$5000 limit

DUE to Division Head January 30th

Due to CCM IT Committee February 20th

CCM IT Committee decisions made at March 5th

A total of $30,000 will be allocated. Appropriate personnel will purchase equipment (Dave Colussi, Ray Dobson, or Jorin Edgerly or other appropriate personnel at UC). Installation will most likely be completed during summer break.

Proposals will be scored using the information found on the “IT REQUEST” form:

1.Equipment requested

  1. Description of equipment being purchased
  2. How it will be used

2.Cost Breakdown

  1. A breakdown of cost of equipment
  2. Costs associated with building modifications, if applicable
  3. Maintenance expectations, if applicable

3.Purpose and rationale for this project

  1. Attention should be on fulfilling the mission of a “One CCM”
  2. Focus on needs of our students
  3. Relate to training of students for long-lasting and productive careers
  4. Giving opportunities to students
  5. Collaboration between divisions and department
  6. Relationship to the curriculum
  7. Student benefit
  8. Integration into current educational equipment

4.A summary of your discussion with Dave Colussi, Ray Dobson and/or Jorin Edgerly in order to get accurate pricing and possible problems to your proposal.

ITIE Rules and Description

The University will allocate Information Technology and Instructional Equipment (ITIE) fee revenues only for expenditures that directly support student learning by providing access to information technology and other laboratory and instructional equipment and supplies.

Included expenses:

1. Equipment, instruments, tools, materials, supplies and personnel that will be of direct and primary benefit to student learning

2. Software, including site licenses, available to students for any class or program

3. Instructional and laboratory equipment that is available to students but remains the property of the University, including the purchase of data projectors that are primarily used for instruction

4. Equipment, software, support, and operating costs that improve student access to the campus network

5. Laboratory, studio, and computer equipment and supplies required for instructional programs, including equipment for field trips

What they CANNOT be used for:

Equipment, supplies or personnel costs that only indirectly benefit student learning, such as:

1. Purchase of equipment that is not used by students; i.e., equipment such as computers, etc., that is primarily a teaching aid available only to faculty

2. Travel expenses of any kind besides equipment. Examples of excluded expenses include lodging, meals, training or conference registrations, or membership fees/dues

3. Stipends or honoraria for faculty, guest lecturers, or speakers; or wages for tutors/teaching assistants who don’t serve in computer labs

4. Renovation of existing facilities when such renovations (such as building walls or ceilings) are considered capital improvements