CDR’s Big Rock – 30 Day Plan:


Fully Implemented / Partially Implemented / Not Implemented
In 30 Days, we will know that we are successful when:
  • We will be able to have a VERY clear plan as to what we are doing with writing in our school. It will be visible, to everyone involved, what our plan is and how we are going to achieve our goals. Each person involved in our school will know our vision and will know what part they are playing in that vision.

The Measures/Evidence we will use are:
  • We will meet with our writing team to review our plan for the 2015 – 2016 school year.
  • KPREP scores from last year.
  • Multiple writing activities within the classroom.
  • Posted work samples of student writing in the hallways and classrooms.

30 Days Action Strategies / Who is on point? / By when? / How communicated?
Conduct our school writing team meeting / Laura Perry
Scott Bolin / September 22nd / Minutes from the meeting, emails
Send our teachers to the Abell and Atherton on-demand writing training / Scott Bolin
Laura Perry / September 10th / Emails, agenda
Review the writing scores from KPREP / Scott Bolin
Laura Perry / September 22nd / Faculty meetings, data days
Writing faculty meeting – Narrative writing / Laura Perry
Scott Bolin / September 16th / Email agenda

CDR’s Big Rock – 60 Day Plan:


Fully Implemented / Partially Implemented / Not Implemented
In 60 Days, we will know that we are successful when:
  • We will now have a very clear plan completed as to what we are doing with writing in our school. It is visible, to everyone involved, what our plan is and how we are going to achieve our goals. Each person involved in school writing will have a copy of our school wide writing plan and will know what part they are playing.

The Measures/Evidence we will use are:
  • We will meet with our writing team to review/amend our plan for the 2015 – 2016 school year.
  • KPREP scores from last year will be analyzed.
  • Classroom walkthroughs for writing.
  • Multiple writing activities within the classroom.
  • Posted work samples of student writing in the hallways and classrooms.

60 Days Action Strategies / Who is on point? / By when? / How communicated?
Continue to conduct our school writing team meetings / Laura Perry
Scott Bolin / December 18th / Minutes from the meetings, emails
Classroom follow-up visits to monitor teachers implementation of the Abell and Atherton on-demand writing training / Scott Bolin
Laura Perry / December 18th / Emails, agenda
Provide support for on-demand writing through PLC’s / Scott Bolin
Laura Perry / December 18th / PLC minutes
Review the short answer and extended response with the teachers / Scott Bolin
Laura Perry / December 18th / Faculty meetings, PLC’s
Writing faculty meeting – Opinion pieces / Laura Perry
Scott Bolin / December 18th / Email agenda

CDR’s Big Rock – 30 Day Plan:

Instructional Strategies

Fully Implemented / Partially Implemented / Not Implemented
In 30 Days, we will know that we are successful when:
  • We will be able to walk into any classroom and identify the instructional strategies that are being used by the teacher. This will be evident in the strategies that they are using with the students in the classroom.

The Measures/Evidence we will use are:
  • Monthly KAGAN strategies to use school wide.
  • School wide KAGAN attention signal.
  • Increased student engagement in each of the school classrooms.

30 Days Action Strategies / Who is on point? / By when? / How communicated?
Timed Pair Share – District wide instructional strategy of the month / Scott Bolin
Laura Perry / September 22nd / School walkthroughs, review of strategies during faculty meeting
School wide attention signal – “High five, please!” / Scott Bolin
Laura Perry / September 22nd / Demonstrated by admin, faculty meeting review
Students will be arranged in cooperative learning pods in the classroom to increase engagement / Scott Bolin
Laura Perry / September 22nd / Walkthroughs and feedback, faculty meeting instruction

CDR’s Big Rock – 60 Day Plan:

Instructional Strategies

Fully Implemented / Partially Implemented / Not Implemented
In 60 Days, we will know that we are successful when:
  • We will be able to walk into any classroom and continue to identify the instructional strategies that are being used by the teacher. This will be continue to be evident by the strategies that they are using with the students in the classroom.

The Measures/Evidence we will use are:
  • Monthly KAGAN strategies to use school wide.
  • School wide KAGAN attention signal.
  • Increased student engagement in each of the school classrooms.
  • Implementation and identification of Artisan Teacher Themes

60 Days Action Strategies / Who is on point? / By when? / How communicated?
Fan-n-Pick – District wide instructional strategy of the month / Scott Bolin
Laura Perry / December 18th / School walkthroughs, review of strategies during faculty meeting
Continued implementation of other KAGAN strategies / Scott Bolin
Laura Perry / December 18th / Demonstrated by admin, faculty meeting review, school walkthroughs
Craft conversations and 30-second feedback to teachers. / Scott Bolin
Laura Perry / December 18th / Walkthroughs and feedback
After school meetings with new teachers reviewing the Artisan Teacher Themes and Rutherford videos / Scott Bolin
Laura Perry / December 18th / Meeting notes, emails, videos

CDR’s Big Rock – 30 Day Plan:

School Culture

Fully Implemented / Partially Implemented / Not Implemented
In 30 Days, we will know that we are successful when:
  • We will be able to determine the success of our school culture when we can see consistent change in the student and teacher interactions with each other. This will help increase the family feel of our school, which will make the building much more inviting for students and parents.

The Measures/Evidence we will use are:
  • Personal feedback from parents.
  • Monitoring our ARC and parent meetings focusing on the positive before the negative.
  • Log of positive communication to each family in all classrooms.

30 Days Action Strategies / Who is on point? / By when? / How communicated?
Positive communication log / Scott Bolin
Laura Perry / September 22nd / Contact logs
Meeting parents and students in the morning by opening their car doors and helping them into the school. / Scott Bolin
Laura Perry / September 22nd / Consistently helping all students each morning
Kindergarten parental welcome breakfast / Laura Perry
Scott Bolin / August 12th / Calls to parents
Start all ARC and parent meetings with positive interactions / Scott Bolin
Laura Perry / September 22nd / Faculty meeting instructions, emails, updates

CDR’s Big Rock – 60 Day Plan:

School Culture

Fully Implemented / Partially Implemented / Not Implemented
In 60 Days, we will know that we are successful when:
  • We will continue to see consistent change in our student and teacher interaction with each other. This will help increase the family feel of our school, which will make the building much more inviting for students and parents.

The Measures/Evidence we will use are:
  • Parent’s survey.
  • Parent informational emails.
  • Facebook/Twitter updates
  • Monitoring our ARC and parent meetings focusing on the positive before the negative.
  • Log of positive communication to each family in all classrooms.

60 Days Action Strategies / Who is on point? / By when? / How communicated?
Parent survey of school culture / Scott Bolin
Laura Perry / December 18th / Survey results
Meeting parents and students in the morning by opening their car doors and helping them into the school. / Scott Bolin
Laura Perry / December 18th / Consistently helping all students each morning
Facebook/Twitter updates showing the awesome things going on in our classrooms. / Laura Perry
Scott Bolin / December 18th / Facebook/Twitter
Start all ARC and parent meetings with positive interactions / Scott Bolin
Laura Perry / December 18th / Faculty meeting instructions, emails, updates
Positive communication log for each teacher / Scott Bolin
Laura Perry / December 18th / Parent log results