecilia Milwertz, Merete Lie and Birte Siim (eds). 2012. Quanqiuhua yu bentuhua beijing xia de xingbie pingdeng cujin (全球化与本土化背景下的性别平等促进The Promotion of Gender Equality in the Context of Globalization and Localization). Kunming: Yunnan renmin chubanshe (Yunnan People’s Publishing House).

Burghoorn, Wil, Kazuki Iwanaga, Cecilia Milwertz and Qi Wang (eds). 2008. Gender Politics in Asia, Copenhagen: NIAS Press.

Cecilia Milwertz. 2002. Beijing Women Organizing – a new wave of the Chinese women’s movement. Copenhagen: NIAS Press.

Ping-Chun Hsiung, Maria Jaschok and Cecilia Milwertz with Red Chan (eds). 2001. Chinese Women Organizing – Cadres, Feminists, Muslims, Queers. Oxford: Berg.

Cecilia Nathansen Milwertz. 1997. Accepting Population Control - the Perspective of Urban Chinese Women on the One-child Family Policy. Richmond Surrey: Curzon Press

Journal articles

Cecilia Milwertz (forthcoming 2014) ‘Death and my Ipad’, Kvinder, Køn & Forskning.

Cecilia Milwertz and Wang Fengxian (2013) ‘Masculine Modernity Trumps Feminine Tradition. A Gendered Capacity-Building Operation in China’ Gender, Technology and Development, 17 (3) 259-280

Full text PDF available at

Cecilia Milwertz and Wang Fengxian (2012) ‘Non-Governmental organizing in the People’s Republic of China – a Reading Inspired by Agential Realism’, Kvinder, Køn og Forskning (Women, Gender and Research), Number 1-2, 104-110

Cecilia Milwertz and Wang Fengxian (2011) ’The Relational and Intra-active Becoming of Nongovernment-initiated Organizing in the People’s Republic of China.’ Gender, Technology and Development 15 (3) 457-483

Full text PDF available at

Cecilia Milwertz and Wang Fengxian 2010. ‘Conceptualizing the encounter between foreign development aid agencies and Chinese popular organizations’ Center for Culture Studies, Shanghai University. (in Chinese 米晓琳 王凤仙 ‘外国发展援助机构与中国民间组织之间偶遇关系的概念定义’ 当代文化研究网)

Milwertz, Cecilia, Birte Siim and Zhao Jie (eds) 2009. Gendering Globalization, Asia Insights, Number 1, July

Milwertz, Cecilia. 2008 ‘Commentary 2 on feminist activism within bureaucracy: The “feminist schism” in Taiwan’, Women’s Studies International Forum, Volume 31, Issue 3, May-June, 188-189.

Milwertz, Cecilia and Bu Wei. 2007. ‘Non-governmental Organizing for Gender Equality in China – Joining a Global Emancipatory Epistemic Community’, International Journal of Human Rights, Volume 11, Numbers 1&2, March, 131-149.

Nicola Spakowski and Cecilia Milwertz (eds). 2006. Special issue on Women and Gender in Chinese Studies, Berliner China Hefte, Volume 29.

Bu Wei and Mi Xiaolin (Cecilia Milwertz). 2006. ‘Tantao minjian funü zuzhi fandui jiating baoli de xingdong zhuyi jiqi chuanbo zhanlüe’ (Popular Organizing to Combat Domestic Violence – Activism and Media Interaction), Shehui Xingbie (Gender Studies). Number 3, 37-59.

Bu Wei and Mi Xiaolin (Cecilia Milwertz). 2005. ‘Minjian funü zuzhi yu dazhong meijie de hudong - jiating baoli chengwei gonggong wenti de guocheng’ (Interaction Between Popular Women’s Organizations and the Mass Media - The Process of Making Domestic Violence into a Public Issue). Yazhou Chuanmei Yanjiu (Asian Communication & Media Studies). Volume 2004 (published in 2005), 61-71

Cecilia Milwertz. 2003. ‘Activism Against Domestic Violence in the People’s Republic of China’. Violence Against Women. Volume 9. Issue 6. June, 630-655

Cecilia Nathansen Milwertz. 1999. ‘Kinesisk familie – ægteskab, fertilitet og kønsrelationer.’ Den Ny Verden, 2, 145-158.

