Clemson Computing and Information Technology

Top 10 Priorities 2007-2008

Report Card

Objectives -
Qualitative Progress / Quantitative Metrics / Fall 2007 Assessment Results / CCIT Goals Progress / Top 20 Progress /
1.  Provide Customer-Driven Support
1.  Provide timely, seamless customer service
·  Listened to customers about policies and needed changes in various areas making our service more user-friendly and in tune with the new consultative IT support model.
·  Consolidated many IT services at the CCIT Customer Support Center.
·  Developed a single-point-of-contact (SPOC) for our customers cultivating an open environment for customer interaction.
2.  Service Quality
·  Launching a “dashboard” that will provide us online access to information on project and service status.
·  Introduced change management and project/service management to better inform our customers, manage our major projects and streamline our services.
·  Building a new IT home base building in the Center of Centers on campus.
3.  Value added Service
·  Implementation of Phase I of incident tracking for enterprise tracking system..
·  Consolidation of software licensing and streamline processes for access and deployment..
·  Develop an IT Resources Survey to capture the various college and administrative units IT needs and setting up support zones.
Carla Rathbone is responsible for these objectives and criteria and measures of success for Customer driven support areas. / 1a. Overall Customer Satisfaction Survey (CSS) feedback rating of 4.5 or above on a 5 point scale for specific item(s) or total.
1b. Systems availability percentage of 99.9 or above.
1c. Number of customer tickets resolved on initial contact by priority level.
1d. Percent of Service Level Agreement (SLA) breaches of contract.
21e. Percentage increase in incidents resolved by first line operatives on first response.
1f. Percentage increase of incidents resolved within target times by priority.
1g. Launch a dashboard providing online access to project and service status. /

Online service dashboard for CCIT projects and service status information was started early in October 2007. /


2. Develop an IT architecture that will support Clemson’s diverse communities
·  Continue major upgrade of commodity network architecture including electronics, redundancy, and associated security.
·  Continue storage area network and server environment reengineering to provide reliable mission critical service.
·  Implemented multiple computational research resources options. / 2a. Positive improvement in the (CSS) Customer Satisfaction Survey feedback rating of 4.5 or above on a 5point scale for specific item(s) or total.
2b. All connectivity components for the network to systems (hosts) and servers percentage of up time at 99.9.
2c. 40 percent or more of the funding for High Performance Computing paid through sponsored research.
2d. Upgrade commodity network architecture from 230 to 1,000 Mbps.
2e. Upgrade storage network & server environment from 176 to 446 TB.
2f. Implement multiple computational research resource totaling 30 TF.
2d. Rated in Top 10 percent of peer group rating for High Performance Computing facility.
2e. Flexible enough to provide HPC service with redundant scalable storage that will handle all user demands.
Jim Pepin is responsible for these objectives and criteria and measures for success. /



3. Update and standardize Clemson’s infrastructure
·  Continue to expand comprehensive resources for High Performance Computing (HPC) systems in partnership with Clemson faculty that will keep Clemson in the Top 100 (HPC) computing sites in the world.
·  Continue increasing the number of service level agreements through partnership with the distributed IT community.
·  Continue major upgrade of computer network utilizing state-of-the-art electronics for floor, building, core switching and routing platforms to both data centers (ITC and Poole) and building a world-class Network Operations Center (NOC) for monitoring the network at the ITC in the research park.
·  Implementation of an $8 million upgrade to a network that was seriously out of date and beginning to falter.
·  Implementation of an upgrade to the transmission throughput for the statewide network of 46 counties extension offices.
·  Ensure Internet2 connection to Charlotte, NC for redundancy purposes in situation where the Atlanta, GA. connection is lost.
·  Completion of the upgrade to the power and cooling improving availability and uptime for normal services and during a power outage by upgrading and installing adequate power infrastructure, including automated redundant backup UPS system.
·  Implement a redundancy connection between both data centers (ITC and Poole) for mission critical systems.
Boyd Wilson and Timothy Kelley are responsible for these objectives and criteria and measures of success. / 3a. Percent increase in the number of diversity in High Performance Computing (HPC) users.
3b. Increase the amount of HPC capacity available to HPC user community to 30 TB.
3c. Number of incidents resolved without user knowledge based on centralized monitoring control software at NOC.
3d. Increase storage capacity to 500 TB providing ample storage for all the Clemson community
3e. 56 buildings or 41 percent of rewiring updates to buildings completed to improve stability and bandwidth of the infrastructure.
3f. Establish an NOC at ITC with software that will proactively monitor all services and assist in proactively diagnosing problems and disruptions before impacting our customers therefore reducing the number of incidents reported by half.
3g. 33% of the 46 county extension offices have been upgraded to 1 Gigabit connections based on a phased schedule.
3h. 95% of the upgrades to servers, CPU’s, and storage have been completed and on schedule.
3i. 100% of the tasks are completed for the Internt2 redundancy connection from Charlotte, NC.
3j. 90% of the upgrade to the power and cooling has been completed to improve the availability and uptime for normal services and on schedule.
3k. 100% of the tasks are completed for the ITC redundancy connection to Poole for mission critical business systems. /

NOC has been completed and currently monitoring all activity proactively.

