CCLHDN Board Call Agenda Minutes

Thursday, July 19, 2012

1:30-3:00 p.m.

1-866-795-0204 Passcode 9691236#

2012-13 Board Members Committee Chairs

Niaomi Hrepich, President Conference and Training (Objectives 4, 5) – Colleen Ogle

Laurie Green, President-Elect Communications (Objective 1) – Nori Grossmann

Laura Brainin-Rodriguez, Treasurer Partnerships (Objectives 2, 7) – Leslie Beckstrom

Denise Kirnig, Membership Secretary

Terri Fields Hosler, Past President Timekeeper: Rebecca

Recorder: Melody

Time / Agenda Item / Purpose / Discussion Lead / Decision / Action Steps
1:30 / Committee Reports
·  Conference & Training
·  Communications
·  Partnerships / Discussion / Colleen
Leslie/staff / Conference and Training Committee:
Debrief call scheduled for 7/23
Lot of positive feedback from May conference
Conversation with state staff around location for conference 2013 – suggested that we would have it in either Sac or Bay Area, and to budget for that. Terri added that through the CDPH SNAP-Ed task force, health officers have been strongly encouraged to identify and send a nutritionist to the annual conference.
Partnerships Committee:
Two Peer Exchanges have been completed. In the two post-exchange structured interviews, Rebecca did with the mentee sites, all questions about benefits/usefulness/preparedness of staff and sites have gotten 5/5. (4 of 18)
·  Three more exchanges scheduled:
CCC-SF: July 25th (6 of 18)
Stanislaus (and possibly one person from SB county) -OC Aug 2nd (9 of 18)
Nevada-Shasta - Aug 22nd (10 of 18)
·  Two exchanges in the works:
Alameda (and possibly Ventura ) to LA - MWS working on this (12 of 18)
Tulare - Monterey (likely happening late Aug or early Sept) (13 of 18)
Recommended not to pursue RWJ request for proposals re: inter-jurisdictional projects.
Agreed to take on development of new member orientation letter.
Communications Committee:
·  Action- Officers and Committee Chairs need to send in a short paragraph for upcoming newsletter to Linda McClure. Linda will send to Rebecca at by July 26.
·  Budget items – flip camera? To document peer exchanges, design for newsletter template, possibly video to document learning from peer exchanges
·  Logo – selected logo option that had a representation of the state as well as maintained the green from current logo. Couple of board members noted that there were no food images in the logo – suggested feeding this back to Nori for further discussion. Two to three logo designs (one containing fruit/vegetables) will be presented to the board.
1:45 / Review May minutes and Action Items / Determine / Melody / Did not have any voting issues in these.
Action items: website related, electronic voting for pres-elect;
1:55 / Officer Reports:
·  President
·  President Elect
·  Treasurer
·  Membership Secretary
·  Past President / Niaomi
Terri / -President: will be giving affiliate report on next CCLHO call – will note peer exchanges and success of leadership forum; Terri suggested that it’s also good to remind CCLHO of CCLHDN’s ability and willingness to provide support, especially around SNAP-Ed funding.
-Treasurer: payments and deposits are up to date with exception of Rebecca’s June invoice and a couple of Peer Exchange reimbursements. Laura asked about getting a proposal from a bookkeeper to set up a book keeping system – will bring quote to Board. Is also looking at finding new bank; Laurie mentioned that a group she’s with is exploring difference between PayPal and Tag, will share this with Laura.
Process question: do we have a policy around whether multiple quotes are required? Recommendation that we forward this to the decision making protocol development.
Action: Terri moved that we allow Laura to get a quote for bookkeeping services to set up an accounting system and that we develop a policy around spending and quotes for use in similar future decisions. Seconded by Laurie. Motion passed.
-Past President: Terri sitting on CDPH SNAP-Ed Task Force; group resolving issues such implementation of LHD funding, rollover allowances for counties not spending their full allocation, subcontracting requirements, etc. , Regarding the contract requirement for a 50% RD a small work group composed of Terri, Diane Woloshin (Alameda), and Michele Van Eyken will develop a recommendation around this requirement and present to the full task force for approval.. Terri also spoke with Michele Van Eyken about the Peer Exchange program and need for ongoing funding to make it possible. Also suggested that we might want to try to get another CCLHDN representative on the task force – suggested President or President Elect. Both volunteered, Terri will make recommendations to task force when appropriate. Finally noted that she developed a short power point to explain the NEOP funding history and current model as part of her role in CCLHO Chronic Disease Leadership Project.
2:05 / Status check on FY 11-12 Network contract deliverables / Apprise Board of outstanding deliverables / Melody / 1)  Learning collaborative: identify on website those links/utilities that comprise “learning collaborative,” site statistics, satisfaction survey with membership
2)  CNAP support: develop “tool kit,” collect electronic copies from remaining counties with active CNAPs
3)  Peer exchange: complete 2 scheduled exchanges; schedule and complete 3 exchanges in works; schedule and complete 2-3 additional to meet number cited in deliverable (deliverable = 18 counties participate in exchange)