Book chapters

Milwertz, Cecilia and Wang Fengxian (forthcoming) ‘The Gender Coding of Modernity - reflections on creating a modern gender and development NGO in the PRC’. In Ragnhild Lund, Philippe Doneys and Babette Resurreccion (eds) Re-visiting Gender in Development: Complex Inequalities in a Changing Asia. Copenhagen: NIAS Press

Milwertz, Cecilia and Min Dongchao (forthcoming) ‘The Naked Truth of Feminisms in the People’s Republic of China’. In Tiina H. Airaksinen (ed) More Than Half the Sky? The New Roles of Women in the Chinese Society

Milwertz, Cecilia and Wang Fengxian (2012) ‘A Western NGO Goes East and Meets Up with Other Stories’, In Denise Gimpel, Bent Nielsen and Paul Bailey (eds) Creative Spaces. Seeking the Dynamics of Change in China. Copenhagen: NIAS Press, 177-202

Milwertz, Cecilia and Bu Wei (2012) ‘Speaking Bitterness and Pleasure – The Vagina Monologues in the People’s Republic of China’. In Denise Gimple, Bent Nielsen and Paul Bailey (eds) Creative Spaces. Seeking the Dynamics of Change in China. Copenhagen: NIAS Press, 203-227

Bu Wei and Mi Xiaolin (Cecilia Milwertz) (2011) (Yi xiao zhi da – Tantao minjian funü zuzhi fandui jiating baoli de xingdongzhuyi ji qi chuanbo zhanlüe) ‘Making it big from the small – A Discussion of Activism Against Domestic Violence by Non-governmental Women’s Organisations and Their Media Strategies’, in Bu Wei and Zhang Qi (eds) (Xiaochu Jiating baoli yu meijie changdao: yanjiu, jianzheng yu shijian) Media Activism to End Domestic Violence: Research, Witness Reports and Practice. (Zhongguo shehuikexue chubanshe) China Social Sciences Publishing House, 206-230

Bu Wei and Mi Xiaolin (Cecilia Milwertz) (2011) (Suku yu yuyue – Guanyu fandui xingbaoli xiju ‘Yindao dubai’ de duihua) ‘Speaking Bitterness and Pleasure – A Dialogue on the Play ‘The Vagina Monologues’, in Bu Wei and Zhang Qi (eds) (Xiaochu Jiating baoli yu meijie changdao: yanjiu, jianzheng yu shijian) Media Activism to End Domestic Violence: Research, Witness Reports and Practice. (Zhongguo shehuikexue chubanshe) China Social Sciences Publishing House, 286-307

Milwertz, Cecilia. 2010. ‘Is it the people who serve the government’: an interview with Ai Xiaoming’ in Pauline Stoltz, Marina Svensson, Zhongxin Sun and Qi Wang (eds) Gender Equality, Citizenship and Human Rights – Controversiesand challenges in China and the Nordic Countries. London and New York: Routledge, 31-45.

Milwertz, Cecilia and Bu Wei. 2009. ‘Non-governmental feminist organizing in the People’s Republic of China – communicating oppositional gender equality knowledge’, in Gilles Guiheux and Khun-Eng Kuah-Pierce (eds) Emerging Social Movements in China. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 227-244.

Wang Fengxian and Mi Xiaolin (Cecilia Milwertz). 2009. ‘NGO huyu yu minjian funü zuzhi de ziwo rentong’ (NGO Discourse and Women’s Grassroots organizations), in Tan Lin and Jiang Xiuhua (eds) Funü/Xingbie lilun yu shijian (Theory and Practice on Women and Gender). Beijing: Shehui kexue wenxian chubanshe (Social Sciences Academic Press), 384-400.

Milwertz, Cecilia Nathansen. 2009. ‘The cultural assumption of virtuous wife and good mother’, In Louise Edwards and Mina Roces (eds) Women in Asia. Volume 4 Constructions of the Feminine, London and New York: Routledge, 165-193.

