The School Board recognizes and accepts the premises that it is responsible to regulate student conduct to achieve the District goals of education. The School Board also recognizes that these regulations must be reasonable and proper so that they do not abridge the privileges or rights of students; and that these should best advance students in their studies, tend to their educational and mental improvement, and promote their safety and welfare. In addition, these regulations must strive to prevent distraction from the educational process. Further, the School Board believes that there are no liberties that are absolutes; all of them may be limited when the common good or common decency require.

The School Board policies reflect a purpose to operate an effective school system of communication and control. Every individual should share the rights, duties, obligations, and responsibilities in classroom learning. These precepts call for a public school climate free from discrimination, morally wholesome, and healthful with proper orientation.

When regulations are broken, the school is interested in more than simple discipline. The primary goal of this document is to outline positive, constructive student behavior. Preventive and remedial help is sought for students with behavior problems. However, when appropriate, the schools may discipline, suspend, or expel students who are interfering with the education of other students or with the operation of the school generally.

These regulations apply when a student is under school jurisdiction, which means when a student is in a school building, on school grounds, at schoolsponsored activities, and in schoolprovided transportation as well as personal transportation (walking, biking, etc.).

Student discipline, suspension, expulsion, and penalties for threats and injuries to students and faculty for property damage are supported by Oregon Revised Statutes.

"Fairness" or "reasonableness" required by the due process provision of the Constitution is the essence of the conscience for the schools. "Fairness" is also a major purpose of these guidelines.

Learning and chaos are not complimentary partners. Learning takes place best under an atmosphere of open communication, selfdiscipline, and clearly understood control. The expectations in this area must be clearly outlined. This code is intended to be a guideline for orderly conduct rather than a detailed account of all rules and regulations of the District.



An effective assertive discipline program is a balance between negative consequences and positive reinforcements. The key to effective discipline is positive support of the students' appropriate behavior. Negative consequences stop inappropriate behavior, but only positive consequences will change behavior. Remember that the attitude you present when you enter the classroom will often set the climate for that period. Refer to the "Assertive Discipline Resource Materials Workbook" for suggestions in developing positive reinforcement plans for the classroom.

A. Assertive Discipline RulesTeachers are given a standard set of rules as well as the opportunity to add a rule of their own. They are as follows:

1. Follow instructions the FIRST time.

2. Be in your seat and be prepared with proper materials when the bell rings.

Remain seated until you are excused.

3. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.

4. No putdowns, swearing, teasing or using obscene gestures.

5. Do not talk without permission.

If a student’s behavior reaches the point where they need to be removed from the room for the balance of the period, there are three options at the teacher's disposal: 1.) Place the student outside the door of the room. 2.) Have an exchange arrangement with another teacher to place the student temporarily in another classroom through the end of the period, or 3.) Send the student to the main office for disposition for the balance of the period. The office will be informed via intercom if a student is in transit to the office. A classroom referral should follow in most circumstances.

B. Noon Detentions--Teachers have the authority to assign noon detentions if continued inappropriate behavior warrants such a consequence. If behavior is chronic and severe, and the assigned noon detentions do not lead to a decrease of inappropriate behaviors, the student will be referred to the Administration.

C. Referrals--For behaviors warranting a more severe consequence than noon detention, a teacher will complete a referral form, which will be submitted to the Administration. Examples of major violations may include, but are not limited to, willful disobedience, disruption of school, cheating, fighting, etc.

Consequences for such violations include: community service, in-school suspension or out of school suspension. For even more severe violations such as the possession of weapons, drugs, alcohol, etc., the consequence could be a long-term suspension or expulsion from NorthBendMiddle School.

D. Behavior Support Team--In addition to any of the above actions, a teacher, parent, or the administration may refer a student to the behavior support team in order to explore options for students who present chronic problem behaviors. The Behavior Support Team may include such members as teachers, administrators, special educators, counselors and parents.

Penalties for referrals are based on each 12week period.


A. Condition Description

1. It is important to the orderly use of school facilities that the use of all space be


2. Students, faculty, and administrators are all responsible for the activities that are

conducted in school.

B. Guideline:

1. Students shall be permitted to hold meetings on school property under the following conditions:

a. The meeting shall be scheduled in advance whenever possible.

b. The meeting shall incite no hazard to person or property.

c. Every attempt shall be made to present a balance of viewpoints.

d. A teacher, class advisor, or other designated person shall be responsible and present for the meeting.

e. Normal class activities must not be disrupted.

f. No speaker who openly and knowingly advocates breaking the law or encourages

immoral acts shall be invited to speak. An administrator of the school shall approve invitations for speakers.

g. If a crowd is anticipated, a crowd control plan shall be submitted for approval.

h. Meetings or informal gatherings that do not meet these conditions may be cancelled or stopped in progress at the discretion of the staff.

i. Administrative procedures for discipline may be initiated for any student whose

actions violate the rules.