4)  Annual Meeting and Leadership Forum – complete
5)  Webinars – host 2 additional webinars (collaborate/co-sponsor with another group for the additional one or two webinars) – Terri is willing to do the presentation she did for the CCLHO CD Committee. Other possible webinars are discussion on weight of the nation segment and will follow-up with Leslie Beckstrom who is doing something similar for CTG in Shasta.
6)  Leadership on nutrition issues – 2-3 additional meetings (to date: CWDA, CCLHO meeting, CCLHO Chronic Disease meeting, CDPH SNAP-Ed workgroup)
2:20 / Review action items from June 11-12 Board Planning Meeting / ID timeline and responsible person / Action: Board members will review the action item table (below) and, referring to the full notes from the retreat, choose a font color and add to the chart: 1) any questions about an action, 2) recommend who will be responsible, and 3) recommend a completion date wherever those details are absent; email your document to Melody by August 8 – she will compile this prior to the August 16 Board call. Please take particular care to flesh out and/or clarify items that are assigned to your Board or Committee position.
2:55 / Review action items, next steps / See items in red font.
Discussion Item / Action/s / Person/Comte Responsible / Timeline
Membership is a requirement for attending CCLHDN’s annual membership/business meeting. / Ensure that membership letter and conference program make this requirement clear; conference can be attended by members and their staffs; any follow up conference (such as the Leadership Forum) can be attended by non-members. Also note this in the new member orientation letter.
Membership/Business Meeting will be for Voting Member and approved associate members.
Business Meeting- 1 hr breakfast meeting suggested -attended by Voting Members only (limited to 1 representative per County) / Membership Secty, C&T Chair / By Oct 2012
Bylaws amendments: / Purpose: CCLHDN’s purpose is to build leadership capacity among local health department nutritionists to influence nutrition funding and programs at the local and state levels.
Officers and terms:
·  President: 1 year
·  President elect: 1 year
·  Immediate Past President: 1 year
·  Treasurer: 2 years
·  Secretary: 1 year / Bylaws Chair-Past President / Electronic vote by _October 1_, 2012
Committees will be given a budget allocation to accomplish projects assigned / ·  communicate allocation amounts to Committee chairs
·  provide budget format to Committee chairs
·  receive proposed budgets from Comte chairs
·  approve budgets / Treasurer / October 1, 2012
Decision making protocol for Board and Committees / ·  create a format and begin populating the categories and decision makers;
·  staff will provide to Board for discussion by August Board meeting / Staff? Past President and President / September 15, 2012
Recruitment goal for program year 2012-13 – 40 counties
Requirement for attending annual membership/business meeting / ·  ask CCLHO staff (Roberta Lawson) for list of counties that don’t typically pay CCLHO dues
·  divide list to make calls to counties on the priority list that have not paid dues in recent years
·  develop new member orientation letter and process for ensuring that new members (which includes both new counties joining CCLHDN and nutritionists who replace members who have retired, changed jobs, etc.) receive a welcome phone call / Staff
Partnerships Chair / September 1, 2012 (if we want our start date to be Oct. 1)
Communications / ·  produce a newsletter format
·  seek content from officers and committee chairs
·  send final to Secretary for distribution
·  propose components/content for website to Board / Communications chair / Semi-annual; Jul-Aug, Jan-Feb
Annual conference / ·  define conference theme and objectives and draft agenda, find suitable venue based on agenda
·  review purpose and ensure responsive content; communicate that nutritionists are in charge and leading the way; membership meeting should be inspirational
·  ensure business meeting is clearly defined – desired outcomes, requirements for attendance / C&T Comte / Annually
Board handbook:
Officers will take responsibility for creating protocols/procedures / Treasurer:
·  Purchasing guidelines
·  Invoicing standards (by contractors, to funders)
·  Reimbursement
·  Contracting procedures
·  Banking information and procedures (names on checking acct, electronic banking protocol, etc.)
·  Travel guidelines (for Board, members, staff)
·  Budget templates (global, project, committees)
Past PresidentClear process for amending bylaws.
Assist with the development of a membership application and process
·  Create a template for procedures/guidelines to be used by all officers/committees?
President Elect:
·  Nominating Committee composition and nominations process
·  Protocol for staff/Board relations
·  Membership application
·  Dues policy and membership renewal process
·  Membership action calendar (can be later in the year- maybe by Jan 2013)
·  Sample forms?
·  New member orientation letter/packet
·  Approval process for written materials
·  Board meeting management protocol
·  Contribute to development of decision making protocol
·  Meeting management protocol for their committee
·  Reporting requirements and process by committee / Dec 1, 2012
Oct 1, 2012
Nov 1, 2012
Sept 1, 2012
Sept 1, 2012
Oct. 1, 2012
Jan 1, 2013
Sept 1, 2012
Dec 30, 2012
Sept 1, 2012
Sept15, 2012
Jan 1 2013
Sept 1, 2012 (if we want a Oct 1 start date)
Oct 1, 2012
Nov 1, 2012