Milwertz, Cecilia and Bu Wei. 2008 ‘Counsciousness-Raising among and beyond women’s movement activists in China’, in Burghoorn, Wil, Kazuki Iwanaga, Cecilia Milwertz and Qi Wang (eds) (2008) Gender Politics in Asia, Copenhagen: NIAS Press, 121-144.

Bu Wei and Mi Xiaolin (Cecilia Milwertz). 2007. ‘Minjian funü zuzhi yu dazhong meijie de hudong: jiating baoli chengwei gonggong wenti de guocheng’ (Interaction Between Popular Women’s Organizations and the Mass Media - The Process of Making Domestic Violence into a Public Issue), in Wang Jinling (ed) Zhongguo funü fazhan baogao. Funü yu chuanmei. (Report on Women & Development in China. Women and Media). Funü fazhan lanpishu (Blue book on women and development), No 2, Beijing: Social Sciences Academic Press (China), 268-282.

Milwertz, Cecilia and Bu Wei. 2007. ‘Non-governmental Organizing for Gender Equality in China – Joining a Global Emancipatory Epistemic Community’, in Phil Chan (ed) Equality in Asia-Pacific: Reality or a Contradiction in Terms? London: Routledge, 126-144.

Cecilia Milwertz. 2004. ‘Organizing against violence against women in China – joining an international movement’ in Aino Saarinen, Beatrice Halsaa and Hilda Rømer Christensen (eds). Crossing Borders: The Remapping of Women’s Movements at the Turn of the 21st Century. Odense: Odense University Press.

Cecilia Milwertz. 2000. ‘Organizing Rural Migrant Women in Beijing’. Jane Drake, Sue Ledwith and Roberta Woods (eds). Women and the City. Visibility and Voice in Urban Space. London: Macmillan, 174-188.

Cecilia Milwertz. 1998. ‘Control As Care - Interaction Between Urban Women and Birth Planning Workers.’ Kjeld Erik Brødsgaard and David Strand (eds). Reconstructing Twentieth Century China: State Control, Civil Society, and National Identity. Studies on Contemporary China Series. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 92-112.

Book Reviews

Milwertz, Cecilia. 2008. ‘Review of Isabelle Attané and C.Z. Guilmoto (eds) Watering the Neighbour’s Garden: The Growing Demographic Deficit in Asia’, China Perspectives. Number 2, 117-118.

Cecilia Milwertz. 2003. Book review: Ellen R.Judd. 2002. The Chinese Women’s Movement Between Market and State. Stanford, California: Stanford University Press.’ China Review International. Vol.9 , No 2, 455-60.

Other publications

Milwertz, Cecilia Nathansen and Bu Wei (2011) ‘Metttre en pièces les violences conjugales’, Alternatives economiques, 51, 126-128

Cecilia Milwertz (2011) ’Dødsensfarligt at være pige’, Information, 3 November, 17

Cecilia Milwertz og Pia Sindbjerg (2011) ‘Nye Normer for Kinas Kvinder og Mænd’

Kinabladet, 52, Vinter, 3

Cecilia Milwertz og Pia Sindbjerg (red) (2011) Temanummer on kinesiske kønshierarkier Kinabladet, 52, Vinter, 6-29

Cecilia Milwertz. 2010 ‘Kvinner – Rikets største mangelvare, Kina & Vi, No 1B, Volume 42, 8-11.

Cecilia Milwertz and Bu Wei. 2010. ‘Mettre en pièce les violences conjugales’, Alternatives Internationales, No 46, March, 40-42.

Cecilia Milwertz and Wang Fengxian. 2010. ‘Conceptualizing the encounter between foreign development aid agencies and Chinese popular organizations’ Center for Culture Studies, Shanghai University. (in Chinese 米晓琳 王凤仙 ‘外国发展援助机构与中国民间组织之间偶遇关系的概念定义’ 当代文化研究网)

Cecilia Milwertz. 2009. ‘Rigets største mangelvare: kvinder’, Kinabladet No.43A, 28-30.

