CJE 3662 Criminal Justice Technology and Data Management
In Class Assignment # 4
Name ______
Assignment Overview:
Crime in New Orleans in the middle to late 1990’s followed a trend similar to that of many other large cities in the United States. That is, crime was on the rise and citizens, political officials, and criminal justice system officials wanted answers. Around the United States, many cities called for the introduction of juvenile curfews as but one means to address the rise in crime. The following data set consists of actual data from New Orleans and surrounding cities. There are 500 curfewarrest records over a two year time period from 1994 - 1995.It is your task as a crime analyst to carefully explore these data and develop a profile of curfew violators in and around the greater New Orleans area.
Before you proceed, make a copy of the original data set so you have a back up should the data become corrupted.
Data Dictionary:
Case_No= Case number
UCR= UCR code (not used in any manipulation, however, you should
observe for potential inconsistencies)
Off_Date=Date offense occurred
Off_Time=Time of offense
District= Offense District
Off_Zone=Offense zone
Off_Address=Address of offense
Vic_R=Victim race (A=asian; N=African American; W=White)
Vic_S=Victim sex(F=female; M=Male)
Arr_Charge=Arrest charge (828MCS42-80.2 is curfew violation)
Perp_DOB=Birth date of curfew violator (perpetrator)
Perp_Age=Age of violator
Perp_R=Perpetrator's Race(A=asian; N=African American; W=White)
Perp_S=Perpetrator's Sex(F=female; M=Male)
Perp_Add_Street=Address and Street name of perpetrator's residence
Perp_City_State=Perpetrator's city and State of residence
Curfew Target Profile Analysis
- Open the data set and save it as New Orleans Curfew Data.
- Sort the data set by case number.(2 points)
- Carefully examine the data for inconsistencies and problems with the data. Be sure to identify duplicate records. Determine if there are duplicate records in these data. If there are, remove them, create a newspreadsheet in the current workbook with all non-duplicate data. Title the new spreadsheet "no duplicates". Use this data to perform your analyses. (8 points)
- Profile development of curfew violators in New Orleans can embrace any number of variable interactions. You will want to be as exhaustive as possible in the development of your profile(s). You have been provided with a number of variables that will permit you to explore spatial and temporal patterns of offending. For instance, you may develop tables and charts to explore the following(20 points):
- Age breakdowns of curfew violators across police district’s in and around the greater New Orleans area
- Age breakdowns of curfew violators across the various cities in and around the greater New Orleans area
- Age, race, and sex breakdowns of curfew violators across police district’s and cities in and around the greater New Orleans area
- Monthly breakdown by age, race, and sex.
- Perhaps some within month breakdowns (by day and time) by the aforementioned variables
- Is there any pattern that can be noticed in those circumstances where a victim was involved in the incident?
- These are some examples of how you would develop and conduct some profile analyses that could be passed on to police executives, patrol officers, investigators, and analysts in other jurisdictions to help deal with real and potential crime problems. Be thorough and be creative. It is encouraged that you do some research outside the class to understand about the crime problems in New Orleans and the history behind the development of the curfew violation initiative.
- Create informative tablesand charts to help bring the profile(s) of curfew violators to life. (10 points)
- Create a memo to the Chief Ronal of the New Orleans Police Department to inform him/her of the important patterns identified in these data. I would also include in the memorandum a discussion, with examples if warranted, of problems with the data and how it impacts profile analyses.(10 points)
See if you can find UCR codes
Text to Column Breaks
Research Curfew problems in NO
Do the analysis