CCEA GCSE Geography

Controlled Assessment


This piece of fieldwork/ coursework is worth 25% of your final grade. A good coursework can improve your result by over a grade.

Let’s makes sure its good!


Class: ______Teacher: ______

An investigation of river erosion along a chosen stretch of river

  1. Why do you think a river study is a good idea?

Through the study of this topic we will take a look at erosion in the Glenarm river and see how it changes from the source to the mouth.

  1. From these objectives there are 3 hypotheses that I can identify

Hyp 1: ______



Hyp 2: ______



Hyp 3: ______



Methods of Data Collection

For each of the sections below please complete the information using diagrams to help you.

1: How can you measure width?
2: How can you measure depth?
3: How can you measure velocity/ speed?
4: How can you measure the pebble size and shape (roundness)?
5: Are there any other things that you think you should measure along the river?
6: How many places do you think we need to take measurements from along the river?
7: How would you choose these places?
8: What would be your sequence of investigation?
9: What aspects of health and safety should we consider before going into the field in a rivers environment (Consider before we leave school & actual & potential risks on the day)?
10: What measures can be taken to minimise each of these risks?
11: How could you record the results we collect? You must draw up and attach any tables that you think you will need.

Stage 1: Planning 10 marks

Candidates should be assessed on their ability to plan some aspects of work to be carried out in the field. This will involve:

  • Identifying the information required to test the hypotheses and to explain the outcomes and/ or results;
  • Suggesting methods of data collection, for example, instruments required or questionnaire design; and
  • Considering health and safety issues

Band 1 (1 – 3 marks)
The teacher has helped the candidate to identify a hypothesis and some suitable methods and/ or techniques for collecting the required data. The candidate completes some basic practical preparations. They give limited consideration to health and safety issues.
Band 2 (4 – 6 marks)
The candidate outlines a hypothesis for investigation and identifies relevant data to collect. The candidate selects the methods and/or techniques of collection satisfactorily. The candidate completes necessary practical preparations in an appropriate manner. They give reasonable consideration to health and safety issues.
Band 3 (7 – 10 marks)
The candidate demonstrates that they can competently define a hypothesis for the investigation and identifies relevant data to collect. The candidate demonstrates initiative and appropriateness of selection in the methods and/or techniques and other related details suggested for data collection. They give detailed consideration to health and safety issues.

Geography Controlled Assessment Stage 1: Planning Page 1