Draft Minutes

Alaska Motorcycle Safety Advisory Committee

2:00pm to 4:00pm Sunday, April 10, 2011

Ben Boeke Arena

  • Chair Dan McCrummen called the meeting to order at approximately 2:00pm.
  • Attendance:
  1. Chair Dan McCrummen – present
  2. Vice Chair Dan Coffey – present
  3. Media Chair Craig Breshears – present
  4. Cris Rogers - present
  5. Boyd McFail – present
  6. Chuck Mitchell – present
  7. Barry Matteson-present
  8. AHSO Cindy Cashen – present
  9. AST Captain Hans Brinke -present
  10. DMV Joanne Olsen –present
  11. Also attending: Juneau ABATE member Bob Heflin
  12. Anchorage Hells Angel member T.J. Journa’
  • DOT&PF Commissioner Marc Luiken was introduced to the AMSAC members, and after some discussion, acknowledged AMSAC concerns about striping and patching materials and spring gravel removal.
  • Approval of 01/09/11 minutes:Dan C motioned, Chuck seconded.
  • Old business
  • Motorcycle education
  • Motorcycle user survey: Cindy

T.J. Journa’, a member of Alaska ABATE, came forward to state that he and others felt that the survey was not made up by a rider; that the survey was incomplete and needed tuning. Not a good survey because of the bureaucratic type of questions. Dan McCrummen stated that AMSAC created and revised several times the survey. Boyd explained that the survey is mainly for AMSAC and not geared for the state agencies; that the survey is to look at protective gear, helmets and crashes. TJ felt that this survey ownership needs to be better explained. Members agreed that AMSAC ownership will be clearly explained on future survey forms.ACTION ITEM: Cindy will have the Office Assistant compile the data into a “read only” excel spreadsheet, perhaps using the Boyd and Joanna Reed’s survey spreadsheet.

  • Info card: Dan M/Craig

Both members have begun contacting dealers/retailers/vendors/financing institutions to donate funding for a tri-fold brochure that contains a comprehensive list of motorcycle instruction providers in Alaska to make it easier for motorcyclists to find a local trainer. Boyd motioned and Chuck seconded that Craig continue to gather information for a brochure, as an AMSAC member.

  • Boyd and Chuck’s membership extension has been granted: Cindy. done.
  • Statute exemption for helmet to helmet communication devices: Captain Brinke confirmed

that DPS Commissioner Masters , who has the statue responsibility, has determined that helmet to helmet communication devices are vital to safety and therefore acceptable on the road. ACTION ITEM: Captain Brinke will provide a letter of this interpretation to Dan Coffey and other AMSAC members, and discuss with the Commissioner whether or not this should be stated in statute.

  • New Business
  • FFY11 Alaska ABATE and Juneau ABATE Awareness Media Grants

Boyd motioned that both grant applications, up to $1000 administrative costs for the Alaska ABATE grant and Chuck seconded.

  • SMSA Conference (Dan McCrummen) August 19-21, 2011 Des Moines IA

Craig motioned and Chuck seconded for travel approval. ACTION ITEM: Dan will provide a report afterwards.

  • MSF International Rider Training System Conference (Dan Coffey) May 7-9, 2011, Richmond

KY: RETSORG website. It’s the only MSF rider-course training provided this year. Cris motioned and Chuck seconded. ACTION ITEM: Dan will provide a report afterwards. ACTION ITEM: Kathy will process an NTP on Monday. ACTION ITEM: Cindy will provide the current 2010 funding.

  • DMV: is there a way to determine if motorcycle endorsement was issued based on

completion of rider education course, and if not, can there be? Joanne provided the DMV list. DONE

  • Joanna announced that MSF is coming to Alaska on May 1st to train instructors on 3-wheel cycles. Juneau ABATE was not aware of this training. Dan Coffey explained that this communication is not unusual because Alaska is one of the few states where MSF training is not state owned and is, instead, run by several individual MSF trainers through the ABATE Chapters.
  • AMSAC members committed to taking a turn at the AMSAC booth during the Dealership Bike Show


  • TABLED: Finish review of AMSAC Objectives and Goals
  • TABLED: Discuss/brainstorm new awareness campaign ideas
  • TABLED: 2011 National SMSA Conference request for door prize
  • TABLED: Discuss/brainstorm new awareness campaign ideas
  • Setting of next meeting: ACTION ITEM: On Sept 1st, Cindy will remind Dan to call for a fall meeting-Sept-Oct.
  • Adjournment motion by Cris and seconded by Cris at 4:04pm


  1. Cindy will have the Office Assistant compile the data into a “read only” excel spreadsheet, perhaps using the Boyd and Joanna Reed’s survey spreadsheet.
  2. Captain Brinke will provide a letter of this interpretation to Dan Coffey and other AMSAC members
  3. Captain Brinke will discuss with the Commissioner whether or not this interpretation should be stated in statute.
  4. Dan McCrummen will provide a report about the SMSA Conference.
  5. Dan Coffey will provide a report about the MSF Conference.
  6. Kathy/AHSO will process a Grant NTP on Monday.
  7. Cindy will provide the current 2010 funding to AMSAC Members.
  8. On Sept 1st, Cindy will remind Dan to call for a fall meeting-Sept-Oct.