Hawaii Rotary Dictionary Project

Dictionary \Dic"tion*a*ry\, n

A book containing the words and a language, arranged alphabetically,

with explanations of their meanings: a vocabulary: a wordbook.


(Name), Principal
(Name) Elementary School
(City), Hawaii (Zip code)

Dear (Name),

The Hawaii Rotary Dictionary Project is a project of Rotary in Hawaii. Rotary is an International service club that does service in our communities and throughout the world. The Hawaii Rotary Dictionary project was started a few years ago and is extremely successful for the students, teachers and Rotarians. Rotarians throughout the state will be raising money to buy dictionaries for third grade students in the State of Hawaii.

We would like to supply your third grade class with “A Students Dictionary” authored by the Dictionary Project, Inc.

Distribution: Rotary volunteers will visit each school to distribute the dictionaries. Students are asked to sign each book with their names. A brief lesson on how to use the book is given, and students are asked to find certain words to demonstrate their comprehension. At the end of the visit, the children are asked to write a thank you note to the Rotary club. For tax purposes we will need a letter from the principal of the school accepting the dictionaries.

If you would like to receive these dictionaries, please contact me at ______or email: ______to let me know how many students you have in your third grade class including special education third grade and teachers.

Sincerely yours,


(Club Name)


Tel: (Tel number) email: (email address)