CD/doc. 07/08

In pursuance of the mandates and resolutions of the Inter-American Children’s Institute and on the basis of the Action Plan 2007 – 2011 adopted by the Directing Council of the IIN, and in compliance with the principles on communication, accountability and transparency, I submit the following report on the actions undertaken by the IIN in the period comprised between August 2007 and September 2008

1.Institutional Strengthening

For this period the following actions deserve special mention:

  • Hierarchic dependency of the General Directorate of the IIN

We inform that pursuant to the Executive Order 08-01 rev. 1, signed by the Secretary General of the OAS, Dr. José Miguel Insulza on April 9 2008, the General Directorate of the Inter-American Children’s Institute (IIN), with the status of the Department, became a Dependency of the OAS Secretariat for Legal Affairs. This Secretariat was established by the OAS General Assembly, during the Thirty-Eighth Regular Sessions Period, held on 26 March 2008, through Resolution AG/RES. 1 (XXXV-E/08).

The presence of Dr. Jean Michel Arrighi, Secretary for Legal Affairs of the OAS and Dr. Ricardo Dominguez, Chief of Staff of the Secretary General of the OAS, at IIN’s headquarters, on 15 May 2008,was propitious to present to them a summary on the actions undertaken by the IIN framed within the meetings with the Director General, the Director and Areas Coordinators and also to dialogue with the rest of the staff of the Institute.

This same day theyparticipated together with other high-level authorities, in the main table during the presentation of the book “Public Policies and Children’s Human Rights – General Comments of the Committee on the Rights of the Child”.

  • 38th Regular Session of the General Assembly of the OAS, 1-3 June 2008, Medellin, Colombia
  1. The IIN sent its contributions to the Draft-Declaration of Medellin “Youth and Democratic Values”, proposed and distributed among the Member States three Draft-Resolutions as regards to the issues discussed by the IIN in the context of its Action Plan 2007-2011. The Mission of Uruguay to the OAS submit a Draft-Resolution unifying themes that finally, and also promoted by the Mission of the United States to the OAS, was submitted and adopted as Resolution AG/RES. 2432 (XXXVIII-O/08) “Prevention and Eradication of Commercial Sexual Exploitation and Smuggling of and Trafficking in Minors”. This Resolution takes note with satisfaction of the decision of the Directing Council of the IIN to instruct the Director General to develop an “Inter-American Program for the Prevention and Eradication of Commercial Sexual Exploitation and Smuggling of and Trafficking in Children”[(CD/RES.10 (82-R/07)] and recommends the establishment of a Specific Fund to finance the “Observatory on Prevention and Eradication of Commercial Sexual Exploitation and Smuggling of and Trafficking in Minors.”

The Director General participated in this Session as Observer.

  • Signature of the Agreement between the IIN and the Ibero-American General Secretariat (SEGIB) April30th, 2008, Washington, D.C.

In fulfillment of the mandate received from the Directing Council through Resolution CD/RES. 11 (81-R/06), on the way to establish reciprocal cooperation and exchange actions with relation to the development of policies and activities devoted to childhood, adolescence and the family. To establish legal foundations in order to implement specific projects and actions that will be the result of common interest.


2.Follow-up to the Resolutions of the 82nd Regular Meeting of the Directing Council

Resolutions of the Directing Council / Process
CD/RES. 03 (82-R/07) - Application of the Inter-American Program of Cooperation for the Prevention and Remedy of Cases of International Abduction of Children by One of their Parents. / In
CD/RES. 04 (82-R/07) - Place of the 83rd Regular Meeting of the Directing Council. / In
CD/RES. 05 (82-R/07)– XX Pan American Child Congress. / In
CD/RES. 06 (82-R/07) - Special Meeting of the Directing Council. Analysis of the Implementation of New Laws on Child Issues, Public Policies, and Institutional Reforms within the framework of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. / Fulfilled
CD/RES. 07 (82-R/07) - Inter-American Meeting on the "Exchange of Experience and Programs on Child Care". / Fulfilled
CD/RES. 08 (82-R/07) - 80th Anniversary of the Inter-American Children's Institute. / Fulfilled
CD/RES. 10 (82-R/07) - Inter-American Program for the Prevention and Eradication of Child Commercial Sexual Exploitation and Illegal Trafficking. / In
CD/RES. 11 (82-R/07) - Action Plan 2007-2011. Inter-American Children's Institute. / In continuous process

