CC4C Orientation Training Plan

Scavenger Hunt 1

The purpose of this scavenger hunt is to gain information about your local community related to the first four trainings in Phase One – Care Management Basics:

  1. CCNC Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow
  2. Medicaid and CC4C Enrollment and
  3. CC4C Partnerships for Success

The scavenger hunt is to be completed after first viewing these four webinars.

In answering the Scavenger Hunt questions, the participant should always first consult with the agency supervisor. If the agency supervisor is not able to assist the participant in answering the question, then the supervisor should reach out to the CC4C network lead or the regional child health nurse consultant. For more information, please see the instructions for the each individual question or section below:

  1. What is the name of your local community care network? The answer to this question can be found on the CCNC website at
  1. How many counties are in the network serving your county? The answer to this question can be found on the CCNC website at
  1. What is the name of the CC4C network lead for your network? The answer to this question can be found on the map provided as a handout for the CC4C Partnerships for Success training.
  1. What is the name of the child health nurse consultant serving your county? The answer to this question can be found on the map provided as a handout for the CC4C Partnerships for Success training.

For questions 5-9, the participant should first consult with your agency supervisor, and if the supervisor does not have the needed information, the supervisor should contact the CC4C network lead to obtain the answer.

  1. Who are the network primary care managers that work with patients in your county?
  1. How many children ages 0-5 are enrolled in Medicaid in your county?
  1. How many CCNC-enrolled (CAII-providers) in your county serve children ages 0-5 years?
  1. Which providers/practices serve the most Medicaid children in your county?
  1. Do you know the amount of the most recent PMPM payment received by your agency? Please indicate the amount.
  1. Do you know the amount of the Agreement Addenda allocation offered to your agency by DPH to serve non-Medicaid children? Please indicate the amount. The participant should first consult with their agency supervisor, and if the supervisor does not have the needed information, the supervisor should contact the DPH regional child health nurse consultant to obtain the answer.
  1. Have you located the Pediatric Care Team Roles spreadsheet in the CC4C Toolkit posted in the Informatics Center using the following path: Home > CC4C Tool Kit File Share > CC4C Toolkit Jan 2015 > Section 08 - Care Team Partners > Pediatric Care Team Roles from 011414 QI Network WG? If so, please share in the comment box below any knowledge gained from this spreadsheet.

Yes ______No ______Comment:

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