CDA Development Course Syllabus

This is a continuing sequence of course from the competitiveness theoretical course. It was intended to be used as the body of knowledge tools for civic entrepreneurial, business consultants, policy makers, particularly Cluster Development Agents to be used as part of their capacity development. This course covers wide ranges of frameworks and academically tools i.e. cluster implementation frameworks, knowledge management, socio-knowledge, leaning strategies and etc. This course can be taught in 8 modules using 45 hours 3 academic credits.

Mandatory: Competitiveness theoretical course must be taken prior for this course.

List of Modules

1.  Module 1: General Requirement

2.  Module 2: CDA Capacity Requirements

3.  Module 3: Cluster Implementation Tools and Methodologies

4.  Module 4: Cluster Implementation Tools and Other Techniques

5.  Module 5: Culture Implication and Other Limitation

6.  Module 6: Knowledge Management Tools

7.  Module 7: Developing the Strategies

8.  Module 8: Conclusion

Modules Detail Description

CDA Development

  1. Module 1: General Requirement

This module covers the understanding of general requirement for Cluster Development Agents in order to effectively management cluster initiatives. It consists of the following subject areas:

  1. Business Requirement
  2. Cluster Requirement
  3. CDA Competency
  4. Core Competency
  5. Development

2.  Module 2: CDA Capacity Requirements
It is the essential capacity requirements for CDA i.e. Leadership, the understanding of business strategy, people management and etc. This module includes the following details:

  1. Leadership
  2. Business Strategies
  3. Understanding People
  4. Implementation Methods i.e. Tipping Point
  1. Module 3: Cluster Implementation Tools and Methodologies

This module includes the first two well known cluster implementation methodologies and their case studies i.e. Scottish Enterprise and Dulch Frameworks.

  1. Scottish Enterprise
  2. Dulch Model
  1. Module 4: Cluster Implementation Tools and Other Techniques

This module is further explain the additional cluster implementation methodologies and their case studies is ie. CIPM. This also covers some additional examples of cluster tools used for CDA.

  1. CIPM
  2. Reinforcing of Activities
  3. Innovation in Clustering
  1. Module 5: Culture Implication and Other Limitation

This module demonstrates the various implication of different cultures especially the eastern culture. This module is also cover the case study of Thailand culture. The following is the detail description of this module:

  1. Examples of Culture Industries
  2. Thai Cluster Implementation
  3. Understanding The Environment
  1. Module 6: Knowledge Management Tools

This module covers the understanding of Knowledge Management Tools in which applicable for CDA in cluster initiatives process. These tools include:

  1. CommonKADS Tools
  2. SECI Model
  3. Sense Making
  1. Module 7: Developing the Strategies

This module explains the scope and impact of social requirement in cluster development. This module is separated into the following details:

  1. SME and Organization Profiling
  2. Community of Practice
  3. Social Networking
  4. Socio Knowledge
  5. Manage the Complexity of Clustering
  1. Module 8: Conclusion

The summary and final suggestions contribution consolidated from course participation.


CDA Development