Cecilia Milwertz and Bu Wei. 2003. Organizing for Gender Equality in China – a Process of Cultural and Political Change. Research Report submitted to the Danish Council for Development Research

Bu Wei and Cecilia Milwertz. 2002. Beijing minjian funü zuzhi shizheng yanjiu.

(Report on Popular Women’s Organizations in Beijing). Prepared for a Research Project Workshop held in Beijing. November 2002.

Cecilia Milwertz. 2002. ’The 1990s Women’s Movement in Beijing – Local Issues and International Inspiration’. In Papers from the XIII European Association of Chinese Studies Conference, Torino 2000. CD Rom. Torino: Sezione Sinologica del Dipartimento di Orientalistica, Universita di Torino.

Cecilia Milwertz. 2000. ‘The 1990s Women’s Movement in Beijing – Ideology, Values and Practice’, Women’s Movements and Internationalisation Network Working Papers, Oulu: Oulu University, 60-72.


2014 A Multitude of Encounters with Asia – Gender Perspectives. 8th annual NNC Conference, University of Iceland, Reykjavik, October

2014 The Fifth Sino-Nordic Women & Gender Studies Conference. Gender and Communication: Representation, voice and empowerment in and through media, film and information and communication technologies (ICTs), Beijing, September

2012 Gendering Asia Network Workshop, Trondheim, Norway, August

2011 Gendering Asia Network Workshop, Reykjavik, Iceland, October

2010 Gendering Asia Network Conference, Copenhagen, November

2010 Gendering Asia Network Workshop, Copenhagen, November

2008 The Third Sino-Nordic Women and Gender Studies Conference. Gender at the Interface of the Global and the Local – Perspectives from China and the Nordic Countries. Kunming, China

2007 Gendering Asia Conference convened by the Gendering Asia Network, Iceland

2005 The Second Sino-Nordic Women and Gender Studies Conference Gender and Human Rights in China and the Nordic Countries. Malmö, Sweden

2005 Gendering Asia Conference convened by the Gendering Asia Network, Kungälv, Sweden

2003 Nordic workshop China Fieldwork Methodology Workshop, the Nordic Institute of Asian Studies, Copenhagen

2003 International conference Women & Politics in Asia, Halmstad University, Sweden

2002 Research project workshop Organizing for Gender Equality in China – a Process of Cultural and Political Change, Beijing

2002 International conference The First Nordic-China Women & Gender Studies Conference, Fudan University, China

1999 International conference Women Organizing in China, Institute for Chinese Studies and Centre for Cross-Cultural Research on Women, Oxford University


Project leader NordForsk funded Gendering Asia Network 2010-2014

Member of Copenhagen University, Faculty of Social Sciences Academic Council September 2009-

Book series editor – NIAS Press, Gendering Asia series 2006-

Coordinator - Sino-Nordic Women and Gender Studies Conferences 2001-

Member of board Nordic Institute of Asian Studies March 2009-2011

Member of steering group – WAGNet - Women and Gender in Chinese Studies Network www.oxford.wagnet 2002-2008

Coordinator - Gendering Asia Network www.nias.genderingasia 2004-2009

Member of board – European Association for Chinese Studies 2004-2008

Member of editorial board – Violence Against Women 2005-2007


Asian Studies Review

Critical Asian Studies

Journal of Women, Politics and Policy

Women’s Studies International Forum

Modern China


Milwertz, Cecilia. 2009. ‘Reading China Differently - China, Sex and Prostitution – a must-read for all China scholars.’ Nordic Institute of Asian Studies, Barha electronic community posted 23 June.

Milwertz, Cecilia and Hilda Rømer Christensen. 2009. ‘Made in China – køn og klasse på den globale arbejdsplads.’ (Made in China – gender and class in the global workplace). Nordic Institute of Asian Studies, Asia Portal, In Focus Blog posted 16 March.

Milwertz, Cecilia. 2009. ‘China’s Charter 08 – a civic call worth noticing’, Nordic Institute of Asian Studies, Asia Portal, In Focus Blog posted 26 January.