Connection Completed to Atlanta, GA. and working on redundancy connection to Charlotte, NC.

Mission critical business systems have been connected for redundancy purposes between ITC and Poole. /


4. Implement Top 20 cyber infrastructure program
·  Increase the number of users of the Condor High Throughput Computing Software, a distributed system that enables scientists to easily perform large-scale computations by harnessing the power of any available computer.
·  Increase awareness of CITI (Cyber Infrastructure Technology Integration) organization and capabilities for sponsored partnerships.
·  Increase ability to accomplish innovative projects and lead/co-lead research proposals.
Jill Gemmill is responsible for these objectives and criteria and measures of success. / 4a. Positive improvement in the (CSS) Customer Satisfaction Survey feedback rating of 4.5 or above on a 5 point scale on specific item(s) or total.
4b. Increase from 2 to 20 the number of scientific research projects that use CCIT comprehensive (HPC) resources and externally funded research to $150 million by end of academic year.
4c. Increase the number of High Throughput Computing users from 20 users on 1700 + nodes to 45 users.
4d. Increase to at least one collaborative application through Prototype VO-Middleware. /



5. Prioritize enterprise applications, develop roadmaps for full deployment and support of all critical applications and an authoritative data warehouse
·  Facilitated the creation of a university Data Stewards group that will guide the creation of a Clemson data architecture and ultimately a single authoritative source of data/information upon which the university can make decisions.
·  Extent to which critical business systems are available for customers.
Deborah Whitten is responsible for these objectives and criteria and measures of success for Application Development area. / 5a. Positive improvement in the (CSS) Customer Satisfaction Survey feedback rating of 4.5 or above on a 5 point scale for specific item(s) or total.
5b. Number of consultation for applications development tasks opportunities with the University Community.
5c. Reduction of the incident backlog.
5d. Percent of application development activity completed on schedule.
5e. Critical business systems availability percentage of 99.9 or above.
5f. Increase the number of service level agreements with Clemson University community from 1 to 33. /



6. Develop an information assurance and security program with an emphasis on individual enablement and defense in depth
·  Created Clemson’s first dedicated information security environment focusing on both the technical and policy aspects of protecting the university’s and our customer’s sensitive information.
·  Implemented a security awareness program that engages the campus.
·  Design and implement a security architecture that fits our environment by providing the most robust security for our users while maintaining openness for our research needs.
·  Create an ongoing security awareness campaign for users that aligns with our policies and keeps security in the forefront of our campus community.
·  Continue the classification, accessibility, and retention of all identified data units and apply appropriate security measures for systems housing data defined as sensitive by the Data Stewards while inventorying PII data and encryption software kept on desktops and laptops.
·  Implement appropriate network monitoring and event correlation solutions to augment our security posture on campus by installing MARS hardware and software and Tenable Security Client.
·  Establish appropriate incident response procedures and have an emergency response team defined for handling the responses of sensitive data exposure. / 6a. Number of reported breaches to confidential access of data.
6b. Audit user access based on position for appropriate access rights to specific or all systems data.
6c. Average number of unique participants in security engagement activities (topics such as ethics by Doctrow, identity theft & other security issues by FBI & CIA Reps.).
6d. Percent increase of data steward areas that have reviewed security access practices and implemented appropriate security measures.
6e. Invite at least two highly noted speakers this year to address various security issues on campus for faculty, staff, and students to keep abreast on security.
6f. Hired a consultant to design and implement a security architecture that fits our environment.
6g. Create a security alert page on CCIT website to keep all users informed and aware of all threats to security.
6h. Implement (MARS) security network intrusion detection monitoring tools.
6i. Established incident response procedures with emergency response team assigned.
Phil Lyles is responsible for these objectives and criteria and measures of success in the Information Security and Privacy area. /

The consultant will start early in March to design and implement the security architecture.
Established a security alert link on the CCIT website with various alert indicators to keep the Campus abreast on current & past threats.
Implemented (MARS) security network intrusion detection monitoring tools.
Emergency response team in place to handle all security incidents that occur. /


7. Develop corporate approach to business operations and finance for organization and establish a strategic plan framework and associated assessment program
·  Develop unit level work plans that are funded, staffed and in tune with CCIT’s and Clemson’s strategic directions.
·  Establish a reliable IT business models that are scalable in order to provide IT and network services to a varied customer base.
·  Launch an online service catalog tied to our business model.
·  Continue centralizing business services operations including Human resources, Payroll, procurement, travel planning & reimbursement, & account receivable and payable.
·  Create a travel office to more effectively plan and track travel requests and reimbursements services.
·  Enhance the services provided by the contract and licensing office across the division.
Kaye Lawson is responsible for these objectives and criteria and measures of success for Business Service. / 7a. Increase quality of service provided internally to CCIT units by CCIT Business Services operation.
7b. Increase response time of service provided internally to CCIT units by CCIT Business Services operation.
7c. Increase the number of consolidations of software site license management for CCIT and Clemson University.
7d. Number of researcher hours saved by centrally administered research proposals.
7e. Increase in the percentage of internal financial reports produced and delivered on schedule.
7f. Increase the number of unique users of CCIT’s online catalog service
7g. Number of non CCIT faculty and staff engaged in recurring planning purposes.
7h. Over 90% of the process in centralizing business services operations including Human resources, Payroll, procurement, travel, account receivable and payable should be completed by June 2008.
7i. Launch an online service catalog tied to our business model.
7j. Create a travel office to more effectively plan and track travel requests and reimbursements services /

Online CCIT service catalog tied to our business model was activated in mid November 2007.
First CCIT travel office created in early December 2007. /


8. Operationalize a comprehensive engagement and communication strategy
·  Implement a total redesign of the Clemson and CCIT websites for improvement in website management and presentation of information.
·  Establish research partnership/alliances outside of South Carolina.
·  Initial release in November of a weekly email called “CCIT Connections” to keep customers better connected and informed on CCIT progress and issues.
·  Leading South Carolina’s first research presence at SC07 which is the premier International conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and analysis.
Tim Bowen is responsible for these objectives and criteria and measures of success. / 8a. Number of national/international news articles, journals, etc. that mention CCIT.
8b. Increase in the number of average daily unique hits annually to CCIT web site.
8c. Number of new research partnerships contributed to SC07 and other engagement activities.
8d. Number of corporate value added partnerships.
8e. Number by source for improvement in web site management for internal & external communication, marketing, & publications of Clemson’s accomplishments & ongoing activities.
8d. Provide presence at the SC07 conference (11-10-07 to 11-16-07) in Reno, NV with a booth and presentation from key faculty and CCIT staff.
8e. Started redesign of CCIT website for more effective presentation. /

Successful first appearance, visibility and presentations at the conference with more than 1500 booth visits by attendees.
Presently in phase II with projected completion Fall 2008. /


9. Implement an organizational effectiveness program to develop talent and insure retention
·  Enhanced focus on CCIT employee professional goals through targeted career and leadership development programs
·  Establish and deploy an effective onboard process to ensure that new employees positively begin their Clemson experience
·  Direct the creation of an intranet framework that enhances the dissemination of information to CCIT employees
·  Continue to plan and organize new networking opportunities throughout the CCIT division
·  Create an improved, integrated evaluation medium that more efficiently and effectively provides quality feedback communication between CCIT employees and their supervisors
Kaye Lawson is responsible for these objectives and criteria and measures of success. / 9a. Improve the retention (Fall to Fall) rate to 90.0 for CCIT staff and look at assigned categories reasons for termination.
9b. Number of CCIT employees that receive recognition for excellent service in an annual CCIT sponsored recognition program event.
9c. Percent of staff who have yearly SMART goals.
9d. Percent of staff who have a professional development plan. /



10. Impact on Learning through Technology
·  Provide the necessary tools, systems and resources to enable successful use of IT that enhances and expands capacity for learning beyond the physical walls/barriers of the classroom.
·  Improve the stability of the Course Management System and expanded support services by replacing hardware, upgrading software, and adding system redundancy and support personnel (to expand support hours).
·  Updating old classroom technologies will result in a decrease of incidents call to those rooms and prepare the rooms for future advanced technologies.
·  Expansion of technical support will increase response time on incident calls.
Carla Rathbone is responsible for these objectives and criteria and measures of success for the Learning Technology area. / 10a. Positive improvement in the (CSS) Customer Satisfaction Survey feedback rating of 4.0 or above on a 5 point scale for specific item(s) or total.
10b. Monitoring the Course Management System to ensure that no more than 6 unscheduled down time occur that is not handled by failover.
10c. Increase technology-equipped classrooms from 44% to 75% teaching spaces.
10d. Reduce the number of incident calls from those classrooms that are more effectively supported.
10e. Complete the cutting-edge technology sandbox classroom in B-03 Holtzedorff Hall in partnership with HP (Hewlett-Packard) grant with PI’s (Marilyn Reba, Barbara Weaver, Roy Pargas, Lisa Benson). /

Completed early Fall 2007 that can handle 90 students at 10 round tables equipped with power, Internet and video connections. Spring 2008 – Faculty teaching 12 courses with approximately 860 students enrolled. /