(A)Suspected Possession of Drugs or Look-A-Like Drugs

1)The staff member will inform the principal/designee of suspicion.

2)If there is reasonable cause to believe the student has in his/her possession items that are prohibited on school grounds/school events, the principal/designee, with a witness may:

a)Request that the student empties his/her pockets or purse and volunteers all drug-like substances. If the student refuses, police will be contacted.

b)Search the student an/or their locker, desk and other personal property.

c)Question other students if deemed necessary.

(B)Possession of Drugs/Alcohol or Look-A-Like

1)The staff member will report the student to the principal/designee.

2)The principal/designee will:

a)Detain the student in an appropriate, supervised area. The student will not be left unattended at any time. The student will be observed and records kept of behavior that indicate the student may be under the influence.

b)Ask the student to relinquish any substance or related paraphernalia in his/her possession if there is related cause to believe that the student has in his/her possession items that are prohibited on school grounds/school events. If student refuses, the police will be contacted.

c)Search the student desk and/or personal property with the police or other staff, if possible, as s witness.

d)Contact parents and law enforcement agency or agencies.

e)Take the following disciplinary action (excluding tobacco):

1.Each Offense—suspension from school for up to ten days and an expulsion hearing will be held. If the student is expelled, they must have an assessment done before returning to school. The police will be contacted.

2.Special Cases—in cases where the student is endangering him/herself and/or others, the principal/designee will choose appropriate action such as call the police, ambulance, mental health, or other health service.

(C) Suspicion of Distributing Drugs or Look-A-Like Drugs

1)The staff member will refer suspected student to the principal/designee.

2)The principal/designees will conduct a preliminary investigation.

3)The principal/designee will inform the parents concerning the nature of the investigation.

4)The student may be referred to a counselor.

D) Evidence of Selling/Distributing Drugs or Look-A-Like Drugs

1)The principal/designee will contact the appropriate police agency, parents and counselor.

2)The student will be suspended for up to ten calendar days pending an expulsion hearing.

3)Parent(s) and student must meet with school officials and the student must complete a recognized drug and/or alcohol assessment before returning at student/parent expense. If deemed necessary, student must complete all recommendations.

E) Distribution/Possession of Drug Paraphernalia

1)Definition of paraphernalia will include, but is not limited to: pipes, rolling papers, roach clips, bongs, syringes, needles, etc.

2)If there is reasonable suspicion that a student has in his/her possession items that are prohibited on school grounds/school events, the interview will be investigated by an administrator. If items are found in student’s possession, the student may be suspended for up to ten days pending an expulsion hearing.

F) Possession of Printed Matter advocating Use of the Sale of Drugs or Paraphernalia

Clothing, hats, or any other printed matter that promotes the use of drugs/alcohol by means of symbols of advertisement are prohibited.

1)The student will be referred to principal/designee.

2)The material will be confiscated and returned to parent.

G) Consumption/Under the Influence of Drugs/Alcohol

The above will result in a 5 day out of school suspension.

H) Tobacco

1)Any tobacco discovered at school will be confiscated. A Minor in Possession (MIP) referral will be written and parents notified. Possession or use may lead to suspension or expulsion.


A. No student shall be allowed to practice or participate in a sports activity on a day upon which they were absent from school, unless the absence was excused by the Principal of the school.

B. The by-laws of the Far West Junior High Athletic League, along with the policies of School District #13, shall govern all eligibility requirements for sports participation in NorthBendMiddle School.

C. Athletes who will reach 16 years of age before June 1 of their ensuing eighth grade year will be ineligible for the entire year. Athletes who will reach 15 years of age before June 1 of their ensuing seventh grade year will be ineligible for the entire year.

Grade Point Average (GPA) Requirement for NorthBendMiddle School 5410.2

  1. A 2.0 G.P.A. for the previous twelve weeks will be required for any student to begin

participating in an athletic activity. (Exception: All incoming seventh graders would

be eligible for the first twelve-week term.)

  1. This section establishes a probationary period for transfer students who fail to

meet the district’s 2.00 G.P.A. requirements. A student transferring to North Bend Middle School from another district with a G.P.A. less than 2.0 but meeting OSAA standards will be allowed to participate in school activities for the balance of the twelve week grading period, and for another twelve weeks if his/her G.P.A. is 2.0 or above. If the transfer is made with five or fewer weeks remaining in that grading period, the student will be allowed to participate until the end of the subsequent twelveweek period even if his/her G.P.A. is below 2.0.


1. Most Middle School sport seasons occur during the first half of the year. A G.P.A. of less than 2.0 in the spring has the effect of keeping students out of athletics until December of the following year. A twelveweek eligibility period allows the student to set goals, which are more visible and seem more reasonable.