The following actions were carried out in compliance with the abovementioned Resolutions adopted by the Directing Council during its82nd. Regular Meeting:

Meeting / Venue and Date / Subject Matter / Participants / Agreements
Special Meeting of the Directing Council of the IIN: “Analysis of the Implementation of New Laws on Child Issues, Public Policies, and Institutional Reforms within the framework of the Convention on the Rights of the Child” / Quito, Ecuador
29 and 30 November, 2007 / - Legislation on Childhood and Adolescence
- Public Policies and Systems on Integral Protection of Children and Adolescence Rights
- Investment and resources allocated for Childhood and Adolescence. / Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Saint Lucia, Suriname, United States, Uruguay. / Conclusions
Resolution to thank the host country.
Inter-American Forum on Children and Adolescents “My right to participate” / Queretaro, Mexico
22, 23 and 24 April, 2008 / How do we participate today girls and boys?
How would we like to participate in our family, school and community?
What do we propose to participate in the plans and programs aimed at children and adolescents? / Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Honduras, El Salvador, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Trinidad and Tobago, United States, Uruguay, Venezuela / Conclusions
Inter-American Meeting on the “Exchange of Experience and Programs on Child Care” / Queretaro, Mexico
24 and 25 April, 2008 / - Experiences on child and adolescent participation in the promotion, implementation and defense of their rights.
- Family and community strategies in the alternative care of children deprived of parental care.
- Experiences on follow-up and independent monitoring in the implementation of public policies with rights approach. / Participant countries:
Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Trinidad and Tobago, United States, Uruguay, Venezuela. / Conclusions

Cooperation with other strategic counterparts

Policies regarding institutional relationships and cooperative work have made it possible to bring aboutalliances and specific actions, amongwhich are deserved for this period, the signature of the following cooperation agreements:

a) November 29, 2007: withSave the Children and ECPAT International

With the object of: a) establishing cooperation actions and reciprocal exchange concerning the development of policies and actions addressing children, adolescents and the family. b) Establishing the legal grounds for the implementation of projects and specific actions against commercial sexual exploitation of children and adolescents and in particularly, to develop the creation of a Regional Observatory devoted to strengthening the capacity of governements and organized civil society in their actions against sexual exploitation and other forms of violence.

b)January 31, with the Ibero-American Network of NGOs that work in Drug Addictions (RIOD)

We received from this institution the expression of interest in renewing and formalizing links with the IIN. This is an institution with which the Institute has worked in the past what concluded with the signature of a General Cooperation Agreement with the aim of: a) Establishing cooperation actions and reciprocal exchange concerning the development of policies and actions addressing children, adolescents, and the family; b) Establishing the legal basis on the way of implementing projects and specific actions that will be the result of common interests and the request of cooperation by one of the parties.

Cooperation through Specific Funds

Spanish International Cooperation Agency for Development (AECID)

The IIN presented the Project on: “Program on the Promotion and Protection of Children’s Human Rights in the Americas” adopted by the OAS General Secretariat’s Committee for the Evaluation of Projectsincludingtopics such as: migrant unaccompanied children and adolescents, participation of children and adolescents, Ombudsman. It is expected the Project implementation in two years; it will be implemented in response to the requirements of the four subregions of the Inter-American System and the selection of countries will be established in consultation and by consensus with the Delegates of the Member States to the Directing Council of the Inter-American Children’s Institute.

Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA)

Negotiations continue progressing with the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) in relation to the Project“Strengthening Governance in the Inter-American System for the Promotion and Protection of Children’s Human Rights”drawn up by the IIN and approved by the OAS General Secretariat’s Committee for the Evaluation of Projects. The project aims to strengthen the capacity of the institutions in the States in theirresponsibility as rights guarantor to put into effect the protection of rights and participation of children, adolescents and families in four countries that in a first instance will be intervened.

