Welcome to French 10
Why take French?
· It is great for travel and meeting new people
· French is the official language in 29 countries
· It widens your job opportunities
· It has been proven to improve test scores in reading, language, and math in your first language
· It improves your brain structure by increasing problem solving and memory skills
· It makes learning additional languages easier
Communication is the main objective of the Core French Program. Using a thematic approach, communication and language skills are taught with a focus on the needs and interests of the students in the class.
The language skills to be developed in the Core French Program include:
Reading Writing Speaking Listening Viewing/Representing
French 10 Learning GoalsCommunication Skills
Students will understand and create different kinds of messages in French in various situations for a variety of purposes.
General Language Strategies
Students will apply language learning skills and strategies.
Language Knowledge
Students will apply knowledge of French language accurately for specific communication needs.
Students will recognize the value of learning French and Francophone cultures through participation in a variety of activities.
French 10 Expectations
When you started learning how to speak your mother tongue, you were immersed in the language. This means that you heard it all the time and were constantly practicing it yourself. This process and method is the only way to truly learn a language.
What does this mean for class? This means that you are expected to do your best to express yourself and your thoughts in French as much as possible. This also means that you absolutely must keep up in class with assignments and all practice opportunities. If you fall behind, it may be impossible to catch up.
Language Structures to be Reviewed or Taught in Grade 10 French:
Les verbes réguliers
er, ir, re
Les verbes irréguliers
être, avoir, aller, faire
Les verbes irréguliers
vouloir, manger, commencer, etc.
Passé compose avec avoir
e.g. J’ai parlé
Le verbe + l’infinitif
e.g. Je veux chanter
Le Futur Proche
e.g. Je vais nager (I am going to swim).
e.g. Vas! Parle! Essayez!
La negation
e.g. Je n’ai pas, Je ne suis jamais
Ø Les adjectifs
Les adjectifs: le masculine, le feminine, singulier, pluriel
e.g. Elle est contente
Les adjectifs: la place
e.g. un petit chat, une table rouge
Les adjectifs possessifs
e.g. mon, ton, son, notre, votre, leur
Les adjectifs démonstratifs
e.g. ce, ces, cette, cet
Les nombres ordinaux
e.g. premier, première
Ø Les adverbes
Les adverbs
e.g. vraiment, aussi, très
Les adverbs de temps
e.g. tôt, tard, en avance, déjà, de temps, en temps, jamais, souvent, etc.
Les adverbs de quantité
e.g. peu, beaucoup
Les adverbs de manière
e.g. lentement, facilement
Ø Les contractions, les prepositions, et les pronoms
Contractions avec à et avec de
e.g. Au, à la, à l’, aux
Du, de la, de l’, des
e.g. devant, derrière
Prépositions + les saisons
e.g. en été, au printemps
Les pronoms objets directs
e.g. Je la vois.
Les articles partitifs
De la, du, des, de l’
Class Evaluation
Daily Participation in class (Speaking / Listening / Reading / Writing Activities) 60%
Weekly Quizzes / Assignments 30%
Final Evaluation / Project 10%
Note: You cannot do well in the class unless you complete every assignment – speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Because of this, regular attendance and daily participation is extremely important.