2. Special Education students probably cannot be excluded legally on the basis of G.P.A., nor would we want to exclude them.

D. Every coach of each and every team is responsible for ascertaining through the Principal's office each student's eligibility before the first practice.

  1. All incoming NBMS students and students new to School District 13 must have a physical examination by a certified M.D., an A.I.H. (Annual Interval History) form must be on file in the Athletic Director's office before being allowed to participate in an athletic practice.

F. All students must be covered by insurance before being allowed to practice or compete.


NorthBendMiddle School

Detention & Tardy Policy For Student/Athletes

All students that are participating in extracurricular activities at NBMS are expected to adhere to all school rules. Fore each sport that the student/athlete participates in, the coach will expect them to be responsible and set an example for other NBMS students. If a student/athlete chooses to break a school rule and/or be tardy to class, they will be penalized as follows:

Student Signature: ______Grade: 7th 8th

Parent Signature:______Date: ______


The use of tobacco and/or use or possession of alcohol or illegal drugs shall not be tolerated, and any student participating in an extracurricular activity who is determined to be in violation of this policy shall be subject to suspension from his or her extracurricular activity for the time periods specified herein.


1. Within 10 days after any administrator, teacher, coach, or supervisor of any extracurricular activity hears of an alleged violation of this policy, the athletic director shall be informed of the alleged violation and, within this 10-day period, shall contact the student who has alleged to have violated the policy. If the student admits the violation of this policy, the appropriate suspension shall take effect beginning the day following admission of the violation.

2. In the event a student is suspended from participation in extracurricular activities, notification in writing, of such suspension shall be given to the student's parent or guardian. A copy of the findings of the athletic director, including the suspension, the reasons for suspension, the conditions for reinstatement and appeal procedures shall also be given to the parent or guardian.

3. Any student subject to suspension for violation of the extracurricular activity policy concerning the use of tobacco and/or use or possession of alcohol or illegal drugs may waive, in writing, his/her right to an informal meeting with the athletic director. A written waiver should be completed and filed with the athletic director after the initial discussion with the effected student of the alleged violation.

4. If, after the initial contact with the athletic director, the student denies violating the policy, the athletic director shall notify the student in writing of:

a. The alleged violation of the policy and the basis for believing a violation has occurred;

b. The penalty to be imposed, if the athletic director concludes that the alleged violation

has, in fact, occurred.

c. The right of the student to request an informal meeting with the athletic director to

present his/her explanation and any evidence available to the student which would support a finding that the policy had not been violated. After receiving the request from the student for such a meeting, the athletic director shall schedule an informal

meeting with the student within five school days. No suspension from any extracurricular activity shall take place pending this informal meeting with the athletic director and his/her issuing his/her recommendations and findings.

5. At the informal meeting with the athletic director, the student shall have the opportunity to offer an explanation of the alleged violation and any additional evidence in support of the student's position. After the informal meeting, the athletic director shall issue a written decision, which shall include:

a. Notification to the student as to whether or not he/she was found in violation of this policy.

b. A brief explanation of the basis for the athletic director's decision;

c. Notice to the student that if he/she is found in violation of the policy he/she has the

right to appeal the athletic director’s decision to the superintendent of North Bend

School District #13.

d. Notice of his/her intent to appeal must be given within five days of the athletic

director's decision and his/her notice of appeal must be submitted in writing to the

school district superintendent at the superintendent's office.

6. Any hearing held as a result of an appeal by a student suspended from participation in extracurricular activities by the athletic director shall be conducted in executive session of the district school board or privately by a hearings officer designated to hear the case by the school board unless the student or the student's parent or guardian requests a public hearing. In any hearing requested by a student as a result of an appeal from the athletic director's decision to suspend a student from participating in extracurricular activities, the student may be represented by counsel or other persons. In addition, the student shall be permitted to introduce evidence by testimony, writings or other exhibits and shall be permitted to be present and hear the evidence presented by the school district.

7. In any such hearing, strict rules of evidence shall not apply to the proceedings. This provision shall not limit the hearing officer's control of the hearing.

8. The hearing officer or the student may make a record of the hearing if either party so requests.

9. Any student found to be in violation of this policy prohibiting the use of tobacco and/or use or possession of alcohol or illegal drugs shall receive a suspension of four consecutive calendar weeks of competition for a first violation. This suspension will carry over from one sport season where the student is an athlete and a member of any NorthBend Jr.High School athletic team. Such a suspension is not applicable from one school year to the next. In cases of an athletic suspension, the athlete must comply with the rules and regulations of the school, team, and the O.S.A.A. The athlete will remain a member of the team, practice and adhere to all other team procedures but will not dress down, sit with team, travel to/from or compete in any interscholastic contests until the suspension is completed.