3.Action Plan Follow-up

Under the coordination of the Director of Areas (Areas Directorate) the following actions have been undertaken:

Area for the Promotion and Protection of Rights

The following activities are highlighed in this period:

  • Systems for the Integral Protection of Children and Adolescents.Elaboration of proposal and working meeting for the Cooperation between theMinistry for Planning and Cooperation of Chile (Ministerio de Planificación y Cooperación) (MIDEPLAN) and the Inter-American Children’s Institute (IIN) on behalf of the implementation of the Ibero-American Program to Strenghtening the Integral Systems for the Children and Adolescents Protection.
  • Participation of Children.Systematization of the INTER-AMERICAN FORUM ON CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS - “MY RIGHT TO PARTICIPATE”, that was held in Queretaro, Mexico,from 22 to 24 April, 2008 with the support of the Regional UNICEF and Save the Children Sweden, as well as the systematization of the cross-section Workshop carried out on April 22 and 23 and of the corresponding Working Committee.
  • Defining and implementing strategies to identify organized groups of Children and Adolescents.
  • Follow-up to the conclusions of the Special Meeting of the Directing Council of the IIN “Analysis of the Implementation of the New Laws on Child Issues, Public Policies and Institutional Reforms within the Framework of the Convention on the Rights of the Child”, held on 29 and 30 November2007 inQuito, Ecuador.
  • To attend meetings of the Quality4Children group (Q4C),for Latin America and to prepare documentson institutional position as regards Standards on Foster Care.
  • Program for a Universal Civil Registryin the Americas(PUICA-OEA). Establish mechanism for exchange and cooperation activities. Participation and joint presentation with PUICA at the V Meeting of Directors of Civil Registration, Identity and Vital Statistics of Latin America and the Caribbean.
  • Committee on the Rights of the Child. Systematization of the final comments of the Committee on the Rights of the Child on the States Parties of the region and elaboration of a database including ratification dates and presentation of reports on the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child and its two Optional Protocols.
  • Databasefrom indicators. Indicators making (macro-economic, demographic, regarding poverty, disparity and human development, nutrition, health, education, situation of women and child protection) of external sources, adequate for its use in the various technical activities of the IIN.

Legal Area

In this period the following activities are highlighted:

Juridical Database. (BADAJ): It was restructured and placed on-line an updated IIN Legal Database (BADAJ).

Child and Adolescent Commercial Sexual Exploitation

  • III World Congress against Commercial Sexual Exploitation

Preparation of various documents to be distributed at the Preparatory Meeting in Buenos Aires. (Materials on CD and brochures)

Participation of the Director General at the inaugural table and of the Director of Areas at the discussion session of the Subregional Forum Meeting on regional cooperation strategies directed to MemberStates and associate members of the MERCOSUR, preparatory of the III World Congress, on August 19th,2008 in the city of Buenos Aires.

Participation at the Preparatory Meeting of Latin America and the Caribbean for the III World Congress against Sexual Exploitation of Children and Adolescents, on August 20 and 21, 2008, inBuenos Aires. Participation of the Director General at the inaugural table and two presentations at the thematic meetings: a) Observance of the Optional Protocol to CRC in the region and b) indicators and monitoring systems, in which was submitted the design of an Inter-American Observatory on the Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children and Adolescents (ESCNNA in Spanish).

Inter-American Observatory on Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children and Adolescents

  • On july 10 and 11, 2008 was held at IIN’s Headquarters, in Montevideo, the Second Technical Meeting IIN-ECPAT-Save the Children Sweden.

Its objectives were:To elaborate a work plan for the development of the cooperation agreement between Save the ChildrenSweden, ECPAT International and the IIN-OAS. To agree on programming activities for the second half of 2008 and first half of 2009 in relation to the Observatory on Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children and Adolescents (ESCNNA in Spanish). Ongoing exchange of institutional synergies, the complementarity of roles of each counterpart and to conclude agreements. The meeting succeeded in an agreed tripartite agenda including dates and responsibles for the implementation of the Inter-American Observatory on Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children and Adolescents.

