CCRIF Regional Internship Programme - 2017

Application Form

Applicant’s Name: / Surname / First Name / Middle Name
Present Address: / Street / City/Town / Postal Code
Phone Numbers: / Home / Mobile
Email Address:
Country of Birth: / Nationality:
Date of Birth: Day/Month/Year / Male
Check one of the boxes below to indicate the area of focus of your undergraduate studies:
Disaster risk management
Environmental management
Climate studies
Civil engineering
Management studies with a focus on risk management
Environmental economics
Actuarial science
Other (please specify below)
Other area of study:
Name of institution from which you received your undergraduate degree:
Degree level (e.g. First Class Honours) or
Grade Point Average
Are you currently enrolled in a post-graduate degree programmme (check yes or no)? / Yes / No
If yes, course of study:
If yes, name of institution:
Dates you are available to undertake an internship: / From: / To:
Will you be available full-time? / Yes / No
List the name, position, organization and contact information for your two references / Academic Reference #1 Information / Academic Reference #2 / Professional Reference Information
List specific skills (communications, technical, computer/software etc.)

Each applicant must provide a complete application, along with the other documents listed on the CCRIFRegional Internship Applicant Checklist by May1, 2017:

All documents must be uploaded in pdf format to:

Note that instructions for uploading your application will be provided on this webpage

Applicants will receive a confirmation of their submission.

I certify that the information given in this application is true and accurate.


Signature of ApplicantDate

CCRIFInternship Application Checklist

All applicants must submit:

  • A complete application form (available at
  • A curriculum vitae
  • Letter of intent explaining reasons for applying and how this internship aligns with their career goals and how their current knowledge will effectively contribute to the work of one of the designated regional organizations
  • One report from an academic referee at the university level attesting to the applicants’ academic ability and potential
  • A second report from an academic referee at the university level or a letter of recommendation from a professional referee
  • Copy of first Degree
  • Proof of citizenship (copy of passport or national identity document with valid dates)
  • Passport size photo
  • Proof of valid health or medical insurance coverage (if being placed outside home country)