Name and academic title of the first author
Postal Address
Phone: Fax:
E-mail address:
Name and academic title of the second author
Postal Address
Phone: Fax:
E-mail address:
Abstracts should contain a clear indication of the purpose of the research, the approach used, the major results and the implications to be described in the full paper.
Key words: Keyword 1, Keyword 2, Keyword 3, Keyword 4, Keyword 5
- The first-level heading
1.1.The sub-heading
1.1.1. Other sub-heading
The text is to be typed in Times New Roman, font size 12pt, regular style, alignment justified, single spaced, with one-line space between paragraphs.
Tables and graphs are to be inserted in their proper location in the text.
- Another first-level heading
2.1.Another sub-heading
The references of cited works should be quoted in the text itself (in brackets). They should contain the author's name, the year when published, and the page, e.g. (Sharma, 2010, 129).
References should be written in alphabetical order, font size 12pt, regular style, justified, single spaced, with one-line space between paragraphs.
Bibliography should contain all the used sources in alphabetical order by authors' last names and in chronological order for papers of the same authors. If the sources of the same author with the same publishing year are used, then they should be distinguished by abbreviations (a, b, c...) in brackets following the publishing year.
<Here is the reference for a Book>
Sharma, S. (2010): Reflection on the Philosophical Foundations of Economics, Mikrorad, Zagreb
<Here is the reference for an Edited Book:>
Thomas, R. (2010): Destination Management Organisations in Ireland,in Wing, P. and Cappello, M., ed.: Tourism and Competitiveness, Regent Publications, Bristol, pp. 106-125
<Here is the reference for a Book of Proceedings:>
Pöschl, J. (2007): Re-starting the Engines of Growth in Transition, in: Fourth International Conference: Global Challenges for Competitiveness: Business and Government Perspective, Proceedings, Juraj Dobrila University of Pula, Department of Economics and Tourism “Dr. Mijo Mirković”, October 9-11, 2007, pp. 133-151
<Here is the reference for a Journal Article:>
Mele, M. (2010): A Time Series Approach on the Chinese Exchange Rate Regime, Economic Research, Vol. 23, No. 3, pp. 1-11.
<Here is the reference for an Internet Resource:>
Begley, P. et al. (2007): The Responsible Competitiveness Index, in: AccountAbility (2007): The State of Responsible Competitiveness 2007, pp. 34, (accessed 20 September 2010)