On August 19, 2008 was held in Buenos Aires a coordination meeting with the Coordinator of the Subregional Project against Commercial Sexual Exploitation of the Subregional Bureau for Central America, Haiti, Panama and Dominican Republic of ILO/IPEC and the Program Officer for the Protection of Children from UNICEF TACRO, with the aim of coordinating the activities of the Inter-American Observatory through the initiative of the Dev Info LAC ESC that both organizations have jointly developed.

Both projects were presented and it was expressed the willingness to coordinate the two initiatives, achieving a consensus on a common approach focusing specific goals for each separate projects. It was agreed to maintain the exchange of views and inputs, on the way of reaching a proposal for its submission tothe Member States.

An enterprise was contracted to design and web programming the Observatory and its follow-up, as well as close contacts were particularly established with Panama, Chile and Uruguay with operators ofMember States in order to give leverage to the instrument.

Juvenile Criminal Justice

With the objective of integrating an inter-American network of experts in this field, the IIN has held meetings with experts and referents on Juvenile Criminal Justice in the different regions of the hemisphere.

On July 3, Mary Beloff visited the healquarters of the IIN who, as a specialist in this subject and as Attorney General of the Argentine Nation stated on which are the greatest challenges that the region is facing today to implement the legal reforms, as well as the concern about the weakening of the debate on prevention crime in the region.

Childhood Special Rapporteur of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR). They have been established coordination channels in order to develop a common agenda on the issue related to Juvenile-Criminal Justice.

The Coordinator of the Legal Area attended the Second Meeting of Officials Responsable for the Penitentiary and Prison Policies of the OAS Member States, in Valdivia, Chile, from 26 to 28 August, 2008. The theme presented was about: “Children deprived of their freedom: their relation with the prison and penitentiary system”.

Institutional Technical Guidelines

The IIIN, on the basis of its mission, contributes with the authorities of different government powers (branches of the government) and various institutions through the construction of comprehensive guidelines on legislation, public policies and their use in favor of children and adolescents.

At the request of a MemberState it was issued the addendum to the Institutional Technical Guidelines number one, entitled: ¨Addendum to the Institutional Technical Guidelines No 1. IIN-OAS”. Revictimization of Children and Adolescents in jurisdictional and administrative procedures in the event of sexual abuse.


  • The exercise of parental authority by parents accused of being involved in sexual abuse (sexual abuse-actors) and other forms of abuse towards children and adolescents.
  • Credibility of the views of the child or adolescent victim of sexual abuse and other forms of violence.

The same was presented at the Palacio Legislativo of Uruguay, in the context of the Athenaeum on the “Analysis on the case of child sex abuse within the family”, organized by the Women’s Bicameral Branch of the Uruguayan Parliament, on June 18, 2008.

Support to a Network of Child Public Defender within the National Offices of Ombudsmen in Latin America

A project regardingthis topic was designed for the consideration of the Spanish Fund for the OAS,attaining its approval. By now preliminary actions have been undertaken such as:

a)A Directory of persons responsible for childhood issues in the National Offices of the Ombudsmen in Latin America.

b)Contact with those responsible for organizing and establishing the network of ombudsmen for children in Latin America.

On July 8, we held a teleconference with the Ombudsman of El Salvador who informed us about how the Childhood and Adolescence Network is being created, about the meeting coordinated to take place in Panama and he shared the main topics concerning the Network and about the interest of coordinating actions with the IIN to this effect.


International Abduction of Children and Adolescents

Dr.Ignacio Goicoecheavisited the IIN’s Healquarters on June 11 and 12. During this meeting the Legal Area and the Liaison Legal Officer for Latin Americaof The Hague Conference on Private International Lawhave coordinated actions framed within the Inter-American Program for the Prevention and Remedy of Cases of International Abduction of Children and Adolescents. They agreed on: